I don’t have much time to offer commentary, but there are many interesting points in this interview of COBRA and a Red Dragon Family Ambassador by Rob Potter.
One item I’ll highlight is what the Ambassador called “the elders”, a group of beings given immortality technology thousands of years ago and are apparently at the head of the Dragon Family organization. This point strongly correlates with an item from David Wilcock’s talk in February of this year, wherein he describes similar beings using the term “the old ones.”
Related David Wilcock Major Update: History of ‘Old One’s’, Draco’s, SSP, Plan for Disclosure in 2015, Cabal Surrender, Sphere Beings, and Much More
I also found it interesting the Ambassador said that the Dragon families are not the absolute owners of the wealth they’ve accumulated over the years. Here’s what he had to say:
I would like to communicate to those Dragon families that are not completely aligned: this wealth does not belong to them. This wealth belongs to the whole planet. And I know that many of the Elders are very well aware of this, but I would like to say that it’s important that everybody goes on board and begins to understand this. It is not about China being the new world leader. It is not about certain dynasties coming back in their rulership position. It’s about the ancient custodians coming to the forefront and assisting in distributing this wealth to the whole of humanity – in Africa, South America, North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, everywhere. This is the purpose.
This statement is highly reflective of an understanding of what true or objective ownership actually is, and how private property must be maintained for the benefit of all. The Dragon families have held this wealth as custodians for humanity and are beholden to educate the unwise and unknowing masses so that eventually they are no longer needed as gatekeepers. The Dragon families are trustee’s, with the creator as the grantor and the people as beneficiaries.
I offered comment on this foundational Trust Law relationship in the below-linked article.
Related Reclaiming Wealth for Humanity | The Connection Between 9/11, JFK and The Global Collateral Accounts
Note: There is no audio or video available for the following transcript. It is only available in written form.
Nov 2015, Rob Cobra Louisa Red Dragon Ambassador
Goldfish Report Website
Luis Maertens
The first book is called Runa Antillis ~ Magical Secret Base of the Andes.
Here is a link to dropbox for you to enjoy an excerpt of this book. Runa Antillis Excerpt
Here is another link to dropbox for you to enjoy an excerpt of this book 3 Days in the Abbey of the Seven Rays.
Cobra and Red Dragon Q and A
I’m so very, very excited and glad to have this interview and so glad that Rob has been so kind to host this as well and provide this platform for us as well. I would like to start out and I would like to start with a little bit of an Esoteric question for Cobra. Please forgive me if these are things you’ve explained in the past. I know the Ambassador gets asked some of the same questions over and over again. When you have new people in the audience you like to try to break this down for them.
What I understand, this etheric liberation that you’re talking out. There’s liberation on many different levels going on and from what I understand, your mission includes the etheric level. You’re referring to these Strangelet bombs and that they are black holes and in some way everyone is incarnated into this life with some sort of implants in them that’s all tied in together. Sounds very complicated. I’m just wondering if you can just give a little bit of an overview of how that works and what the progress is with that at this time.
He did not have any new Iraqi Dinar and while he was there he said Christine LeGarde had actually called in to the meeting and had indicated that things may take some short time. He feels that it still has to go through the existing IMF and World Bank. He was also told that according to her that some arrests must take place but these funds would be released very soon. Can you talk about the current state of affairs as you know from your sources in the Dragon families? What is the on-going situation at this time with the release of prosperity funds?
We had visited, as you saw, to Europe in Britain where the Chinese President was there and as well as with the Queen. And this is what we can say is like a World Bank arm of things. And so the World Bank situation is settled and priority of things is settled today and the IMF is also settled, but each and all of these organizations have what we call certain controllers.
I don’t know even . . . I know he claims to be related to and works which level they are on, but he has not been very well trained by whoever taught him telling him the things he is doing. If you base that or base what Benjamin Fulford is talking about, you base what these people are giving out or ideas how things are working with the Dragon families and Illuminati and the Cabal and all these different things. It’s very much different from what the reality really is.
The second question is: How can we help humanity? How do you see, and I also want to ask the Ambassador this too, we’ll have to take turns – Cobra first. How can we help humanity? What can we do right now? How can we align our energy and our combined missions here to make this and bring these changes about faster? So that’s the question I have for both of you. And, also, if Cobra wouldn’t mind elaborating on why the Cabal is trying to prevent the twin flames from uniting. What is it about that?
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