(100 Percent Fed Up) A guest post by Rebecca Behrends, M.D., Vice President of Research Michigan Citizens for Election Integrity (MC4EI)
by Staff Writer, April 29th, 2022
POLITICO recently revealed the existence of a group called, This left-wing progressive group will be pouring $80 million in dark money into an effort at electing 5000 officials who have direct oversight of elections at the local levels in all 50 states. They are encouraging Democrats to run for down-ballot races in order to “build sustainable power for Democrats in all 50 states”.
They aim to recruit candidates for everything from probate judges to county clerks and county election board members between now and 2024. The plan includes providing funding and staffing resources for these supervisory officials.
Democrats have consistently failed in their efforts at imposing a radical federal takeover of elections. They have been irate at their inability to stop red states from passing election security laws. Also, they are greatly concerned about a coming republican wave of attempts to “subvert elections” which is hypocritically comical given the fraud and illegality witnessed on the part of Democrats in the 2020 election which was not lost on millions of Americans.
Run for Something has also been referred to as “clerk work”. According to its co-founders, Amanda Litman and Ross Morales Rocketto,
“Election subversion in 2024 is not going to be a mob storming the Capitol, it’s going to be a county clerk in Michigan or a supervisor of elections in Florida who decides to f[**]k the whole thing up,” Litman said. “The only way to make long-term democracy protection is by electing people who will defend democracy.”
Leftist progressive groups have long had their eyes on local elections. This has been especially seen with George Soros-funded groups getting left-wing district attorneys elected. The disastrous results of this were noted in the aftermath of the BLM/Antifa riots across America in the summer of 2020 with no accountability for the enormous number of crimes committed. It is well known that George Soros funnels cash through a complex web of federal and state political action committees in addition to non-profit organizations all over the nation.
According to Tom Anderson, director of the Government Integrity Project at the National Legal and Policy Center in Virginia:
“George Soros has quietly orchestrated the dark money political equivalent of ‘shock and awe,’ on local attorney races through the country, shattering records, flipping races and essentially making a mockery of our entire campaign finance system.”
Senator Tom Cotton refers to these local district attorneys as “legal arsonists”: “Everywhere Soros-backed prosecutors go, crime follows. These legal arsonists have abandoned their duty to public safety by pursuing leniency even for the most heinous crime, and they often flat-out refuse to charge criminals for shoplifting, vagrancy, and entire categories of misdemeanors.”
Whether it is election officials or district attorneys, leftist Democrats are leaving no stone unturned. They want to build a power base from the bottom up. Since it has long been said that “all politics is local”, they want to get control of local matters and issues.
Leftist journalists are also invading local communities and towns all over the nation as noted in a report by Rebecca Behrends of Michigan Citizens for Election Integrity-MC4EI – which is entitled,“Leftist Journalism is Coming to a Town Near You!” The influence of these journalists will be critical to producing the media splash needed to get Democrats elected locally.
Outsourcing control of our local communities is not a good idea. Michigan is unique in that it is the largest of eight states in which elections are administered at a local level with 83 county clerks, 280 city clerks, and 1,240 township clerks. It has one of the most decentralized elections systems in the nation. MC4EI would like to see it stay this way. Centralizing processes makes it easier for bad actors to engage in illegal behavior. In the wake of Covid-19, many townships and cities were encouraged to send their absentee ballots for tabulation to a central location. After many republicans witnessed the disaster that occurred at the TCF center in Detroit where centralization of absentee ballot counting occurred, they are leery of such “encouragement”. MC4EI will be spearheading an effort among republican clerks in townships and cities to take back control of the counting of absentee ballots as they had been doing prior to covid.
It is time for citizens to maintain vigilance over the politics in their local communities. The leftist “head of the camel” has long ago insinuated itself into every corner of America’s culture and political processes. Covid and the 2020 election was a huge wake-up call for conservative-based Americans.
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