Thank you KP for releasing an email conversation had by a Justin (not from SITS) and Benjamin Fulford regarding some of what Veterans Today has been releasing. We are in the information war and as KP states:
“Disinfo is coming strong and heavy, so use that Inner Discernment Module and see what resonates with your innards.”
Both Fulford and the Veterans today staff have been releasing information about the Cabal, seen here:
The Khazarian Mafia (Part II) | The Babylonian Cabal by Veterans Today
Benjamin Fulford – April 27th 2015: Pentagon plays military card against China as Washington D.C. struggles for cash
It is important to remember that The Truth is Singular, meaning there is one truth but infinite perspectives, and as such person’s truth is part of the whole. Instead of focusing on one person’s version of truth, I suggest we take in all points of view and use our discernment to weave them into a holistic framework of understanding.
[Ben Fulford] “Gordon Duff once admitted the pentagon had surrendered to George Bush Sr. and he also once admitted he had to put out disinformation so I know he is a controlled source. However, I… think for the most part he is trying to do the right thing.“The Boston bombing and the Baltimore riots are clearly exercises aimed at establishing the feasibility of implementing martial law.“…the fact that the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland etc. agreed to sign up with the AIIB is a sign the Chinese are working with certain Western cabal factions… Who is not working with the Chinese are the Wall Street and Washington DC Khazarian Mafiosi and their Japanese slaves like Shinzo Abe.”
represent the Pentagon. Since your post came out there has been news that
Gordon Duff has been censoring journalists for Veteran’s Today. Many of
those writers have left Veteran’s Today. Two people involved in trying to
expose Gordon Duff’s censorship have had attempts on their lives.
citizens, the police and military for martial law.
This is another story that has been spreading in the alternative media
recently that it would be helpful to have your insight on:
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