I had some time this morning to pull highlights out of the below transcript between the Prepare for Change team and COBRA.
I offered commentary when I had insights to share from my own experience or research, as well as offering an explanation of some of the answers provided by COBRA.
According to COBRA….
- The so-called Illuminati is not one group. It is a network of individuals loosely aligned for a cooperative end, often referring to themselves as “The Circle” or “The Family.”
- The 9th planet mentioned in COBRA update from late January is not planet X.
- Nibiru is disinformation pushed by Zecharia Sitchin.
- The sleeping giants in stasis chambers mentioned by COBRA is similar to what David Wilcock revealed according to his insiders. According to COBRA, some of these beings didn’t want to wait for the changes. Instead, they went into stasis so they could wake up around the time when the Event occurs.
- Soul transfer technology was allegedly invented by the military in the late 20th Century that has the capacity to “remove” a soul from a body, and transfer it into another body. COBRA says that while this can happen with regard to brain mapping, the soul itself is not “stored” in a computer to then be transferred into a clone body. He does say that the forcing of one soul into another body can happen, however. His statement corresponds to the body as an antenna concept proffered by researchers such as Bruce Lipton and Dewey B. Larson. According to the theory, the body acts as a type of focal point for consciousness, which seems to use DNA as an antenna or receiver, contrary to theories that claim the soul is created by DNA. This notion of consciousness using the body as a focal point explains the peculiar phenomenon of Organ Transplant Memory Transference, wherein aspects of a donor’s personality are transferred to the recipient. According to the theory proffered by researchers, the tissue of the donor is still “calibrated” for the original consciousness or soul, which receives the memory and subconscious programming of the donor consciousness, transmitting it to the recipient. Here is a quote from one such case that exemplifies the phenomenon.
Case 3: murder mystery involving donor is solved by an organ recipient
An eight year-old girl, who received the heart of a murdered ten year-old girl, began having recurring vivid nightmares about the murder. Her mother arranged a consultation with a psychiatrist who after several sessions concluded that she was witnessing actual physical incidents. They decided to call the police who used the detailed descriptions of the murder (the time, the weapon, the place, the clothes he wore, what the little girl he killed had said to him) given by the little girl to find and convict the man in question (2). – Source
- While the Cabal have some capacity to transfer souls to other bodies, they aren’t doing this as much anymore. But if a soul was transferred to a cloned body, there is effectively no perceivable difference. It is very hard to tell an organic soul-body bound from an artificially induced one. For all intents and purposes that soul is now using the body, as if it was its original vehicle. Soulless clones used by the Cabal, for various purposes, are more mechanical and easier to detect.
- COBRA says black magic is the “intentional manipulation of energies with negative purposes,” which my own research agrees with. Let me expand on this by saying black magic is the manipulation of consciousness energy via the power of illusion and free will choice. The following can be a bit disturbing, but once understood fully, will impart knowledge so as to dispel any power of black magic. Black Magic, at all levels, is designed to create a thought-form within a victim that gives their power to the magician. False flags are one form of mass black magic ritual, the goal being to create a false version of reality in the victim’s mind that deceives them into participating in the plans of the magician. In other words, black magic is a fraud, a deception designed to dupe or trick the victim. The 9/11 false flag attack is an example of a false reality being created by ritual: that 19 hijackers under the direction of Islamic terrorists, took over commercial airliners and flew them into targets in the US for Jihad or holy war. This false idea, once accepted as truth within the victim’s mind, causes them to give up their sovereignty to the government under the false pretenses of protection. As we said, the false flag or black magic is an attempt to deceive an individual so they give up their power to the magician. In the case of false flag attacks, the black magician now has the consent of the people — their willing participation — to realize the NWO dark agenda. The people literally become pawns of the black magician by way of their false beliefs. Satanic Black Magic rituals, such as the sacrifice of a child or innocent is similar to a false flag, in that the point of the ritual and torture is to deceive the victim into believing that the magician has real magical power, when they do not. The magician performs all manner of displays, including the torture of other people in front of the victim, to compel them to believe the magician has power. When the victim is killed during an extremely traumatic event, the soul of the victim will believe that the magician has control over them even in death, and through the power of the victims belief, the soul is trapped in the etheric realm, which can then be used by the magician. The now dead soul of the traumatized victim believes they have no choice but to do the bidding of the black magician, but in truth, the power of their belief is the only thing holding them to the earthly planes. Finally, even subliminal or subtle conditioning can be thought of as a form of black magic, which incepts or implants false beliefs in the victims mind, which will then become subconscious programs that manipulate the personality. Given all this, the key to protecting oneself from black magic is gaining self-knowledge and acting in your sovereignty, which COBRA seems to agree with. All black magic is founded on deception, therefore developing the skills to discern the truth, so that one can recognize deception when it is encountered is the key. This will prevent us from becoming potential victims giving into black magic via the power of our belief. And the more bravely we seek the truth, in all ways — even in the dark places of this world — the more immune we will be to mental manipulation, otherwise known as black magic.
- COBRA’s answer to the next question reinforces what was just presented.
Lynn – Are Magic and mind control intimately related? And if so, why? I understand that magic is some sort of advanced spiritual technology.
COBRA – Yes, exactly and of course mind control needs to take into account the principles of magic, actually basically the mind control that the dark forces use is a combination of magic and technology.
- Here are some of my insights into how technology and magic are unified: The term technology means: the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. The scientific knowledge, in this case, is the knowledge of consciousness, what some have called Atlantean psychology. Since consciousness creates reality through the application of free will, magic is simply the use of consciousness to realize or effect a goal or intention. The primary tool we use to realize goals or desires is the mind, via imagination, inspiration and thought, fueled by emotion and feeling. Black magic is most definitely connected to mind control because all black magic is founded on using the consciousness of the victim for the purpose of the magician, as we just described. Given this, white magic is the use of one’s own mind to affect reality, whereas black magic is the use of another’s mind to affect reality. We usually call it “magic” because we do not recognize that it is a form of spiritual technology. The terms used are semantic, the concept is the key unifier, which as we stated earlier, is simply the application of knowledge for a practical purpose. When you use your consciousness to realize desires, you are effectively using “magic” or spiritual technology — two terms describing the same concept. The point I am making here is that the mind is how magic is performed. When we turn our “minds off,” we leave ourselves open to subliminal manipulation, or mind control, wherein we become instruments of the Cabal. As such, gaining self-mastery and using your mind completely, makes us immune to the trappings of deception, mind control, or black magic. And simultaneously enhances our white magic abilities.
Related Magic and Ritual Decoded | The Science of Ritual Magic in Theory and Practice
Related The Programmable Mind – An Extraordinarily Powerful 6 Minute Video from Bruce Lipton
- COBRA says white magic “is the use of will to direct energies into the positive purpose,” which is what we just described above. It is a positive purpose because no one is harmed. Therefore, to do white magic is to be harmless. To do black magic is to harm others by definition because abrogation of free will is a central tenant to black magic.
- Here’s one example of misconception regarding the Sphere Beings. I’m curious where this data came from. Here is the question posed to COBRA and his response:
– The Sphere Being Deception –
The Sphere Beings are a group that gained notoriety on the internet from the postings of Corey Goode. It is claimed on the internet that his mistake is that he made the assumption that the Blue Avians were actually the Sphere Beings. The Blue Avians are a group from the Lyra constellation that appear to the people of the surface of the planet who have most potential to aid in the evolution of humanity. The Blue Avians are what we consider a 6th dimensional race. The Sphere Beings are a group of very large reptilians who are basically the father race of the Draco factions that are currently holding out on our planet.
The Sphere Beings have created an outer barrier in order to delay the situation for as long as possible. Their main tool of deception is their ability to mimic voices to channelers and other telepaths. They usually latch on to legitimate information in order to pervert it. Their goal was to make as many people as possible in the awakened community believe that they were the creators of this galaxy. Cobra can you comment about this? What is your information. Is this information accurate?
COBRA – This is absolutely not accurate. The Sphere Beings or any connection or any connection to the Sphere Beings. They are not reptilians. They have absolutely no relation to the reptilian race. That’s as much as I can say.
- Here is another interesting response from COBRA regarding partial disclosure:
Richard – Corey Goode pointed out that while the (Secret Space Program) SSP Alliance Council and the Earth Alliance have the same goal – full disclosure and release of advanced technologies – there are very different agendas over how to achieve this aim. Many in the Earth Alliance want to spread out disclosure of the truth over a 100-year period, and in the meantime allow China and other Eastern nations to become the new hubs of the international business and high finance. He pointed out that while the Earth Alliance and the SSP Alliance represent the full spectrum of humanity, they have been deeply fragmented in negotiations over what should be done to disclose the truth to the rest of humanity. Many in the Earth Alliance believe it would be irresponsible and foolish to move forward with a massive document dump, which would overwhelm the populace. Another issue discussed was that the Earth Alliance has been infiltrated by the Cabal/Illuminati operatives who have been given access to all of the documents that have been prepared for dumping into the public arena at some point. This was a cause of great concern for the SSP Alliance Council, who believed that it would enable the Cabal/Illuminati to devise ways to neutralize the impact of such documents at the time of their eventual release. All of this sounds to me as a master Cabal plan to make us believe that we are not ready for the entire truth so we should accept another 50 or 100 years of their diabolic rule while they conveniently “fade way” into the sunset, the background free on any responsibilities and fault! What is you take on all of this Cobra?
COBRA – First the more advanced part of the earth alliance is not promoting limited disclosure. They are not promoting 100 years of Eastern domination. It is there are certain dynastic Chinese families that do want that but they are in minority. This is not such a big problem as Corey Goode has stated, so there is no need to be afraid of this limited partial disclosure. It is not going to happen because the light forces are pushing for full complete and total disclosure and only that will happen. And they will keep on fighting until that happens. They will not give up. They will not suddenly change their minds and shift the course, it’s not going to happen. (Thank you very much. Yea)
Related Partial Disclosure Is NOT an Option | Unity, Kindness and Creating Tolerance for Diversity
- COBRA’s comment regarding the ego:
Richard – What is the purpose of the ego?
COBRA – The concept of Ego is an Archon creation. The concept of ego is a belief of a separate entity and the incarnating soul.
Richard – So how would you go past that or how would you defeat that.
COBRA – Defeat what? (the ego, that perception we’re given) You don’t need to fight with the so -called ego. You can just be who you are. Express that explore that and transform that. That is what is needed.
- I found this section to be quite revealing, here are some of my comments: The notion of the ego is a point of great confusion in the awakening community. COBRA says, “The concept of ego is a belief of a separate entity and the incarnating soul.” Meaning, that one’s belief that there is a separate entity other than the incarnating soul creates the ego, or the separate self, which is another way of saying the ego is a fictional or illusory entity created by the belief in separation. In other words, how we choose to understand ourselves, the beliefs we have about who we are, molds identity and generates the separate ego. We can describe this more simply as the sense of self, who we think we are, our knowledge of self. If we conceive of ourselves as separate from the creation and the evolving soul, this creates a consciousness of lack, separation, leading to selfishness or service to self philosophies. But since the separate self or separate ego is created by the belief in the illusion of separation, the goal is not to defeat the ego, but to unite it with the soul, a process of gaining self-knowledge that dissolves false beliefs. This is transcending separation consciousness so as to develop unity consciousness. In COBRA’s vernacular, this would simply be an expression of who you really are. Another way of thinking about it is by recognizing that when we are in lack, fear, or acting selfishly, we are breathing life into a false identity, which in turn causes more identification with the ego instead of the soul. Therefore to transcend the ego is to search for and make contact with your true self, which naturally heals trauma, removes programming, and reorients identity away from the false self to the true or higher self, the I AM presence as COBRA puts it.
- COBRA on personality:
Richard – Cobra in one of your previous interviews with the Prepare for Change group it was said – that a soul’s agenda is to return with the Source once again. What happens to the soul’s individual personality when this happens?
COBRA – The personality gets absorbed back into the soul because you never were a personality. Personality is just a reaction of the soul on the primary anomaly. It’s a secondary function of a being. It is not the primary function of a being.
Richard – I understand. Thank you. Once the soul evolution is complete and once it leads back to its source, what happens then.
COBRA – When the being is back to the source it becomes one with the source again.
Richard – What is it able to do then? Does it continue to evolve, or is it finished.
COBRA – The source is always dynamically expanding and the evolution never ends it’s just the deepening of itself. the source deepens it’s connection with itself through the totality of existence.
- My thoughts on what COBRA said here: the definition of personality used by COBRA here is similar to that of the ego, which fits the standard definition of “the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character.” Since the ego or sense of self is created as a function of pure awareness and the tension differential of the incarnative experience (indwelling a body), a personality can be likened to the unique qualities of expression as a result of perceiving reality through the body and mind. For example, one may identify their personality as liking one thing or another, but in truth, these preferences are molded by perception through the body vehicle. Once the body and mind, using a general definition, cease to exist at the moment of death, then the pure awareness of the soul can rejoin back with source in a holistic fashion. Using COBRA’s definition, the essence of a soul is undifferentiated creative potential, a type of hologram of the source itself. Since the creator or source is infinite — in referring to the latin prefix not, and finite referring to discrete objects, together meaning not finite or absolute — then the destiny of the soul is always to return back to pure unity within the source. And as such, the animation of a personality (the union of body, mind and soul) would cease as the creator spark returns back to the fullness of light. As creatures, this seems confusing, and it is because the personality and identity we have now exists within the illusion of creation, the dream of the creator, which is one of the higher spiritual truths one can make contact with. But in short, we can think of our lives here like a grand role-playing exercise. The roles we play (our personalities) come and go, but the essence of who we are (the soul) continues on to breathe life into another role for some future play.
- COBRA’s response to this question suggests that the body acts as a focal point for consciousness, entraining or synchronizing on to the body and mind to incarnate:
Richard – What is the criteria that is met by the body host in order to accept by the incoming soul?
COBRA – The body itself needs to be suitable for the incoming soul to come in. The right vibrational frequency, the right body type and there needs to be a certain higher purpose for that exchange to happen. (Thank you very much).
- COBRA stated that the food and water we drink is an important factor in dealing with chemtrails, which harmonizes with my own researcher.
And there are still other intriguing points to consider in the transcript below.
– Justin
Source – Prepare For Change
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
To Listen via MP3format click below
Transcript of the March 21, interview posted on March 27, 2016
Richard – Scientists have discussed a second sun. Is this true? What do you think?
Lynn – OK. So there isn’t any such planet as Nibiru?
Related Videos of Sleeping Giants In Stasis Chambers Ready To Awaken Whistleblower Claims
Lynn – I have a Preface to the next question:
The Sphere Beings have created an outer barrier in order to delay the situation for as long as possible. Their main tool of deception is their ability to mimic voices to channelers and other telepaths. They usually latch on to legitimate information in order to pervert it. Their goal was to make as many people as possible in the awakened community believe that they were the creators of this galaxy. Cobra can you comment about this? What is your information. Is this information accurate?
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