(David Wilcock) Bob Lazar was the first great UFO / Area 51 insider to explode onto the scene back in 1989. Now, 30 years later, he has resurfaced in a must-see new movie — Bob Lazar, Area 51 and Flying Saucers.
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by David Wilcock, January 6th, 2019
No one had heard about Area 51 and reverse-engineered spacecraft before Lazar. In many ways, he is the godfather of the disclosure movement.
Heavily attacked and defamed, Lazar retreated into obscurity, never profiting off of his claims and making a living running a chemical supply company.
It is very interesting to see Lazar finally be willing to face a new round of extreme hatred and public scrutiny in pursuit of the truth.
A movie recently emerged from Orchard Entertainment cataloging Lazar’s stunning re-appearance on the UFO scene.
We are still working on an in-depth article about the California wildfires, QAnon and the impending defeat of the Deep State.
Events are rapidly unfolding at this time and each day brings new surprises. We hope to have the wildfire piece out soon.
Watch Documentary Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers
Bob Lazar electrified the world in 1989 when he came forward with mainstream TV host George Knapp, first anonymously in May and then publicly in November.
I first got turned on to the UFO subject in 1993, and bought as many new books as I could afford, while also devouring the triple-zero stacks in the library, where paranormal was filed in the Dewey Decimal System.
I bought most of the new-release UFO books straight through until about 1997, when the internet essentially replaced published books as the hot-spot for new intel.
Nonetheless, in those first four years from 1993 to 1997, it was nearly an absolute standard to hear the Bob Lazar story re-told in each new UFO book I picked up.
So prevalent was this information that after a while I would judge each author based on how thoroughly and informatively they engaged the Lazar material.
This was the origin of all UFO research for me. Now, after all this time, seeing Lazar come back to us is a true mind trip.
It feels like the “alpha and the omega”, the beginning and the end.
To me, it also feels portentous, as if disclosure is soon at hand and this is one of the last stops along the way.
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The awakening that led me careening headlong into the Bob Lazar mystery began from intensely painful roots.
All of this discussion is very relevant to how I started reading books about Bob Lazar.
The “set and setting” I found myself in was bizarre and disturbing, and taught me lessons that catapulted the awakening.
I applied and got accepted to a college that Rolling Stone had dubbed one of the top-ten “party schools” in the nation for 1991.
No, I don’t remember how high New Paltz made it on the list — but her top-ten victory strongly influenced my decision.
It definitely helped that it was right next door to Woodstock, New York — geographically closer than any other school.
Both of my parents were very, very strict, and like others I was ready for a full-scale rebellion as soon as I was “free.”
I spent a year embedded with hordes of drunk, vomiting students, and dealing with the insane effects of living with them.
Life in the dorms ended up being far more intense than living with my parents and dealing with high school.
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We had a freshman class of 2000 and a graduating class of 200. Nine out of ten of the people stumbling around me wouldn’t make it.
You could tell who they were in any given class. They were never there. The non-stop partying was far more interesting to them than education.
Everyone had gotten good SAT scores and survived high school in order to get accepted, but it quickly became you and about ten others in the classroom… if that.
The classes were easy enough. If you could show up, remain half-conscious and write some things down, you would pass the tests.
As far as I can remember, there was virtually no homework whatsoever, other than last-minute cramming for tests.
The professors invariably told you everything that would be on the tests out loud in class. Any instructor who didn’t was quickly stigmatized.
The textbook was an unnecessary relic if you wanted to go deeper than what you were going to be tested on.
So much beer was spilled on the floor of our suite that you had to peel your shoes off of it to walk, which I guess gave us better exercise.
The greasy ripping noise involved with moving from point A to point B meant no one could sneak up on you.
We had fully co-ed dorms. Guys’ suites on the right and girls on the left, in the same hallways and floors.
More than once I helped nurse one of the girls down the hall through terrible episodes, holding their hair back from the water as my mother would have done for me.
In many cases I was the only person willing to help anyone.
I tried cutting my own hair to save money, only to do such a bad job that we decided to shave off the back and sides, immediately earning me the new nickname “Beaker.”
I ultimately found out from campus staff that my particular suite of four rooms in 212 Dubois was the most problematic and drunk area of the entire school that year.
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Knowing how few of us were going to graduate, and living through the non-stop party going on, I started seeing the hidden truth of the New York State (SUNY) college system.
The freshman dorms felt like cages for crazed animals. As long as we didn’t blow up the buildings, they got their money. Business was business.
The state was providing an “insane asylum” for fresh high-school graduates who had been broken by the system.
Everyone was ready for a full release of sex, drugs and rock and roll.
We were effectively locked up together in a building and campus with virtually no rules or controls on our behavior.
I don’t ever recall anyone getting arrested, except maybe for committing violent acts in town or trying to break into a soda machine.
We had no bills to pay, no adult responsibilities, and were doing the same things we could have done if we were in a homeless shelter — except the rules would have been stricter.
With loans we would repay for years, grants from the state taxpayers and money from our families, this was truly a very expensive party to attend.
Let’s say you’re there for three and a half months per semester, and it all adds up to about 10,000. That’s almost a hundred dollars a day. (10,000 / 105 days = $95.24 a day.)
Providing shelter buildings for hordes of partiers at a hundred bucks a day could be a pretty good business, if you think about it.
The state authorities would clean it all up at the end of the year and start over with new tenants a couple of months later.
It was a government business. Provide cheap, short-term housing for crazy people who party now, pay later.
One out of ten actually turned it into an education.
I almost qualified for the Equal Opportunity Program due to how poor we were. My family’s income missed it by just a thousand.
If so, I would have gotten all my partying money from the state, as well as taxpayer money to finance the whole thing.
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I was also quite surprised to see that the adult campus employees I interacted with on my job were often like children, and clearly addicted to various things.
Most people were not as academic or disciplined as my parents had led me to believe was commonplace. They were “just getting by.”
For example, it was obvious that most of the Maintenance employees were alcoholics, and many were visibly intoxicated on the job.
Everyone seemed to be self-medicating from their exposure to a sick society, and the trauma that this then created for them.
I traced much of the problem back to television, and the non-stop “buy, buy, buy” messages to profit from our distraction.
There were still a fair number of feel-good ‘jingles’ in commercials and TV show intros — instantly singable, hypnotic songs.
The infamous Oscar Meyer Weiner song debuted on television in 1965 and is a classic example:
“And if I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner, everyone would be in love with me.” How does that work, exactly?
Apparently, being an “Oscar Meyer Weiner” meant regularly eating toxic, nitrate-laced commercial hot dogs.
If you watch it, one kid in the commercial resists the group and sings, “If I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner, there would soon be nothing left of me.”
This reflected many people’s common opinions at the time about commercially-processed, preservative-laden “fast foods.”
Notice how many times they refer to hot dogs being made with “good meat” at the end of the commercial.
The kid is then bullied into marching and singing along with everyone else through a classic case of what psychologists call “group attribution.”
I was studying group attribution in one of my freshman year psychology classes, while suffering through an unbearable ordeal with it in my very own home — if you could call it that.
In the post-Pizzagate world it is also very ‘odd’ to hear children singing about everyone loving them because they are edible ‘wieners.’
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Our planet was poised on the brink of disaster, and we were taught that all our problems could be solved by spending money and enjoying addictive things.
If you fall in line with “the authorities” and do not disrupt the program, everyone will be in love with you.
Otherwise, if you stand out or complain, there will soon be nothing left of you:
The group attribution error occurs where it is assumed that individuals in the group agree with the decisions of the group.
When people make decisions in groups, they often follow group rules and are influenced by the social dynamic within the group at the time, thus downplaying their own real preferences.
The equivalent “group attribution” in my suite was drinking yourself into delirium every night but Tuesday.
I refused, and was hated for it. I was routinely heckled, demeaned and laughed at, and encouraged to be more “normal.”
In this case, “normal” meant becoming a very severe alcoholic.
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The weed I was smoking was considered mysterious and ugly by my suitemates, particularly after they tried it one night and all threw up.
After all, it was an illegal drug. I was the real criminal scumbag of the bunch. That was how they saw me, and they shunned me for it.
Once again, I was the outsider — just like in high school — even though I went to supposedly one of the nation’s top-ten party schools.
The TV told them alcohol was socially acceptable. I didn’t own a TV, and I ended up basically never watching commercial television again.
I had read enough articles in High Times Magazine to know that alcohol was significantly more toxic and damaging to the body than marijuana.
This point was also made in David Solomon’s classic 1968 whistleblower book The Marijuana Papers, which I read cover-to-cover in 1990 and wrote a book report about.
This book was THE defining screed on the issue for the hippie movement, making a big splash particularly after Woodstock.
This was what my copy looked like. I found it, among other treasures on ESP and hypnosis, in my mother’s basement library:
This book proved that the criminalization of marijuana was another classic case of government conspiracy.
I brought it with me to college. No one would read it. If I tried to tell them what the book said, they quickly changed the subject.
The Volstead Act made alcohol illegal in 1920. By 1933, the act was repealed thanks to the eighteenth amendment to the US Constitution.
Soon after drinking was decriminalized in 1933, Big Alcohol discovered that much of their Southern customer base had switched to marijuana — particularly blacks.
They had no interest in switching back. A major intervention was necessary to save the business.
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Harry J. Anslinger, head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics since 1930, got the hyper-strict Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 passed.
This legislative shift was accomplished through the use of a heavy-duty propaganda and fear campaign.
This involved a direct collusion between media and government, with William Randolph Hearst leading the charge through his newspaper / media monopoly.
I would soon realize that a very similar government-media collusion was occurring over the Bob Lazar story, and UFOs in general.
In February 1928, a similarly sensational article appeared in the Hearst publication the Examiner, falsely stating that marijuana was known in India as the “murder drug.”
[Hearst’s article claimed] that it was common for a man to “catch up a knife and run through the streets, hacking and killing every one he [encountered].”
Even more outlandish, the [Hearst] article claimed one could grow enough cannabis in a window box to “drive the whole population of the United States stark, raving mad.”
Watch Documentary The Mystery of the Carpathian Sphinx
The ridiculous propaganda film Reefer Madness from 1936 crystallized the mass-media indoctrination movement that was underway.
In the film, the drug causes women to consent to sex with just about anyone, men to go into murderous rages and people to commit spontaneous suicide.
The message of this film was driven home with a deluge of cartoonish propaganda posters all throughout the country, often with sharply racist themes.
These were found in Hearst publications and elsewhere. Also notice the huge phallic connotation of the ‘joint’ in the first poster:
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If you haven’t seen the trailer for Reefer Madness, it is utterly hilarious to realize people took this seriously at the time:
There is an online “museum” of various propaganda items related to “Reefer Madness” that you can check out here.
The public believed what they were told, and soon Big Alcohol was making big profits once again, despite being more dangerous.
It didn’t matter what the medical research had actually proven, however unpopular it may have been in the controlled media — even in the early 1990s.
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The others in my suite saw me as the “drug addict” and they were just engaging in “social drinking,” complete with blackouts, hangovers and vomiting.
Times certainly have changed, as marijuana is now legal for medical use in 33 US states and for recreational use in 10 states.
There was no sudden fanfare, no epic, defining event to demarcate the “old days” versus the way it is now.
I see the UFO subject as being much the same way, albeit we are still at an earlier point in the “decriminalization” timeline.
I appear in a majority of Ancient Aliens episodes, and a new one just aired with Megan Fox and William Shatner as guests.
This shows just how conventionally-accepted this subject is becoming. The ridicule is fading. It is only a matter of time.
I must say it was quite bizarre to have a copy of The Marjuana Papers in my dorm, and look at how a government-media conspiracy had created this upsetting situation.
My suitemates only begrudgingly tolerated my behavior, and were constantly trying to force me to switch over to alcohol with group attribution and abuse.
My early experience with reading about and discussing the Bob Lazar story with my fellow classmates turned out to be very similar.
The utter madness of a year in the “Doobie Hall” freshman dorm led to me quitting alcohol, marijuana and any other drugs forever in September 1992.
I was one of the few to make it to my sophomore year, and moved to the nerdiest dorm I had heard of — Crispell Hall, the “quiet study dorm.”
The story is told near the end of the first half of my book Ascension Mysteries, after countless requests from people wanting to hear more personal information.
The whole experience was so wild that it took me many years of meditation to reconstruct my overall memories of what happened.
The final “inciting incident” that catapulted me into Crispell Hall sobriety was about as alarming as any campus life could ever get.
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The level of government conspiracy I personally witnessed, and the effect it had on my health and safety, made me realize they could be lying about everything — including UFOs.
In many ways, this event was as bad as if we had a nuclear disaster. The protocol for handling the hazardous materials was basically the same.
Someone skidded on the ice, hit a telephone pole and created a cascading power failure that caused PCB oil to overheat, burn and release deadly dioxin smoke from the transformers.
Little did I know that I would soon become an expert on PCBs — Polychlorinated Biphenyls — just like the rest of us.
Big corporations like GE put this toxic oil into power transformers, claimed it was safe, and then when the truth came out, the PCBs just sat there because no one wanted to spend the money to replace them.
In the months and days leading up to this disaster, I would see stickers like this on various power transformers I walked by on my work-study grant job doing campus deliveries:
Yes… this crap was bad enough that you’re literally calling in the military (Coast Guard) and the EPA if anything happens to the PCBs.
I had enormous intuitive feelings that “something bad” was going to happen every time I saw these stickers, and that I should talk to the local fire department about it — but I never did.
I easily re-read these same stickers some 200 times on the job, and had spent considerable time thinking about the wording and what could go wrong.
Many, if not most of the buildings on campus had power transformers with these stickers on them. It all looked like a time bomb just silently ticking away. It was.
If I had listened to my intuition, the whole thing might have been handled better — including them not hitting the fires with water, which made it far worse.
That’s exactly what the stickers were referring to when they said that these toxic contaminants required “special handling and disposal.”
Electrical fires shouldn’t be hit with water in the first place, but in this case they were, for whatever reason.
With PCBs used as an insulating heat-sink oil in the transformers, the firemen’s water caused lethal toxins to spread and leach into the ground and water table.
A significant amount of of soil had to be treated as if it was radioactive, scooped out and removed as a result of all this.
I numbed all the pain out, and was still very “active” with my use of marijuana and psychedelics when we all returned in late February.
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The biggest problem, as it turns out, was that when PCBs burn, they turn into a far more deadly substance known as dioxin, which can kill you in one part per billion.
Lethally toxic dioxin-laced smoke had outgassed into three crazy dorms — Capen, Gage and Bliss — and two buildings, Parker Theater and Coykendall Science.
We were delayed by about a month getting back to school, only to find buildings wrapped in plastic, 50-gallon toxic waste drums, yellow Police Lines and men walking around in moon suits.
A significant amount of soil around and under Parker Theater had to be removed due to its hazardous dioxin levels.
The smart kids applied for transfers and went to different schools. Not me. I just followed my orders and reported back to active duty.
This image was taken by Eric Coppolino, a mysterious journalist who became the campus hero for standing up to the entrenched bureaucracy and exposing their serious crimes.
The administration told us “everything is fine, move along, nothing to see here, keep drinking.”
Armed police were stationed in vehicles to prevent any drunk idiots from entering the toxic buildings “for fun.”
The police didn’t need to be there. No one was dumb or suicidal enough to have tried a stunt like that.
Even if someone wanted to kill themselves, I doubt they would want to do it through an unpredictable, hyper-toxic chemical spill that looked the same as a nuclear disaster.
I can tell you that walking back to your dorm and seeing shrink-wrapped buildings and toxic waste drums under strong psychedelic enhancement is about the worst “Bad Trip” you can imagine.
I had at least three of these bad trips during that semester, maybe more.
The contaminated soil “dig site” next to Parker Theater.
Who knows what the f- this is but I don’t like it.
Through Student Leader News Service, Coppolino bypassed the controlled media of the day and spoke directly to the student body through self-printed newspapers.
The administration told us everything was fine, but the reality was that kids were moved back into dorms that still had lethal dioxin residue in the air ducts.
The moon-suit dudes had only cleaned the ducts up to arm-length depth, and dioxin was easily found if you went in a little farther.
This was scientifically proven when Coppolino took swab samples from the ducts and sent them off to labs.
Theoretically, any air gliding over the dioxin and into student rooms could be quite carcinogenic, if not lethal.
Coppolino was quite a hero, and after graduation I spent a year working with him under his camouflage name of Eric Francis.
That was my first foray into the idea of being self-employed doing something cutting-edge and definitely not mainstream.
It was very powerful to be living in ground zero of a major disaster and having a corporate bureaucracy telling us that everything was hunky-dory.
Your own eyes were telling you everything was NOT okay. Toxic drums, plastic-wrapped buildings and guys in chemical suits are not easy to overlook.
In today’s world, with a major “party school” campus filled with camera phones and YouTube, this would have been a much bigger ‘deal.’
We were all scared, and most of us trusted “the authorities” that it was safe — but Coppolino’s independent research said otherwise.
During this same intoxicated semester, I took a sociology class with the deceptively boring-sounding title of “Contemporary Social Issues.”
This class really could have been called “Illuminati Cabal 101,” though the spiritual and religious aspects of the group responsible were never covered.
I was graded upon my accurate knowledge of unpleasant facts that Mockingbird media would still write off as “conspiracy theories” to this day.
This included the sordid details of the oil / corporate globalist monopoly, including Hitler’s tanks being built by Ford Motor Company.
Ford, an American corporation, immediately repaid Hitler to rebuild their tank factories after Allied bombing runs damaged them.
Any self-proclaimed “skeptic” who denied this would not only have been shamed by the professor and laughed out of the room — he would have failed the class.
There was plenty of documentation to prove these claims. The media just lied to us about the facts and wrote it all off as nonsense.
Every time we went to class, we were confronted with some new, overwhelming fact suggesting that “the authorities” were criminals beyond imagination.
Incredibly dark secrecy was being used, through a controlled media and government, to hide the most basic information from us as citizens.
The real-world disaster cover-up we were walking through every day made me realize how prevalent these problems really were in our society.
Enormous, crazy lies were being told. The truth was right out in front of us, like armies of men in moon suits, but no one was willing to look at it.
The bureaucratic / military / governmental apparatus we learned about in the sociology class was so vast that they seemed capable of hiding just about anything.
When people asked the professor what we could do about it, since it was all so overwhelming, he told us the best we could do would be to spread the word to others.
I began doing this openly on this site as of 2007, and I now appear in Above Majestic, a film that shows how truly far-reaching this cover-up really is.
I am happy to report that we recently crossed the 1000-comment mark on Amazon, which automatically conveys “Best Seller” status and positioning for all time:
Watch Documentary Above Majestic: Implications of a Secret Space Program
Although I had not been accepted to other schools and did not want to pause my education, I did have control over certain things.
I had no control over toxins being dumped on campus. I definitely could prevent the dumping of toxins into my own body.
Even though I knew marijuana was criminalized through a corrupt government-media monopoly, I had still messed myself up on it.
I had enjoyed the sparkles, the magical kingdom of the forest elves and easy access to “Christmas Every Day,” but now I could really tell I was dying.
My body was tired and fading out. My skin was pale and the burn-marks under my eyes quite menacing.
I had to leave it all behind… and I did. No marijuana, psychedelics, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine or any other mind-altering drugs whatsoever.
I went at it so hardcore that I wouldn’t even take pain meds except under the most extreme circumstances.
Once I stopped lying to myself, I no longer rested on the crutches most people used to willfully overlook all the lies of this world.
My eyes were wide open. The moon-suit dudes were still there, and I was now aware that we were all overlooking a similar emergency on a planetary level.
I had another eye-opening semester of sociology class, right while I was going through the recovery process.
This was where I learned that Boeing manufactured Hitler’s bombers through a covert chain of command that was ultimately exposed.
I started to see that we were all suffering from a common, worldwide habit: We were addicted to being lied to.
We made up all sorts of excuses to appease our masters out of fear, rationalize their behavior, or otherwise fight to stay in denial of the ugliest truths.
No longer did I believe that if I stayed asleep, “everyone will be in love with me,” like the old Oscar Mayer jingle suggested.
Watch Documentary Unacknowledged: An Exposé of the World’s Greatest Secret
According to my professor, Boeing sent passenger airliners to South America as seemingly legitimate commercial purchases. Once they arrived, the seats were then removed.
They were then shipped to Africa, where they were retro-fitted with different parts to become bombers, and were repainted for Hitler’s own use.
Much of the initial construction of these planes was apparently happening right here in United States factories.
I had never heard any of this before, and yet our professor was talking openly about it, and laughing at how crazy “the world today” really is.
I decided to check up on this for this article and found one possibly related example. Here is an image of Hitler’s Me-264:
Notice the website’s own reference to it having a “passing resemblance to the Boeing B-29” in the caption.
And here is the Boeing B-29. Hmmmm:
Another full-view shot of Hitler’s Me-264:
And a full shot of the Boeing B-29:
The German version has a longer tail, twin rudders, thicker wings and an extra set of propellers, but there are many direct similarities.
Certain parts, such as the fuselage, could easily be made in the same factories with only slight modifications.
Also notice the similarity of the rounded-off gun turrets on top, though they are farther apart from each other on the American version.
These planes are obviously not the same, but also are certainly similar enough that they could easily have been made by the same manufacturer.
Watch Documentary The Minds of Men (A Riveting Exposé of MK Ultra and Modern Day Mind Control)
The documentation that my professor was drawing off of for this information does not appear to have made it online.
That doesn’t at all change what I heard in that class… and again, we were graded on our knowledge of this information.
There were many, many unsettling and shocking things like this that we were hearing throughout the class.
Every time you went in there, you could expect to have your mind completely blown.
Given that I was already in the process of getting sober, on a campus with toxic waste drums, this class made life even more sobering.
The Boeing connection requires more digging. It is likely to be found in a book that has been largely scrubbed from the internet.
G. Edward Griffin may know where to find it. I would definitely start the search by poring through classic John Birch Society publications.
However, the connection of Ford and General Motors to Hitler is very easy to locate if you have the stomach to begin searching for it.
First of all, here is an embarrassing image of Henry Ford receiving Hitler’s highest award, the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, from top Nazi officials in 1938:
Read for yourself:
At a ceremony in Dearborn, Michigan, Henry Ford is presented with the Grand Cross of the Supreme Order of the German Eagle on his 75th birthday.
Henry Ford was the first American recipient of this order, an honor created in 1937 by Adolf Hitler.
This was the highest honor Nazi Germany could give to any foreigner, and represented Adolf Hitler’s personal admiration and indebtedness to Henry Ford….
In a letter written in 1924, Heinrich Himmler described Ford as “one of our most valuable, important, and witty fighters”.
Ford also wrote strongly anti-Semitic texts for the Dearborn Independent, republished in Germany as “The International Jew, The World’s Foremost Problem.”
Wait a minute… you’re saying this is the heroic father of the modern automobile, Ford himself?
Yup. Same guy.
Isn’t it “interesting” that you have never seen television shows about this? How quiet it’s all been kept?
How many “Real Americans,” to use Sarah Palin’s terminology, are proudly out there driving Fords as we speak?
Prior to my articles, videos, books and public presentations, this was almost never discussed — and some people still don’t believe it.
CONTINUE READING @ divinecosmos.com
David Wilcock Books:
Buy Book The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil
Buy Book The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You
Buy Book NEW Awakening in the Dream: Contact with the Divine
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools
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[…] David Wilcock new article 1-6-19… “Groundbreaking Area 51 insider Bob Lazar 30-year Anniversary: Alpha and the Omega” stillnessinthestorm.com […]