(David Wilcock) Wow. I will have to sharply disagree with Ben and his alleged insiders on this one.
Related David Wilcock Live: Stunning NEW Antarctic SSP Insiders!
by David Wilcock, February 25th, 2019
Remember, folks, Ben passes along information from sources who give it to him, and lets us decide.
It wouldn’t be hard for someone to give Ben something that wasn’t true, and sadly we have seen this many times in the past with things that did not happen.
This new data very much looks like a deliberate, coordinated hit job against the president by people who may have earned Ben’s trust by passing along real information, only to abuse it by disinforming the public at a critical moment through this avenue.
Never have my sources heard any intel suggesting that Trump bashed in the head of a child. If the loyal opposition had anything like that, they would have used it a long time ago, and particularly in the election itself with all the leaked emails.
Believe me, if this was true or if I had heard anything like this suggesting it was, I would fearlessly pass it along. In this case the whole thing absolutely smacks of another case of insiders getting to Ben and weaponizing his platform against the Alliance.
The president DID admit to having gone to Epstein’s island through various venues in the past, before the election. He also very clearly indicated that once he found out what was going on there, he STOPPED GOING. This was clearly and repeatedly presented by Alex Jones while he still had a platform.
If there was data like this available, it would have been weaponized against the Alliance a LONG TIME AGO.
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Sorry Ben. If these accusations are not true then it is massive slander and betrayal of the Alliance agenda. And guess what? Your most recent post was an apology to ‘Cobra’ for publishing things that were not true and thereby committing slander. Here is what this individual just had you publish:
“This article has come to my attention:
It contains a false statement that I am wanted by the law in my home country. That statement is NOT true and is actually slander.
I am NOT wanted by the law, neither in my country nor anywhere else.
Please add a correction to that article ASAP.”
It is up to this audience to discern and compare what Ben is saying with what else is available.
The content and timing of this “New Intel” is extremely suspect, as is the complete lack of any mention of Q Anon as the authoritative source of Alliance briefings.
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The reason I say it is suspect is that the Alliance is finally getting the job done and moving into a phase where we could be right on the verge of major public disclosures.
Anyone who joins this administration is going to have to be Alliance. There is no other way. The cards are completely stacked against you. It would be deadly not to play along or to otherwise attempt to bribe or blackmail.
Plus, there is such secrecy around these operations that we cannot assume to know anything. Real leaks are very, very hard to come by since we are in a final phase.
We have very good intel that the tribunals began as of January 2nd, so the idea that they have not yet begun or are trying to be delayed is incorrect.
Analysis and deciphering of the latest Q posts is of critical importance right now in gaining understanding as to what the Alliance is doing.
Buy Book Legally Kidnapped: The Case Against Child Protective Services
I have recently become active with live video streaming on youtube.com/davidwilcock333, as you may know. There is a much bigger story going on.
In particular, two new whistleblowers came forward just as of Wednesday, February 20th (well, one of the two) with Linda Moulton Howe regarding the Antarctic Atlantis and the secret space program. The other, Spartan 1, appeared in a video from January.
This is incredible stuff, giving full confirmation of what we have been reporting now over many years… with stunning new details as well.
I rushed to get out a video about this the very day after I heard about it and watched Linda’s videos. This is where things are going from the briefings I am getting. It is the length of a full movie, but do please watch, as THIS is the hot insider story of the moment:
We are at high risk of another 9/11 false flag event to try to throw off the tribunals from continuing. You are advised to stock up on two weeks’ worth of food, water and basic survival supplies.
This very likely fake briefing Ben just got is completely in keeping with the idea that the Deep State is going for as many all-or-nothing kill-shots as they can at this moment.
Buy Book False Flags, State Secrets, Government Deceptions: A Short History of the Modern Era
Additionally, just since this video went live, we have gotten additional briefings that the Deep State folks are apparently indeed moving forward with the plan to do the Antarctic Atlantis and undersea ruins disclosure in the near future.
We heard for some time that they might do this when they are really in trouble, and that time is now. If they can’t get the false flags to work, they need to do something to try to distract the public enough that the information about the tribunals gets overwhelmed by other, much more compelling material.
A release of the Antarctic Atlantis material could keep us completely riveted to mainstream news for months. It dwarfs the excitement of the Apollo missions or anything else you can think of by orders of magnitude.
Again, if there was any information that the president did these sorts of things, it would have come to my attention a long time ago. The Alliance would not have used someone who was that blackmailable.
I call BS. Trust the Plan.
David Wilcock
David Wilcock Books:
Buy Book The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil
Buy Book The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You
Buy Book NEW Awakening in the Dream: Contact with the Divine
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s Note: Firstly, here at Stillness we don’t blindly endorse any political figure, spokesman, insider, researcher, or whistleblower. All claims are considered unproven and are explored with impartiality to the best of our ability, given time and information access limitations. Here, Fulford appears to be taking a position against Trump, presenting indirect evidence of possible connections to known criminals like Jeffrey Epstein.
From a proof of wrongdoing perspective, nothing presented above is conclusive. Only the alleged video of Trump bashing in a child’s head would be indictable if it surfaces. But at this stage, we cannot assume it’s real and act against Trump, to do so would be prejudicial and fly in the face of lawful due process.
At this stage, from the readers perspective, there is no “proof” Trump is who Fulford says he is—these are just claims supported by his contacts, which have historically not been entirely accurate. That said, these claims do present valid probable cause to investigate the matter. But in our quest for justice, we would do well to remember the lawful maxium of innocent until proven guilty.
To be clear, this note is not made in defense of Trump, per se, it is made to highlight that a valid lawful process for effecting justice is extremely important. Punishment without due process is revenge, not justice.
Despite the unverified and supported claims of Fulford, we know without question, confirmed objectively by events as they unfold, that Trump is making moves against the Deep State (consider his EO against human trafficking as one example). Whether or not these moves themselves a part of some grander deception remains unclear.
This is an excellent situation to test one’s impartiality skills and discernment, realizing that no clear cut conclusion can be made with the evidence available to support the claims, only theories and possibilities. In many cases, especially with complex questions of wrongdoing, definitive answers don’t arise at first. But the human mind wants an answer so it can direct the energy of upset toward a perceived perpetrator.
I advise and suggest you be very careful with who you label “villain” in your world. In many cases, so-called whitehats wear Deep State clothing, so to speak, appearing as villains from one angle, while actually being assets for freedom. Without context, without all the facts, wrong conclusions can be made and this can cause greater problems if we act on this wrong knowledge. As such, patience is a valuable skill to develop.
– Justin
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Several researchers, insiders, and alleged whistleblowers have reported that an alliance within various sectors of human life is working to overthrow the Deep State, restore the rule of law, and stop environmental destruction. There are several indications that this alliance does indeed exist but nothing totally concrete. The preceding article discusses updates from someone who claims to have contacts within this alleged alliance. This information is helpful because it provides a bit of hope in an otherwise bleak situation. However, one should not cease in their personal efforts for freedom upon the hearing of these updates. This is one of the potential harms of information of this sort; it tends to make people inactive because they feel someone else is going to do the work of gaining freedom and ending the tyranny of the Deep State. To be sure, these Great Works cannot be done by one or two people, but it also can’t happen without an active population capable of recognizing positive changes and rallying to support them. Indeed, without the spiritual support of the people, any such effort on the part of an alliance will only produce temporary results. True freedom, prosperity, and goodness can only come about because a majority of people in a civilization recognize their role in maintaining that society through intelligent and coordinated participation with other like-minded lawful custodians and wayshowers.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Send an email to [email protected], with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading.
Want you help the PEOPLE of Venezuela ?
Your patriots have beem foolishd
Donald Trump is just MORE of the SAME
” Yankees GO HOME!”
and let “WE THE PEOPLE” of the PLANET live in PEACE!
Enough is Enough!
There´s no real peace in the world,and comunism is not a good thing(proof all over,again and again since 1917),I am not an american neither a Trump´s follower,but the real problem is more complex,there´s “strange powers at work” in this world for a long time now,long before Trump and other´s(some look like nice guys but are not)
i stand with Dave
i think ben’s contacts, some might be deep state or msm. being not many watch msm any more, they figured they could give ben false info and he would print it, they were giving he good info in the past
I absolutely agree David. Some of the information of Ben’s I have followed, but ever since he was on Prepare for Change a few months ago and said that Canada was doing Muslim Immigration right.
I dropped off right there. Even excusing the recent Danforth shooting in Toronto, which had links to gangs and international gun runners, there are people like “OneGodlessWoman”, Billy Joyce, Joe Hazelton and my own experience as a Canadian shows there is a massive fundamentalist infiltration going on. Our former Minister of Immigration was a great example, he refused to condemn Female Genital Mutilation.
Den has sadly been ignoring his audience in favour of his sources, and is not connected to the ground anymore. Robert David Steele still probably talks to him, but he is the only one associated with Fulford that I would watch now.
Also David, an interesting novel I just came across that you and Corey would be interested in… “Overlords of Mars-Inception” by Giuseppe Filotto.
A low class response from David in citing the DETAILS of a slanderous comment made on Ben’s recent posting. Symptomatic of his competitiveness and sectarianism with other news breakers.
I agree with David. This is BS.
Justin, you should reconsider publishing his post when he writes utter nonsense like this. It really is your responsibility. Don’t publish him.
Thank You
Discernment and what may be beneath the surface look at Fulford’s article, does compel one to question these many “informants” narrative. If Fulford is just reporting what he is being given as “inside” intelligence, then a deeper decoding is necessary.
A good look at who some of the name’s he is speaking about and what sites Fulford is linking: what is trust worthy? Access your inner knowledge about who appears to be obvious dis-info and reporting, especially in view of all the attacks against POTUS
Does Fulford post to expose the alternate view, are his com’s to people who are his subscribers or to other who may be in the Alliance in the “need to know”? Many questions on the way of discovery regarding Fulford’s intent as a messenger?
Am with Justin & his “watcher’s/truth seekers/discernment”. Noting that David’s alarm is good also for those who react to face value (surface seekers) or respond with intentional research. Thank you to all.!
The night before Fulford’s writing he posted this video:
Benjamin Fulford, Streamed live on Feb 23, 2019, :50 seconds
Zionist melt down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UXY24-kOW4
Does Ben look normal or under duress?
Then there is “this elephant in the room”, quoted from Fulford’s writing: https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2019/02/benjamin-fulford-february-24th-2019-khazarian-mafia-play-trump-blackmail-card-in-final-bid-to-avoid-extermination/
“On a final note this week, we got a lot of feedback concerning our report of an attempt to cash high-level bonds last week in the name of “Doctor” Zvonko Berdik-Albert. Asian secret society sources said “Dr.” Albert was a con artist and not a real doctor. They say at one point he illegally accessed Plum Blossom (Mei Hua) funds and that “close to 50 Chinese generals” were subsequently executed as a result. They say “Dr.” Albert was executed “because he caused suffering to many people.”
However, the sponsors of the bond countered by saying:
““He was originally on the wrong side, but then devoted the last 10 years of his life to doing only the right thing and thus was hunted by the Cabal. He was a good and decent guy, though, and wanted to see the trust be used only for the best interests of the people. He put his foot down against the Cabal in the last years of his life. Since we have taken the helm, we have repositioned its direction from its past. [Putting] Scott in place of Dr. A is purely for mankind, and he has been fighting the good fight and cause for the last 10 years. We will only do the right, equitable thing for humanity as a whole.””
The people who tried to cash this instrument seemed sincere and well-intentioned. However, it looks like the move on the bond was a covert attempt to buy out influential truthseekers by offering them vast sums for “humanitarian purposes.” The problem, of course, is that it perpetuates the system of having a secret group use its abilities to create money out of thin air in order to bribe or pay to have neutralized any opposition to their rule.
The ultimate answer is still to make the creation and distribution of money a publicly-run utility, not a secret source of godlike power for a self-selected few.”
Additional perspectives with respect to this site linked below & articles that addresses the banking and beyond, which everyone should be cognizant of:
Regarding Mnuchin & Planned Parenthood
Mnuchin, Dragon Families & much more
And many more to fuel all truth seeking/discernment exercises.
Happy hunting and dis-info is necessary for future “full disclosure”,
Trust “The Plan”.
In Gratitude, Love & Peace. ra
One more great one to add to the banking listing comment sent earlier that hasn’t been allowed in the comments yet:
Power to the People
Enjoy! Peace. ra