I am still unsure what a Stranglet or Toplet bomb is, but they have appeared in COBRA’s updates for some time. I found this post on BP’s blog which discusses them briefly:
Physicists would describe plasma as ionized gas, whereas a skilled occultist would describe plasma as a hidden plane / dimension between the gaseous and the fourth etheric plane:
Plasmatic plane between the physical and etheric is the hidden location where the Archons have concealed most of their darkness and it was their utmost secret. Plasmatic plane was created as a result of torsion forces between the physical and etheric as a direct consequence of cosmic anomaly when the universe was created and is also called the Abyss. It can be accessed (not recommended!) through hidden portals that can be found inside sephira daath on the kabalistic tree of life:
There are quantum singularity wormholes within the plasmatic plane and in the occult terminology they are called the Tunnels of Set. Those wormholes contain strangelet and toplet bombs and they are tied to the physical Black Stone in the Long Island location. This is the main reason why clearing of the plasma scalar network and the Veil is taking so long.
The Light forces are dealing with this situation and there has been significant progress regarding removal of the plasma strangelet bombs, whereas plasma toplet bombs still remain a challenge.
There is another plane similar to plasma, but on a much higher octave, between the higher mental (manasic) and the buddhic plane. That plane is called the buddhi-manas membrane and separates realms of Oneness from realms of duality. This membrane was created as a result of torsion forces between the mental and buddhic (intuitional) plane as a direct consequence of cosmic anomaly when the universe was created. This membrane is the first thing that separated us from the Source when we descended into Creation as sparks of conscoiouness long time ago in galactic history. The density of this membrane will be greatly reduced after the Event when the cosmic anomaly of darkness will be finally clearer.
The statement bolded, in my view, describes the fact that our beliefs, ideas and definitions are real, there is actually a ‘place’ where these things have an objective and tangible form. The morphogenetic field could be likened to it, if my interpretation is correct, this is the collective consciousness.
Since our minds are resonators for consciousness, the meanings we generate within them have form and substance, and that can be entrained or synchronized onto others. Rupert Scheldrake has demonstrated that once an idea has been exposed to someone, the likelihood that idea will be ‘picked up’ by another increases; hence the Flynn Effect, where IQ tests need to be made harder because people are becoming better at taking the tests. All of this suggests that there is a unified aspect to mind or consciousness, which does transmit information to each embodiment.
This idea of mental or thought inertia, where these ideas coalesce and are accessible to humanity, could be the Mental Plane region where the ‘the buddhi-manas membrane that separates realms of Oneness from realms of duality.‘
We shared a video in the blog post Greece Votes NO – Let The Chaos Begin… with commentary from people living in Greece, and it definately appears that their are some very conscious people out there. The understanding of which is that the people have not consented to the contractual arrangement between themselves, the government, and the banking powers behind the EU. This lack of consent, and the fraud of the EU monetary systems, is enough for them to renegotiate any ‘debts’ due to their fraudulent nature. The fact some of the people recognize this and are refusing to pay ‘debts’ indicates real changes maybe coming very soon. Time will tell.
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