The Constantine Palace G20 Summit |
G20 Summit: Obama Faces Heavy Criticism From World Leaders
Julie Wilson
September 5, 2013
After tuning in to the Congressional debates, Putin heard Kerry tell a congressman al-Qaeda forces no longer make up the majority of the opposition in Syria. Putin argues the main combat unit in Syria is al-Nusra, a main unit of al-Qaeda, and the US knows it.
Just last week the rebels …”admitted to Associated Press correspondent Dale Gavlak they were responsible for last week’s chemical weapons incident which western powers have blamed on Bashar Al-Assad’s forces, revealing that the casualties were the result of an accident caused by rebels mishandling chemical weapons provided to them by Saudi Arabia.”
“This president has tried to find a way to blame everybody or anybody for everything. Leadership requires that you stand up, take a position, provide clarity and take responsibility. I can’t imagine him saying he didn’t draw the red line. He did draw the red line.”
“I can give assurances to the publics in Europe and around the world, that we’re not going around snooping at people’s emails or listening to their phone calls. What we try to do is target very specific areas of concern.”
Obama, we do not believe the lies anymore!
99% of Calls to Congress Are AGAINST War in Syria
On the heels of Reuters poll showing only 9% support military action.
September 5, 2013
Millions of Americans are completely overloading the phone lines of Congress in a historical, unprecedented response to shut down the Obama war machine.
This comes in the wake of the recent Reuters poll that found only 9% of respondents back Obama in his quest for a military strike on Syria.
Here’s a sample run-down of statements made by House and Senate members showcasing the almost unanimous opposition from their constituents for a war in Syria:
WOW the people have awoken and spoken, but the PTW are not listening.
September 5, 2013

Military Revolt Against Obama’s Attack on Syria – “I did not join for this”
Meanwhile, the Syrian Electronic Army hacked the official US Marines website and left an astounding message calling on US soldiers to join the Syrian Army in fighting Al-Qaeda (click for enlargement).
The full text of the message reads:
“This is a message written by your brothers in the Syrian Army, who have been fighting al-Qaida for the last 3 years. We understand your patriotism and love for your country so please understand our love for ours. Obama is a traitor who wants to put your lives in danger to rescue al- Qaida insurgents.
Marines, please take a look at what your comrades think about Obama’s alliance with al-Qaida against Syria. Your officer in charge probably has no qualms about sending you to die against soldiers just like you, fighting a vile common enemy. The Syrian army should be your ally not your enemy.
Refuse your orders and concentrate on the real reason every soldier joins their military, to defend their homeland. You’re more than welcome to fight alongside our army rather than against it.
Your brothers, the Syrian army soldiers. A message delivered by the SEA.”
View a selection of US servicemembers expressing their opposition to the attack on Syria via the #IdidntJoin meme on Twitter below.

Heres another article from the Navy Times, the military itself. It includes multiple interviews, I suggest you read the entire article for the rest of them.

Heres another article from the Navy Times, the military itself. It includes multiple interviews, I suggest you read the entire article for the rest of them.
Across U.S., fears, ambivalence, anguish over Syria
The specter of U.S. military action against Syria and further intervention in the Muslim world is generating troubled and conflicting emotions throughout America.
People cite misgivings about their country’s role as “world policeman.” They express moral outrage at atrocities in a faraway nation, tempered by dismay about trying to decide who’s good and who’s bad in a sectarian slaughter. There’s a deep ambivalence about how to use American military power for good without committing the United States to another intractable war.Most are struggling to sort out conflicting hopes and anxieties. Painful lessons from Vietnam and Iraq color the conversations. Pride in America’s strength and morality often seem pitted against fears of arrogance that can lead to conflicts much easier to start than to finish.
“Fighting evil with more darkness,” said Altmaier, a self-described born-again Christian, is not the answer.
“We’re stretched so thin,” she said. “We are policing the world.”
Since government isn’t listening to the people who are they serving?
Obama’s Syria Attack: The Health of the Military Industrial Complex
Kurt Nimmo
August 31, 2013
“Deprived of the support of Britain, America’s most stalwart wartime ally, the Obama administration scrambled behind the scenes to build international support elsewhere for a strike that might begin as early as this weekend,” the Time reports. “Officials were still holding out hope that at least one Arab country might publicly join the military coalition.”
One Arab nation? How pathetic. None of this matters because so-called partners, consensus and the “need to establish American credibility” has little to do with the drive to bomb Syria.
Bombing Syria — or any other country — is about business: the prospect of bombs over Damascus is about profits for the military-industrial complex. It is about transnational corporations and international banks that stand to gain both obscene profits and unprecedented political power in a geopolitical chess game.
If you doubt this, check out the graphs below. They reveal something not broadcast on the front page of the New York Times: wars and rumors of war drive the markets.

There is always multiple levels of involvement when it comes to anything, this scenario with Syria is no different. This interview describes the US and Russian battle over natural gas pipelines. Russia is backing the IPI which is a pipeline to go through Iran, Pakistan, India, while the US (Bush, Clintons) are backing the Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India pipeline (TAPI). Listen to more here:
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has ok’d military action and we await the return of the full Senate to see if they decide to side with the people, though seemingly not.
Split Senate Panel Approves Giving Obama Limited Authority on Syria
The vote of 10 to 7 by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee laid bare the complicated political crosscurrents raised by military intervention in Syria.
For the second day in a row, divisions over what do in Syria played out at a combative hearing in which Secretary of State John Kerry, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, argued the Obama administration’s case.After days of discussion over whether a limited military strike would be effective, administration officials sought to assure anxious lawmakers that it would not provoke a major escalation in the fighting.- This is exactly what they want.
Representative Christopher H. Smith, a New Jersey Republican, asked if a missile attack might set off a chain reaction that could lead to a military action as prolonged as the 78 days of NATO bombing in Kosovo. “How do you define limited and short duration?” he asked. “And what might Assad do in retaliation?”
General Dempsey acknowledged that was a risk but argued that the danger had been mitigated since the United States had signaled that it was planning a limited strike, even as it retained the ability to carry out additional attacks if Mr. Assad responded in a provocative manner. “We’re postured for the possibility of retaliation,” he said.
The most heated moment in the hearing came when Representative Jeff Duncan, a South Carolina Republican, accused Mr. Kerry of taking a hawkish stand on Syria while ignoring the terrorist attack on the American Mission in Benghazi, Libya.
“Mr. Kerry, you have never been one that has advocated for anything other than caution when involving U.S. force in past conflicts,” Mr. Duncan said. “Is the power of the executive branch so intoxicating that you would abandon past caution in favor for pulling the trigger on a military response so quickly?”
His voice rising with anger, Mr. Kerry responded that as a senator, he had supported “military action in any number of occasions,”

citing the invasions of Panama and Grenada. Mr. Kerry also voted in favor of President George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq in 2003, before turning against the war.
“We’re talking about people being killed by gas, and you want to go talk about Benghazi,” Mr. Kerry said.
In an indication of the hostility that Russia has shown to any American military action, President Vladimir V. Putin accused Mr. Kerry of lying to Congress.
“They’re lying; it’s ugly,” Mr. Putin said in remarks that were televised in Russia. “I saw the debates in Congress. A congressman asks Mr. Kerry, ‘Is Al Qaeda there? They say they are getting stronger.’ He says, ‘No, I am telling you, responsibly, they are not there.’
“The main rebel group is Al Nusra — that’s how they are called. This is a unit of Al Qaeda. They know about this,” Mr. Putin continued. “It was very unpleasant and surprising to me. You know, we communicate with them assuming they are decent people. Well, straight out, he’s lying. And he knows he is lying. It’s sad.”

10 Chemical Weapons Attacks Washington Doesn’t Want You to Talk About
Wesley Messamore
September 5, 2013

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