(Adam Riva) So, I’ve been researching a lot of these DUMBS, or Deep Underground Military Bases. There are so many whistleblowers that discuss a vast interconnected underground network of tunnels and cities. The whole United States is like Swiss cheese…
Related Indictments Unsealed a Month Before the Midterm Election
by Adam Riva, July 2nd, 2018
There are railways, tram cars, they go 700mph, and there are research facilities doing genetic experiments, cloning, extraterrestrial organ harvesting, and zombie apocalypse simulations. What are we dealing with here? How big is this?
Arthur: “They’ve had the simulation stuff as far back as 1979, I believe. Everything started going underground with the nuclear program in the ‘40s. They realized that was the only way to survive an attack. Then there were fears of an extraterrestrial attack.There’s so much that I still cannot say. I don’t talk about these things with anyone. I haven’t shared this with anyone. Do you know how lonely it is to sit on a mountain of secrets indefinitely? For a long time, I was drinking a bottle of whiskey every day.”
Arthur: “I haven’t been in the underground bases.I was part of a think-tank for military weapons systems development. Before that, I independently developed ground-penetrating radar systems and private industry turned me down. They said I was crazy. So I took it to the military. They met my asking price.The Deep State is very, very, very f-ing irate right now. The I.G. Report exposed some more crimes to the public – not as much as I would have liked to see. The people that have been f-ing with everything are unhappy. And I don’t know how stupid they are going to get. They may try to collapse the world economy.If I had $50,000 in my hand right now, I would buy $49,000 world of silver. They’re saying silver might go to $7,000 an ounce because it’s actually better for the high velocity transmission of data than gold is. Silver might replace gold as a more valuable metal.”
Arthur: “Everyone thinks of false flags in terms of attacks. But there are psyops false flags where there is not a physical attack but they spread disinformation and blame a scapegoat. Look at the media right now running sensational headlines and pictures of children in cages. “We’re worried about the children!” If you’re so worried about the children, what about the 160 American children killed today by MS13 hauling drugs across the border? “We’re worried about the illegals!” Did 160 illegals die today? No, 160 American kids died today from the drugs brought over the border and other crimes.”
Arthur: “Everyone protesting should show their IDs, and we will promptly help the illegals and MS13 move into their houses if they care so much. They have abortions by the millions but they say they care about the children? They brought Common Core into the schools but they say they care about the children? They stopped protecting the schools with guns but they care about the kids? This is terminal stupidity.”
Arthur: “Plain and simple. If you are Antifa, or Marxist, you are Satanic. Political correctness is a violation of civil rights. Anybody who is confused needs to study history. If you need to wear a black ski mask with a baseball bat and mace at a peaceful demonstration, guess what… You’re the bad guys.Let’s pretend we’re playing dodgeball. On the one side, you have frail, skinny, weak protesters who have baseball bats even though they’ve never played baseball. They’ve got pepper spray but they can’t figure out which way to point it. That’s team number one.On the other side, you’ve got 20 million veterans, 15 million hunters, with more guns and ammunition than they know what to do with who can’t stand dweebs that want to burn the Constitution. So which dweeb is going to throw the first punch and get the party started? Pick your team. That’s how simple it is.”
Arthur: “Well, I’m brave enough to stand up and speak the truth. I’m still waiting for them to take off their ski masks so we can talk about our differences. Come on with it.”
Arthur: “I’m no longer connected with the Star State, not that you’re ever really disconnected. I have various other affiliations; But we are more organized than we’ve ever been. The boys are getting in shape. They’re getting fit, they’re losing weight, they’re getting ready. We are a united front, more or less, more than we’ve ever been. We’re gathering intelligence. We don’t have a central target yet, but the second we do, you better believe we are united and ready.We are discussing continuity plans. Do you know what I mean by that? This summer is heating up and I’m responsible in a large part for any fall out. That’s partly why I’ve been tied up so much lately. The Oath Keepers, the Generals, the technicians, the doctors, the leaders, they’re all being identified. You have to have a Plan B, a Plan C, Plan D. Don’t assume everything is rainbows and butterflies when truth spreads like fire.Trump is catching onto Bush and their ties to the Cabal. The Bushes spent $130 million to get Jeb in to keep their coverup going and failed. We are building a case against the Bushes, they’re at the center of this more than people think.Yosemite, I think, is another issue. If that erupts, the United States is exterminated.”
Arthur: “It’s cooking. Every three years is when the geyser goes off, generally. It’s gone off eight times consecutively in the past thirty days.”
Arthur: “I have no idea. But I know you can’t create seven volcanoes on the Pacific Rim. I know that you can’t give a directive to the buffalo and have the voluntarily leave Yosemite Park. I know that every 640,000 to 700,000 years, Yosemite goes off. The past three times it’s gone off 640,000 years apart. It’s been 640,000 since the last one.I know that 40,000 earthquakes that have been measured by USGS this year at Yosemite. I know the plates are going underneath in California.”
Arthur: “If you want to do something intelligent, think, “What would the good extraterrestrials tell you to do if you were trapped on Earth?” Probably what I’ve been saying. Worry about your spirit, your personal property, and shrink your perimeter. I’ve been saying that for years.”
Arthur: “If you have any ideas or concepts, I’m all for it. I don’t spend any time with anybody. The only person I communicate with like this is you. That’s it. You and I have vetted each other, I think we’re pretty solid. I think we have an understanding of who we are. I think there is amazing trust there. As far as I’m concerned, you’re a SEAL team member. You have disciplines I don’t have, like health. We’re good for each other.
Arthur: “I have two objectives, and that’s to survive and keep people alive. I don’t have the time nor the patience for irrelevant opinions. What good does that do me in a life or death scenario?”
About The Author
Editor at Dragonfly Effect News
Adam Riva is the editor of Dauntless Dialogue, a filmmaker, and a journalist. His articles have reached over 1.5 million people.
found on Operation Disclosure
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They say all these facts about Yosemite when they really mean Yellowstone. Yosemite is in central Cali and is definitely not about to explode, Yellowstone is in Wyoming and has all the geysers and is basically sitting on a gargantuan caldera not related to the ‘ring of fire’ volcanoes… so they are totally and completely different places FYI.