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The Pope recently announced that a year of Jubilee will begin in december. Some are claiming that it will be an event of world wide debt forgiveness. Although the Pope has not explicitly stated this, from what I could find, there is a historical precedence for the idea.
The Pope may not seem like he has any power to enforce such a proclamation, but as we discussed in the post Pope ‘Ruler of the World’ to go after War Criminals, all corporate bodies are tied to the Vatican through Incorporation. Governments all over the world are incorporated and registered under in UCC System in Washington DC. The governments then create corporate fictions of all sorts, even of the people themselves, under the incorporated charter held under Vatican control. At least, this is what is claimed by many.
The Vatican placed a claim on all the living creatures of the earth, that they are superior, and we are inferior, and as such they have the authority of god on earth. As our owners, they claim to own our bodies, minds and souls and was codified in the Papal Bulls or Unam Sanctum and Cestui Que Trusts.
Corporations, Not Free Nation-States
For the United States, the incorporation of the government occurred with the Act of 1871. Other nations have incorporated charters or constitutions, that have not been ratified by the people. They are of the people, not for the people, which is no small distinction.
Therefore, within the corporate control system, the Pope is essentially the CEO of Earth, inc. And while it may seem wonderful to hear that a debt Jubilee could be on its way, reviewing history tells us blind faith is never a good idea.
It is certainly possible that the system will correct itself without our intervention, but given the fact that our would-be masters rely on our ignorance and incompetence to stay in power, we can safeguard against the risk of another form of slavery by learning what it is. Our relationship to government is that of a trust, we grant them power over us by our implied consent or inaction; How the Cabal Maintains Their Power And What You Need To Do To Stop It – Un-Consent.
ALL Authority Comes From God
To be clear, while authority can be argued as illusory in the sense that one who claims power might not actually have it. True authority comes from individuals willingly conveying their rights to another, in trust, to use for the benefit of the grantor. And since rights come from God, all authority, that is valid anyway, has to trace itself back to god, through a trust structure.
All governments the world over, which claim to be the masters of their people, often do so via deception and coercion. Even within the Vatican’s own documents, it states that when the people come of age, and learn of their true power, their need to act as an intermediary will end – paraphrasing. It also says ‘let he who would be duped, be duped,’ meaning within their eyes, they are teaching us a lesson and until we learn to stop be duped they will keep trying to trick us.
Judge Anna Von Reitz issued a Notice and Public Order on April 3rd 2015 to notify the powers that be of their breach of trust and subsequent update stating that the whole world is capable of doing the same. Since the government’s gain consent by our inaction, our participation in global change is essential.
Personally, I think it will be a mix of the two. The awakening has been gaining momentum for years, with some having acquired a great deal of knowledge and others just beginning their experience. Each of us who has been studying and doing the inner work is now a valuable asset and can help continue the process of truth dissemination.
If we do the work well enough, the Pope, who is the trustee for God and God’s people will have no choice to but honor the will of the people. And for the record, we don’t need the Pope to forgive a debt that was ill-gotten in the first place. He is just a man, and we are all human. We all have the divine spark within us, and our inalienable rights can only be taken away from us if we choose.
Source – National Catholic Reporter
Robert Mickens | Mar. 16, 2015
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