Source – Discerning The Mystery
by Shem El-Jamal, October 12th 2016
The intelligence divulged by Corey Goode and multiple whistle-blowers on the details of the Secret Space Program have been both intriguing and amazing to hear. These accounts reveal the details of a reality we have not yet been able to grasp.
According to these reports, there are technologies being used in present day that many of us simply know nothing about. Many of these technologies would appear as magical or as things of science fiction if we were to witness them in person. However, according to multiple and yet congruent whistleblower testimonies, time travel, biological regeneration, and anti-gravity technologies are only the beginning of the possibilities we might encounter if we were to see beyond the surface of our planet.
This episode of the series holds a fairly significant testimony, as it gives supportive evidence to the past testimonies of Corey Goode. We have heard the incredible accounts of William Tompkins in the past. However, during this conversation, Tompkins reveals details of his knowledge of the 20 and Back program. As it turns out, this program may have been going on for quite a while before Corey Goode had his experiences in the SSP.
Validating the 20 & Back Program with William Tompkins – Show Transcript
David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I’m your host, David Wilcock. I’m here with Corey Goode. And in this episode, you are going to get some of the most shocking, amazing confirmation of the reality of things that Corey has been telling us on this program for over a year now.
We have, for you to see, filmed discussions with William Tompkins, the aerospace engineer, who confirms some of the most incredible aspects, and the most unbelievable aspects, of what Corey has had to say.
And he gets very specific. The level of specificity in what you’re about to see is so extreme that the idea of this being a coincidence does not make any sense.
Tompkins does not have Internet access. He does not have an email address. He was completely unaware of who Corey Goode was at the time that this was taped. And when we showed him a photograph of a Draco, he said, “What the hell are you guys doing here?”
He was shocked. And this is information that he came in to on his own. So without further ado, check it out.
20 and Back
William Tompkins: Thousands, thousands, not just a few, thousands of people have joined the Navy here in the United States. They joined the Space Navy. They signed up for a 20-year tour.
So these folks, men and women, were given a lot of examinations and a lot of information on what they were going to need.
Many of them went to the Moon, our Moon, and facilities there and got checked out and organized and established where is the best place they’re going to go, what their criteria is going to be, what major area they’re going to develop, like what class in the university.
And then they get sent to a Mars facility for a short time.
And some of them get to Jupiter’s moons, where we have a large facility on the moon.
Cosmic Disclosure with David Wilcock and Corey Goode – Encounters with Ancient Sentinels – Realizations from the Ancient Past to the Present Moment
And then they get assigned to a specific base. And they work for a short time in the base before they’re assigned a naval cruiser, or a naval attack vehicle, or even a naval spacecraft carrier, which are one, two, and four kilometer long class.
And we have eight of those battle groups out there. So there’s plenty of room for new people to come aboard.
And so they do their tour then, most of it on the spacecraft carriers, or the supporting ships. And some of them are supply ships – not as much fun, but they needed to be . . . We need people on them, too.
So at the end of the 20 years, they have an option for another 20 years. They could go for another 20 years. Or they have the option to come back to Earth where they were born and where they entered the Navy.
And then they make this decision they want to come back. So they age regress. They’re now 20 years older than when they joined the Space Navy, okay? And so they take several weeks or several months, and they reverse their age back to 21 when they joined the Navy.
They finished their Navy 20-year tour and they make the selection to go back to the United States.
Now remember, during that 20 years, they had no contact with their family or with anybody back on Earth. That’s a prerequisite. Okay? So . . . But they remember their family. They remember their friends and the people they used to go to and some of the girlfriends they used to have.
And so they come back, but they were 20 years older when they left the planet. So the girlfriends are going to be a whole lot older.
And so the Navy has allowed them, in the Solar Warden System Program, to go back to the age that they were when they signed up. Okay?
Well, you said that they were 20 years old when they signed up, and they went a 20-year Navy tour. They came back. And now they’re 20 years old, and they are in a situation where life is this 20-year-old life that they had going when they left.
And now, during that several weeks returning, their minds, not painfully, but their minds are played with to where 90.99 [percent] of their memory for the last 20 years out in space is removed.
So they’re sitting there now, the girlfriend is the same age as she was. Wait a minute. She wasn’t 20 years older, like we said. She’s still the same age.
If he was married, his wife, the kids, were the same age. They didn’t spend 20 years more life. So he comes . . . That’s kind of a cool system. Okay?
Yes, that system is operating and has been operating since 1980.
It was a bit difficult for me to understand what Tompkins was trying to say the first time I listened to him. I actually had to listen a second time to make sure that I heard and understood correctly, and as I did, it seemed fairly obvious that he was referring to some advanced age-reversal technology.
Age-Reversal Research at Harvard Medical School – Life Extension
The implications of the existence of this technology can be mind-boggling, to say the very least. If these types of technology are presently in use, this would mean that those who control them have far longer life-span potential than any of us here on the Earth’s surface. It would also mean that those who control this technology have little issue about allowing the surface population to continue dying from disease and famine even though there is no real reason that we need to.
This and many technologies like it are the very reason we as a planet need a full disclosure of all technological breakthroughs which have been illegally kept secret for decades of time. There are too many benefits to Full Disclosure, and too many risks involved in continued secrecy and restriction. The only way to ensure that the crimes committed against the planet never happen again is to end all secrecy regarding these crimes, whether committed in the past, the present, or future.
Cosmic Disclosure with David Wilcock and Corey Goode: Age Regression and Time Travel Technology
To add, Tompkins is referring to a method of time travel that allowed these SSP operatives to be placed back into their lives only a few minutes after they left. This is uncanny. To hear this type of congruency leaves very little more than two possibilities, and Wilcock spells those out fairly clearly.
One point I thought was very interesting was to hear that chose to serve more than one term in the 20 and Back program. It is unclear as to what the long-term effects of this type of age-regression might be, but I would personally by hesitant to put myself through the process twice, if at all.
David: All right. So as you’ve just seen there, what the heck is going on here? The only way somebody is going to be able to debunk something like this is to try to say that Tompkins and Corey were speaking to each other, but we know that that never happened.
So Corey, welcome back to the program.
Corey Goode: Thank you.
David: How did you feel when you saw this? Let’s just start simple. Ha, ha, ha.
Corey: Well, I was always under the impression that under a certain level people did not know this information. So it’s very . . . It’s exciting and a little shocking, but the details that he gave were right on.
David: Well, he started out by saying that thousands of people are recruited into some kind of a Space Navy. How do you feel about that number? Do you think he’s right when he says thousands?
Corey: It’s definitely in the thousands.
David: Okay.
Corey: Yeah.
David: Thousands per year or thousands overall?
Corey: Over . . . I mean, it’s definitely going to be in the thousands, several thousand that’s going to be . . . that have been in the program – 20 and Back Program – overall.
David: Okay.
Corey: So it’s a fairly large number.
David: Now, one of the other things that he said that’s a little bit different than what you’ve said was first of all, he said people get trained in the various areas of specialty that they want to go to. And then he said that they go to Mars. Whereas you seem to have said that the LOC [Lunar Operations Command] is the first kind of stopover point.
Corey: It usually is, yes.
David: What do you think could be going on with Mars where it would become a contact point for people that are joining the Space Navy?
Corey: Well, depending on what your duty is going to be, you’re going to be taken and trained at a different facility. Let’s say that they had deep space telemetry – just pulling off the top of my head – if a person was going to do that, then just like if you were serving in the Navy here on Earth, they’re going to send you to different bases where you’re going to get the best training before you rejoin the vessel you’re assigned to.
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