This is a video post. See the video below.
Praying Medic & The Calm Before The Storm on Saturday Night Livestream
Related Coronavirus is Gone – The Narrative Has Failed
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The preceding information is an update from one of the many alternative media persons driven to help humanity by providing important information. Updates of this sort, as cursory as they are, help individuals feel connected to the greater works taking place at this time as well as providing a personal glimpse into the mind of a content creator. It also serves to humanize such individuals and reveal to the public that alternative media is largely populated by people that work long hours providing information usually for free or for little financial compensation.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Greg Dampier says
I notice that although I often comment on your articles and make very logical and strong cases, It is often censored (Methods of the dark) or at the very least ignored. That as talented and experienced and trained as I AM, (a self realized sentient artist and ex police officer and light worker) that I am outside of all these efforts. How could THAT be I ask myself as I discern the terrain of these very tumultuous times. “How could that be?”
That I am open to assist with projects but are never called on or included even as I have requested time and time again to be contacted and the hundreds of Truth-a-ganda art I have created with no support or resources. That those efforts are severely shadow banned and censored? That is a huge red flag for me. If these “Q” Trump operations were legit, I would be right in the middle of it, as I know who I AM. Not outside.
So As I have said in other comments which you have censored or ignored. I dare you to post this as an article. I double dog dare you to post this. Just contact me and I will get a properly formatted and spell checked version of the article to you. Or will you ignore such wisdom at this time again.
Think again “Q” sycophants. Justice will NOT be a clandestine military operation, it will come out in the open by sworn law enforcement as they enforce every day laws on the books, Every Day! There are over 700,000 police personnel who already have the infrastructure in place, they know the neighborhoods, the community leaders they know the terrain. Are you really suggesting That the military, a blunt object could do it better with bombs and jets and tanks and land mines and snipers and drones? really?
I used to arrest out of shape suits by walking up to where I know they are and throwing the cuffs on their punk asses, put them in car and booking them into the jail prior to a trial by their peers and there was a very public perp walk. All that WITHOUT violating the constitution and betraying the people.
First of all, Law Enforcement is within it’s rights to conduct such an operation. The military being deployed against the American people is illegal and unconstitutional. It is just not complicated as we see in congressional investigation in which they invest time and money investigating themselves and the outcome fizzles out in which no ONE is found in wrong doing.
“Convolution hides malfeasance” – ONE.
The foundation of the laws of this country does not require us to “Trust the plan” it requires and demands full transparency each step of the way so that we do not trust, rather we have all the facts in front of us so that we can judge what is and is not the truth as best we can in this realm, and so that another tyrant does not take the place of the last. This has been the MO of this controllers of this realm and that is to end.
It will not be done by armies who are trained and brainwashed to kill and destroy infrastructure. THAT is not what is needed right now. We need attention to our infrastructure. Have you seen what armies do in the Middle East? Iraq Syria, Palmyra? Do you not know that armies are the forces that come in and destroy evidence of our ancient past? is THAT what you propose in ignorance?
You have been greatly deceived to believe that the tactics the dark controllers use are the same as the light. Such tactics are simply the next phase of the their plan. While the ignorant controllers play 3-d chess over the last 100 years, the average American is playing checkers over the past 4 years. You appear to be a master checker player by this article, but a checker player none the less.
You have been seduced by tales of A resistance, and children being rescued from underground bases and 150,000 sealed indictments that has been promised for years and cryptic “Q” intel by some ONE that remains in the shadows. With not a single shred of real quantifiable evidence. That is the method of this Mexican beer scam. This mass hysteria.
MY Future Higher Self has directed me to the understanding that LOVE are the big guns in this endeavor. That “The Answer to every Question is LOVE and LIGHT that exposes the shadows for all to see. That If LOVE is not in it, it is not the answer. You really want us to leave something so big and so important to secret behind the scenes forces? really?
Joshua says
Can someone please help me understand who or what to connect with to help the rise against the deep state or Kabaal.
Loretta says
I heard that Trump stopped the nano dust in chemtrails. Happy to tell you it’s true! When I vacuumed today there wasn’t any grey dust in my bin and usually there’s tons! Most positive thing to happen so far. One I have proof of!