The links for the pdf and word doc formats can be found just before the NOTICE – PUBLIC ORDER below.
Update May 25th 2015: For specific information on how to sign this document, scroll to the bottom of this post.
Update April 10th 2015: Judge Anna released an even more extensive disclosure about the fraud of debt, money systems and much more. This also addresses the question as to whether the same type of notification can be used in other countries, yes it can. See the update Will 2015 Be The Year of Freedom or More Slavery? | Our Participation Is Needed to Un-Consent – Key Info from Judge Anna Von Reitz. And for all the updates click here.
Judge Anna von Reitz has been sharing information about the Corporate takeover of the United States of America for some time. I just recently discovered her writings. I do not know if this notice was actually served on any of the agents of government by Judge Anna, if anyone has more data regarding this please share it with us.
The cabal controlled government, despite being fraudulent due to the secret takeover of the constitutional republic, still has a mandate to rule from the people. The people’s inaction, in the face of their breach of trust: a) validates their presumption of our incompetence (because we never explicitly state otherwise, and b) literally gives them consent, by us, to continue all of their plans for managing the people.
The solution is simple. We must stand up, notify them of their breach of trust, and most importantly, notify all those who have consented by their inaction; the sleeping masses. In this sense there really is no grey area, either you are working for the cabal by implied consent or you are acting to undo the tyranny by un-consenting. Literally every action we take is either a move towards freedom or acquiescence to slavery. Everytime we see the police state coercing another with a speeding ticket, dishonorable arrest, or violence, we are consenting by doing nothing. How the un-consenting behavior looks takes on many forms, but the point is action must be taken, whether within by learning and educating one’s self or by sharing the truth with others so as to build a support network for greater corrective actions.
What Can One Person Really Do?
The hard truth many awakening minds are realizing is that in order to make real moves in the march towards freedom, our own lives will be put at risk. Speaking the truth is difficult, and can often feel lonely, as we try to slowly share what we have learned with our sleeping fellows. Taking action is even more difficult, because to act in truth and freedom, on a world of slavery and ignorance, is heresy. The pervasive acceptance of false ideas and moral relativism, means the very people we are trying to free become our enemies, labeling us conspiracy theorists. But there is a method to awakening, and recognizing where to place our energy when talking to others is essential.
Slowly an expanding mass of awakening is taking place, reaching a breaking point. Odds are, the people around us are questioning reality and the current state of affairs and may not be capable of making sense of it all. By reaching out to others, and networking we can alleviate the feeling of ostracization and simultaneously develop the cohesive group effort we need for greater action.
Protesting and meeting in groups helps draw awareness. Notifying the Cabal of their breach of trust, helps create the lawful backing for large group action of citizen arrest, but one man or woman can not arrest the entire cabal; especially when the general population has given them a mandate to rule. The core issue is each person’s knowledge level, and what they do with that knowledge. As such, knowledge must be shared, and understood completely, which will empower each individual to realize how their actions are contributing to either freedom or slavery.
The course for freedom is more than just one thing, there is no magic bullet in this sense. We work on ourselves, to become more educated on the problem, we share what we know with others and expand our own understanding in the process, and finally after enough people started their journey of awakening, more progressive and impactful steps can be taken.
Unity Now or Tyranny Later
The bottom line is this must be a unified effort. The awakening movement, so to speak, is growing exponentially, and the cabal know this. They know that their only hope is to keep us divided and distracted long enough to gain consent from the sleeping masses to do more sweeping actions of tyranny. Remember, in a world of slavery and dependency on ‘daddy government’ someone who wants true freedom and personal sovereignty is a threat to the average joe’s security. It’s only a matter of time before the cabal legal systems which make searching for truth and freedom illegal, come to pass. One day reading these words could mean being put in jail.
As such, all awakening souls the world over must set aside their philosophical differences, and focus on the problem that unifies all of us: pervasive ignorance and a moral imperative to take action. Instead of fighting over which insider is more accurate (Benjamin Fulford vs Karen Hudes) or whether or not aliens are real or part of project bluebeam, we need to unify under the common banner of freedom. There will be plenty of time to discuss all those fascinating topics, after the cabal’s mandate of authority has been dispelled.
Our food is being poisoned, our inalienable rights are being encroached, and our ability to live life on a clean and free world is being destroyed by the ignorance and consent of our fellows. Our children will grow up on a planet with half the native species that lived in our time due to pandemic pollution, they will have major health problems as a result of denatured foods and poisonous products. And they will be dumbed down corporate debt slaves as a result of economic destruction and educational mass mind control institutionalization. When will the cycle end?
How Effective Can This Document Really Be?
The effectiveness of any citizen or people based movement is dependent on its ability to be given life by willing individuals. Consider this, there are 7 billion people on the planet, and the vast majority of them are helping the cabal stay in power, they are giving life to the cabal’s plans and their version of a people based movement; a movement towards the NWO. In this sense, the power of a people’s movement is already a proven case.
The key is in scope and cohesiveness. The good news is a small and organized group can do a great deal:
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
We need only look out into the world to see how the cabal, a small group, has changed the planet. Now we must become the small group of thoughtful, committed citizens. Thoughtful meaning, rationally understood and well educated on the facts, and committed meaning willing to take the personal risks necessary to realize the goal.
This is not the first official sounding call for cabal dethronement. Other movements haven’t worked because cohesive well organized action did not manifest. Acting alone is difficult, working with other like minded people is the key.
First we can discuss how to spread awareness, than those who are willing can organize to take an active step. This could manifest as a group meeting, or protest to draw more awareness. Then once enough people are willing to gain personal knowledge, begin educating them on what true freedom really is, and why the present state of government is glorified slavery.
Finally, once a critical mass has been reached, a major un-consenting campaign can begin, shutting down corporate courthouses, notifying officials of the corporate state of breach of trust, and organizing our own systems of self governance. The need for government, society managed and controlled by the elite, comes about because we do not know how to work as a community ourselves. In this sense, developing local systems of trade, organization, and resource management is essential to un-consenting.
Persistence is the essential, and this is why the cabal does everything they can to keep us distracted. We may realize what is needed above, but then something happens to drain our motivation. Maybe it comes in the form of some ET savior, or insider saying ‘the good guys are coming to the rescue, no need to take action!’ Or simply trying to survive in modern life is enough to keep us busy.
I can’t claim to be the master wayshower, I have my own distractions and issues which compel me to feel like I am alone in all this at times. But I do know that if we do nothing, nothing will change for the better. And I for one, am willing to let go of everything to ensure I leave this world better then when I came into it. I think most people deep down want to do the same.
It is a slow process of spreading awareness, building personal knowledge within and once we’re ready, taking action.
The following is a brief article from Judge Anna on the need for a Citizen’s arrest, and then the actual NOTICE – PUBLIC ORDER – issued on April 3rd 2015, which I pasted in this post for easy reading. Both are extremely informative, with detailed facts and references. This is excellent material for gaining key knowledge and understanding.
PS – The signature line for the document, in my understanding would be signed like this:
So declared and ordered by the (where you are located or sending it to) State Superior Court this (the date) day of (date) . (wet ink signature) l (your thumb print) Judge (printed name), non-negotiable Signature, all rights reserved.
Source – Maine Republic Mail Alert
The Nut Is Cracked, by Judge Anna von Reitz
2. Now, let’s pretend we set up a system of “naming conventions” such that the following rules apply:
John Quincy Adams = a foreign situs trust used in commercial shipping
JOHN QUINCY ADAMS = a foreign estate trust
John Q. Adams = a public transmitting utility company
John q. Adams = a public foundation
JOHN Q. Adams = a cooperative
JOHN QUINCY ADAMS = a boat or ship used in public commerce
JOHN QUINCY Adams = a commonwealth trust
J. QUINCY Adams = a slave owned by Exxon Corporation
J.Q. Adams = a foreign pauper forbidden to own land
Adams, John Q. = a taxpayer
ADAMS, JOHN Q. = a soldier
adams, john q. = a slave
Download PDF
For your convenience download a blank Word doc
From: Anna von Reitz
I have confirmed some very important information this past week and taken action as a result.
Please find enclosed a six page summary of the situation we are in and how we got here. If you
can’t read six pages of actual documented -not-my-opinion-history to save your country, then
we are all about to be blown to hell.
And we will deserve it, for being so incredibly clueless, lazy, and stupid.
We are in control of the public jurisdiction of the Continental United States.
Attached as part of the history is a Declaration of Law that is executable as a Court Order by
anyone who (1) understands the content of the document, (2) was born on the land of one of the
fifty Continental States, (3) is NOT a member of the Bar Association.
Follow the instructions— use red ink to designate that it is being exercised on the land jurisdiction and in behalf of the State Superior Court as in “landed (E)state”.
Put away your sabers and get out your red ink pens and you U.S. Mail Certified receipts, Return
Receipt Requested—– and do what Thomas Jefferson said we must—chain them down with the
Constitution—- the actual Constitution, in action.
Stop worrying about imagined enemies. The only enemies out there are on our payroll, trying to scam up another war-for-profit. Don’t be stupid and allow the cretins to start one here!!!
Keep the peace, guard your words, and DO NOT CONTRIBUTE ONE SYLLABLE of nonense
such as is being expressed in so many quarters.
Understand that war is what these corporations are good at. That and lying are their stock in
trade. We have hired them to protect us. They would like nothing better than to “protect us
against ourselves” —- use our own unrest as an excuse for killing us, and then send the bill to
our families.
They could do a tremendous amount of damage and cost millions of American lives and PROFIT from doing it, but they can NEVER win in international court and they can never win any
kind of moral victory.
So hold their feet to the fire using your brains instead of your brawn, all you Bubbas out there.
That is what is required now. If you really want to help — read, sign, and send the attachment
to all those who need to see it.
and Second Continental Congresses result.
Colonies – together in a “perpetual union”, creating a confederation of States to operate in the
international Jurisdiction of the Sea. [Why a “confederation” instead of a “federation”? –Because the original States gave up some of their natural jurisdiction to the new political entity, the
Union, they created.]
land and sea jurisdictions between the States and the Federal Union and places King George III
as Trustee of American interests on the “High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways” —which
means he kept control of American international commerce. The new “Union” entity operating
in the international Jurisdiction of the sea was always controlled by the British and it has always been the British Monarch’s responsibility as International Trustee to manage it and guarantee its proper operation. It has instead run amok for 150 years.
5. 1787: The Supreme Perfected Republican Declaration of the United Colonies creates the
National Trust owed the Continental United States.
jurisdiction and creates the new Federal United States. A year later (1790) the Federal United
States forms a commercial company doing business as the United States (Commercial Company) to provide the nineteen enumerated services agreed to by the subscribing States.
the Treaty of Ghent, where the British interests in American shipping and commerce are reaffirmed and lasting peace is promised in return.
government via the Treaty of Verona. The British Monarch breaches the Treaty of Ghent and
both the Pope and the King secretly breach their trust as International Trustees. They set out on
a covert action and issued Letters of Marque and Reprisal to the members of the Bar Associations, allowing them to act as Foreign Agents on American soil and as privateers free to plunder
American commerce.
is elected to serve as President. Note that he is ineligible serve as President of the united States
of America, by the Titles of Nobility Amendment to the actual Constitution— but is eligible to
serve as President of the United States (Commercial Company). This is the same situation we
have with Barack Obama who is ineligible to serve as President of the United States of America, but is able to serve as President of the United States (Incorporated).
reconvene. Lincoln organizes a Delaware Corporation and the remaining members of Congress
begin functioning as a Board of Directors.
of IBM, change the meaning of a single word —only and explicitly for use within their corporation. That word is “person”. From then on the word “person” is deemed to mean “corporation”
12. 1863: Lincoln signs the Lieber Code as Commander in Chief and puts the Union Army, the Grand Army of the Republic, in charge of the nation’s future and money supply. A day later,
he bankrupts the original United States (Commercial Company).
13. 1865: Lee’s Army surrenders to Grant and a general armistice is declared. The Southern
States are in ruins and under military occupation by the Union. The original Northern States
are bankrupt. Foreign banks are in control of the new “United States of America, Inc.” and
the Union Army reigns supreme. Over the next two years President Andrew Johnson will three
times publically declare peace on the land jurisdiction of the Continental United States, but
peace is never declared in the international Jurisdiction of the Sea controlled by the Federal
United States under the trusteeship of the British Monarch.
Constitution of the United States of America” and palms off this look-alike, sound-alike private
corporate document “as if” it were the actual Constitution. This is fraud on many levels. The
Constitution of the United States of America purposefully sought to confuse and delude people
into thinking it was the actual Equity Contract obligating the States to receive services and subrogate their international jurisdiction to the federal government.
United States corporations— 41st “Congress”– Third Session, Chapters 62, 63, 64, and 65.
pletely new “Federal States” are created and new “State Constitutions” are written for them.
The original States on the land are renamed in this process. The original State of Ohio operating the land jurisdiction became the Ohio State, while the usurping “Federal State”— merely a
corporate franchise of the United States of America, Inc. operating in the international Jurisdiction of the Sea—took over the name “State of Ohio”.
known as The Insular Tariff Cases. As with setting up the Washington DC Municipality as a
foreign city-state on our shores and running it as their own little oligarchy, the “Congress” now
took the “federal territories and possessions” and made a new “union” of “American states”-
—Puerto Rico, Guam, et alia—and began calling it “the United States of America (Minor)”.
They just forgot to add the (Minor) part of the name from then on, and let people assume that all
the repugnant laws they passed governing this “Constitutional Democracy” also applied to the
Continental United States.
“The Federal Reserve” bought the governmental services corporation known as “The United
States of America, Inc.” and its “State” franchises as a business venture, and began operating
such familiar agencies as The United States Department of Agriculture and The United States
Department of Transportation as private, for-profit businesses—without telling anyone. They
exercised the “government powers” they didn’t really possess in a vast fraud scheme in collusion with members of “Congress” to institute a fiat monetary system and misused their position
of trust to put competitors out of business, set up monopolies, rig commodity markets, and commit other acts of blatant self-interested criminality and fraud.
Powers Act and the Trading With the Enemy Act, and numerous other illegal and repugnant
“Acts” pertaining only to the Federal United States and the international Jurisdiction of the Sea,
the land of the Continental United States. Deceived by this venal and purposeful fraud, millions
of Americans complied with what they believed to be the “Law” passed by a legitimate Congress acting as deputies of the States and the People.
monetary supply exponentially, causing the “Roaring Twenties”. They built the house of cards
and on October 29, 1933, they collapsed it—deliberately. This enabled them to put thousands
of competitors out of business, allowed them to buy commodities, land, and labor for dirt cheap,
and to manipulate the value of the dollar to their benefit.
the Congress did everything the bankers required: The Sheppard-Towner Act, the Buck Act,
the Alien Registration Act, the Social Security Act(s), the Emergency Banking Act, and more.
The purpose of all this was to lay claim to the labor and the assets of the States and People of
the Continental United States by securing “private contracts” with them, enabling the perpetrators to “represent them” and to set up corporations “in their names”. Hundreds of millions of Americans were told that they “had to” sign up for Social Security and have a Social Security Number in order to have a job, that it was “the Law” and that “Congress had passed it”
and so, believing it to be a lawful government mandate—when in fact it was a corporate fraud
scheme— they were subscribed en masse.
ownership interest in all United States corporations and seeing that their actions from 1933 to
1940 resulted in redefining the estates of living Americans as public trusts—that is, as a form of
corporation— you can see that the “Corporate Congress” has claimed to own living Americans
as assets belonging to their corporation and has also claimed to control and own their private
assets — in flagrant violation of the Geneva Convention Protocols Volume II, Article 3, and in
equally flagrant violation of the 1926 International Conventions on Slavery, and in violation of
every lawful and moral duty, commercial contract, and trust indenture owed to the Continental
United States and the American People.
property held under color of law—being held against the Continental United States and the
living civilian inhabitants of the Continental United States, is pure, self-interested commercial
fraud created and perpetuated under conditions of semantic deceit, constructive fraud, misrepresentation, and mischaracterization by the management of the Federal United States, the various
governmental services corporations doing business as some form of “United States” and the
British Government.
live births. This established a claim of ownership on the baby and his or her estate, benefiting
the “State of Ohio” or other “Federal State franchise”. This act of identity theft exercised via
an undisclosed and forced contract with the Mother of the child, allowed each ”State” franchise
to control the name and the property of the baby. The perpetrators promptly set up new “State
franchises” benefiting themselves using names styled like this: “Joseph Quincy Public” and
new “Municipal franchises” set up under the auspices of the Washington DC Municipality using
NAMES styled like this: “JOHN QUINCY PUBLIC”.
act as a means for the privately owned governmental services corporations to hypothecate debt
against the labor of the living people and their private property assets and to exercise control
over them amounting to slavery.
by force, fraud, and deceit into the foreign international Jurisdiction of the Sea. Our own employees did this
while taking a paycheck from our hand. They cannot claim that they were “at war” with us. They were merely
criminals committing fraud against their benefactors and employers.
People of the Continental United States. They have not occupied their lawful public office and have acted
instead to occupy private “similarly named” corporate offices at both the “federal” and the “state” levels. They
have no public capacity whatsoever and no valid contract obligating any American State Citizen to obey any
law, code, treaty, regulation or other legislation promoted as an “Act” of “Congress” in while failing to occupy
public office and failing to act as responsible fiduciary officers.
that all claims, liens, titles and presumptions against the living people and their assets on the land stand null and
void ab initio for fraud, all the way back to April of 1862.
public authority related to the Continental United States and exercise only the power any corporate entity has,
so long as it acts lawfully and within its charter—-which is to say, the authority to organize their actual employees, set standards for behavior within their own corporation, and perform the functions stipulated by their
charters and law abiding commercial contracts.
to release all color of law titles and liens registered under conditions of fraud against Continental United States
1949 as well as The Constitution for the united States of America to come to the aid and assistance of the civilian populace of the Continental United States and to protect the civilian population and its assets at all costs and to prosecute those who have willingly violated Volume II, Article 3, of the Geneva Convention Protocols
seeking to change the birthright citizenship and nationality of American State Citizens of the Continental United
States by fraud, force, and coercion.
property assets of American State Citizens rightfully belonging to the land jurisdiction of the Continental United
The Joint Chiefs are fully and hereby notified that no commercial corporation on earth has the lawful ability to declare war and that the actions engaged in by the “Congress” and the “President” are merely the actions
of a private corporation engaged in police actions and mercenary activities that must be closely scrutinized for
conformance to international military law and with due respect for the actual Constitution for the united States
of America and the citizenry of the Continental United States.
foreign-owned for-profit governmental services corporation, not a Head of State, not eligible to represent the
people of the Continental United States, and not empowered to obligate them to any military action or com-
mercial contract. Any attempt on the part of Barack Obama or members of “Congress” to attack American State
Citizens using commercial mercenary forces (NHS, BATF, NSA, FEMA, CIA, DIA, IRS, etc.) is to be immedi-
ately countered with arrest of those responsible.
to unblock all civilian public trust accounts and make available the entire balance of the National Credit (an
amount equal to the National Debt, plus principle and interest) for the use and investment of individual Americans
without constraint, excuse, or further obfuscation. This Public Declaration establishes irrevocable lien
upon the assets of the United States Treasury and the International Monetary Fund and all subsidiaries and successors of the former Federal Reserve System and upon all Federal State franchises.
recently organized under the auspices of the United Nations City State by the UNITED NATIONS, INC. are
already in Breach of their Charters and acting as criminal syndicates on the shores of the Continental United
States, willfully seeking to defraud the living inhabitants of these peaceful States, and to exercise unlawful control over the citizenry and their assets.
under demand to unblock all individual Capital Credit accounts for the use of the American State Citizens who
have been systematically defrauded and indebted resulting in the establishment of these credit accounts in their
“NAMES” but retained in the control of local utility companies and the NAWP.
applied to people and legal fiction entities is recognized as embezzlement of credit, willful identity theft, inland
piracy, currency manipulation, obstruction of bankruptcy, and as unlawful restraint of trade accomplished by
personage and enforced by barratry by the perpetrators of these schemes whether foreign or domestic.
and living people responsible, the right to void all contracts in default, all titles held under color of law, all actions undertaken under conditions of semantic deceit or constructive fraud, all self-interested claims of “foreign
immunity”, all restraint of trade or Natural rights owed the citizenry of the Continental United States, and all
encroachment on its jurisdiction.
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