(Richard Enos) A large tree recently fell in David Wilcock’s back yard. And yes, he was there to hear it. And it spurred him on to make the video below.
Related DAVID WILCOCK: Military has Terminators for Alien Invasion? [Part 2/5]
by Richard Enos, February 9th, 2019
Standing amidst an array of broken limbs and branches from the tree that fell dangerously close to his house, David proclaimed the falling tree as a stunning synchronicity, given that at that moment his wife Beth was working in the kitchen on an article on the ‘Fall of Corrupt Kings,’ which presages the fall of the patriarchal control structure and the rise of feminine power.
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This dovetails perfectly with what David claims his insiders are telling him is actually happening behind the scenes:
The synchronicity of this is unbelievable, because, here’s why: the subject of what we are talking about is the fall of kings, the collapse of corruption, the ending of the old guard. We are looking at, right now, tribunals, that are allegedly taking place. We have very good intel on this, from multiple insider sources, that they have arrested, right now, key people in the Deep State.
They already have tribunals going on in several locations in the United States, and apparently Guantanamo. There are prison barges taking people to Guantanamo, and what they’ve done, is they’ve started with the mid-level people who were directly involved in child trafficking. The sealed indictments that we’ve been hearing so much about are being unsealed. People are being put on trial in secret tribunals. These are military trials. They happen quickly. Some people are getting the death penalty.
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Keeping The Tribunals A Secret
Apparently there are rifts in the Alliance in terms of the public knowing what is going on. For some, there is a sense that public knowledge will only serve to hamper the proceedings, and they hope to keep things quiet for the year or two they feel it will take them to get this job done. Others believe that the leaking of this information is inevitable and they must be prepared for it as part of their planning.
An overriding fact, and this is something that David has mentioned before, is that many of the members of the Alliance have their hands dirty themselves, and while they may be fully acting in the service of humanity right now, they may have at one time perpetrated some of the very crimes they are now prosecuting. It would thus stand to reason that they would want to keep proceedings a secret.
However, David seems to think that we will be getting a data dump of information some time this year, the likes of which we have never seen, even from Snowdon and Wikileaks combined. And this information will leave us without any doubts about the kinds of activities that have been hidden from us for so long. Will humanity be ready for it if it comes?
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The Takeaway
It has perhaps been as a preparation for the time that all would be revealed that we have endeavored at CE to bring light to very dark subjects like pedophilia and satanic ritual abuse. All those who have already had the courage to confront the existence and even prevalence of these phenomena have actually helped to push the needle forward in terms of preparing us for what seems to be quickly approaching.
Let us try to remember, though, that the great moment in human history where the full extent of human darkness gets revealed is not a time for lustful revenge and violent retribution. Yes, there will be emotional stages that everyone will naturally go through. But in the end this will be a time for inner reflection, and a recognition that this darkness comes from a source to which we are all connected. If we are to evolve as a collective, it will not essentially come from forever banishing the bad apples that we have weeded out, but rather from a greater understanding that it is only through our humility, and forgiveness, that humanity will eventually become whole.
David Wilcock Books:
Buy Book The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil
Buy Book The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You
Buy Book NEW Awakening in the Dream: Contact with the Divine
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Several researchers, insiders, and alleged whistleblowers have reported that an alliance within various sectors of human life is working to overthrow the Deep State, restore the rule of law, and stop environmental destruction. There are several indications that this alliance does indeed exist but nothing totally concrete. The preceding video discusses updates from someone who claims to have contacts within this alleged alliance. This information is helpful because it provides a bit of hope in an otherwise bleak situation. However, one should not cease in their personal efforts for freedom upon the hearing of these updates. This is one of the potential harms of information of this sort; it tends to make people inactive because they feel someone else is going to do the work of gaining freedom and ending the tyranny of the Deep State. To be sure, these Great Works cannot be done by one or two people, but it also can’t happen without an active population capable of recognizing positive changes and rallying to support them. Indeed, without the spiritual support of the people, any such effort on the part of an alliance will only produce temporary results. True freedom, prosperity, and goodness can only come about because a majority of people in a civilization recognize their role in maintaining that society through intelligent and coordinated participation with other like-minded lawful custodians and wayshowers.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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