CERN or the Large Hadron Collider (LOC) are a hotbed of conspiracy theories within the awakening community. It is most likely one of the best examples of a fear-inducing topic that many inquiring minds seek to gain an understanding of. In most cases, theories pushed by enthusiasts are little more than speculation, rarely containing any supportive arguments, logic or evidence.
In the following article by Goro Adachi, we have an exception to the baselessness of CERN related theorems.
Stargates, portals and dimensional rifts have all been ascribed to this mysterious facility, but is there any evidence to support these claims? Perhaps there is. And before we can make sense of the below article discussing how CERN may be an Orion Stargate, we must understand how the science of teleportation works.
Stargates, Portals and Teleportation
Portals or teleportation phenomena are well described in science fiction, as well there being a large volume of verifiable research within scientific cycles. An einstein rosen bridge is a theoretical tunnel between two space-time coordinate systems, able to transport material and information over any conceived distance instantly; popularly known as a wormhole. While there seems to be a mathematical basis for this phenomenon, scientists have yet to produce a stable wormhole using materialistic means.
But there has been alternative research and testimony by whistleblowers suggesting that the universe has natural portal systems that activate under certain conditions. One of the most well-known of these is the Bermuda Triangle, which has been connected to the disappearance of several airplanes as well as naval vessels.
The best explanation I have seen acknowledges ancient Hermetic principles as well as modern advents of contemporary theory. Essentially, all information is transmitted between two self-similar or fractal systems, by way of an open channel, a process called entrainment. Everything in the universe, whether physical or metaphysical, is in some phase of motion that produces a geometry of expression. When two systems of like configuration come in contact, a pathway for the flow of information forms between them, and in some instances, this can produce a dematerialization effect that eventuates in a teleportation from one location to another.
Background Science
Physical objects, that modern science view as solid, are in fact systems of motion, from the very small to the very large. The further one ‘zooms’ into the microcosmic world looking for fundamental particles, the more ‘stuff’ there is to find moving about, which draws the whole endeavor into question. But what does become clear in such fields of research is that there is an enormous amount of energy operating at atomic scales, so much so it has yet to be explained by even the most optimistic of materialist theories.
The Vacuum Catastrophe was the total failure of a quantum field theory prediction for the energy active at Planck length scales, equal to 1.6 x 10-35 m or about 10-20 times the size of a proton, which was 100 orders of magnitude off from the measured energy value. The standard model prediction was so wrong it is widely accepted as the biggest failure in modern physics. Bruised egos aside, what was revealed is that at atomic scales, things are moving at almost the speed of light, suggesting that under the right conditions, they could be pushed over the threshold, where the strange world of non-locality and superposition reign. But since it is scientific heresy to suggest that motion beyond the speed of light is possible, mainstream academia has yet to make any substantial progress into faster then light research.
This is where ‘fringe’ science is needed to explain what happens after motion is pushed beyond the speed of light. Dewey B Larson, a physicist from the early 20th century, painstakingly spent his career reviewing every experiment available in the scientific record, in an effort to develop a theory of everything free from peculiar paradoxes and incompatibility problems. The product of his work, Reciprocal Systems Theory, not only solved many of the problems plaguing materialist science, but also reached into the metaphysical realms of mind, intuition and morality; and of course faster then light phenomena.
According to RS Theory, when material is pushed beyond the speed of light, it ‘spreads’ into time-space, the reciprocal of space-time, with three dimensions of time and one dimension of space. And this spreading can cause two systems of motion within the space-time sector to intermingle, which provides a channel for information to flow from space-time to time-space and back out into space-time. Larson’s model provides a verified and simple basis to understand how non-locality actually works, without having to introduce the 11 dimensions of string theory.
Electromagnetic fields are the invisible backbone of stargate or teleportation phenomenon. A location on the Earth is connected to all other points in the cosmos by way of these EM fields, which undergoes constant changes in electrical potential as the geometry of the universe changes at any given moment. When celestial bodies align in a precise way, electrical potentials within these dynamic fields activates, sending a flood of plasma energy to a location such as the Bermuda Triangle, which then dematerializes any compatible objects within the field. In other words, the electromagnetic energy ‘bound up’ in scalar waves in an object becomes torsion, spinning field lines of the object in question, increasing the energy at subatomic scales enough to push it beyond the speed of light into time-space.
The key concept to walk away with is that teleportation is an information transmission process using like systems. Much like analog phones contain the electronics so as to allow an incoming signal to ring the phone and transmit audio, so do all objects in the universe have this potential for being teleported. The ‘stuff’ that is similar in this case are the frequencies and pre-existing motions operating at atomic scales, which today, we call subatomic particles.
The Hermetic principle describing self-similarity is Correspondence; “As above so below, as within so without.” This is a fractal, embedded or self-similar relationship, such that, when the very large is expressed in the very small, the potential for activating latent properties develops.
The Orion Stargate
Goro Adachi, the writer of the below article, painstakingly compared various distances and angles of the LOC to the solar system and beyond, conclusively demonstrating an undeniable correlation. The distances employed by the collider are an almost perfect match for several celestial distances, most notably, of Mercury, Mars and Venus.
The LOC consists of two loops of accelerator coils designed to push charged particles close to the speed of light. The Large Hadron Collider is one such loop, with the SPS or “Super Proton Synchrotron” as the secondary smaller loop. The ratio of these two loops is the core foundation behind all of Adachi’s research, which are proportionally equal with 1% accuracy, a staggering correlation.
Objectively, the relationships described below are undeniable, as stellar distances of planets and the dimensions of the CERN site are well established. However, what remains unclear is if the engineers who built it knew what they were doing. Additionally, if CERN, is in fact, a stargate designed to open a portal to the Orion system, then when will the celestial conditions be right to produce this effect?
As a final point in this introduction, it has already been well established that celestial alignments play a major role in seismic activity. Therefore, once this science has been acknowledged, it is well within plausibility to suppose that CERN was designed for some undisclosed purpose, possibly even that it is a stargate or portal device of some kind.
The Integretron is a device built by Gorge Van Tassel, who was inspired by alleged extraterrestrial contacts in the 1950’s. The device was built apparently based on the premise that it magnified ley-line or Earth-grid energies as directed by a living operator. This could be another example of stargate technology, similar to what is posited by the CERN Orion stargate theory.
Related The Integratron: A Time Travel Ascension Device? | The Amazing Splitting Of Van Tassel’s ‘Giant Rock’ – A Prophecy Fulfilled?
Related Hidden in Plain Sight | Stargate SG -1: Soft Disclosure According To Secret Space Program Whistleblower
– Justin
By Goro Adachi
(Last revised on October 19, 2015)
If something is obvious, chances are it’s already been discovered. That would be the case especially for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) which has attracted so much attention not just from scientists but also from suspicious conspiracy theorists, curious alternative researchers and anyone one else interested in the biggest machine ever built by mankind. It’s been several years since the LHC went operational in 2008 and you would think anything significant that can be said about it has already been said. Well, you would be wrong.
In this article the reader will be shown a whole new system of information mysteriously encoded in the layout of the particle collider that’s unlike anything you may have seen before. Some of the revelations will be surprisingly in your face and does not require any long explanation. You see it, and you get it. Some are less simple but still highly intelligent, precise, and undeniable. They’ve evaded detection until now not because of any lack of clarity or coherence but because of the initial difficulty in tuning into the underlying “cosmic” perspective. People just don’t normally expect anything like this and the mind just does not think to look for such an extensive “as above, so below” design in this kind of mainstream scientific setting. Once we start tuning in, however, a whole new reality opens up before our eyes…
By 2008 I knew that the Moon was a key component of the design. But it wasn’t until this year (2015) that the rabbit hole finally led me to…Orion. The LHC, I would now suggest, is an “Orion Stargate”. At least in the sense that the Giza pyramids are also an Orion Stargate of sorts.
Like the pyramids, the CERN LHC which some compare to the Tower of Babel is a “Gateway of the God” and presumably only the initiates know the encoded secrets. For those not in the know, the Giza pyramids were/are glorified tombs dedicated to the pharaohs and the gods, just as the LHC to most people is “just” a machine that smashes together subatomic particles. Behind the veil, however, they are much, much more…
They whisper knowledge that is cosmic, extra-dimensional and mysterious, just below the threshold of reality. The whispers are just loud enough to hint that the secrets are there, but quiet enough to make sure it’s up to us to act on our subconscious awareness and decide to follow the white rabbit wherever it goes. The path to truth is indeed a bottomless rabbit hole; how deep we can go depends on our desire, focus, dedication, intuition, creativity, balance, etc. etc. We need to know how to think, with our heart and mind, and not what to think which any programmable machine can do. Only then we begin to hear more clearly the whispers telling us where to dig for treasure.
Cosmic knowledge awaits us… Let’s start digging.
Basic Configuration
Officially, everything important taking place at the LHC is happening inside the 26.7 km-long magnetic tunnels and detectors and all on a sub-atomic scale.
Unofficially, the LHC demonstrates its macro-cosmic and multicontextual“as above, so below” awareness through its geometry i.e. how the whole complex is laid out underground as viewed from above.
(Technical note: All the LHC diagrams we’ll be using are orthographic, i.e. the point of perspective is directly above and geometrically at infinite distance, involving no 3-D perspective/distortion.)
The basic configuration of the LHC complex consists of a large loop, theLHC, with a diameter of ~8.5 km, and a smaller loop called the “Super Proton Synchrotron” (SPS) placed tangentially inside the LHC, used as the final proton beam injector for the LHC, with a diameter of ~2.2 km.
The SPS’s position and size are key to the first step of decoding the LHC “Orion Stargate”.
Secret Design #1 – Earth & Moon
As I discovered back in 2008, the size difference between the LHC and SPS corresponds to the Earth and the Moon respectively:
The accuracy is remarkable, only slightly off by ~1%, i.e. SPS’s ~26% (of LHC) vs. Moon’s ~27% (of Earth). For now this is satisfactory. Besides, the slight imperfection prompts us to keep looking for further steps and meaning, which is important as we are only scratching the surface here. The slight size discrepancy will play a critical role in the next step…
Secret Design #2 – Solar System (Venus Ascending Node)
Why is the SPS loop offset from the north-south (vertical) LHC axis?
With CERN/LHC and especially after the LHC Moon code (“Secret Design #1”), we have to assume it’s deliberate and represents a portal to hidden information. And that is indeed the case as shown below…
Decoding here requires that we treat the Earth orbit – instead of Earth’s circumference – as corresponding to the LHC ring. We start with a straightforward setup:
- Size: Earth orbit = LHC circle
- Orientation: LHC north-south axis = Earth orbit solstitial axis
- [Technical note: Like the LHC, the solar system diagram is orthographic, i.e. the point of perspective is directly above and geometrically at infinite distance, involving no 3-D perspective/distortion.]
The result:
The orbit of Venus narrowly misses the center of the SPS.
Everything does click, however, when we…
- Rotate LHC/SPS diagram ~3.4 degrees counterclockwise
- Use the (slightly larger) Moon size instead of the SPS
Now the orbit of Venus passes right through the center of the lunar SPS…
And it is no random point on Venus’s orbit: The lunar SPS center is specifically pinpointing Venus’s “ascending node”. That’s where Venus crosses northward the plane of Earth’s orbit (i.e. the ecliptic or the plane of the solar system)!
The ~3.4 degrees rotation actually makes perfect sense here because:
- The ascending node is all about the inclination of the orbitrelative to the ecliptic or Earth’s orbital plane…
- In the case of Venus, the orbital inclination is 3.4 degrees,matching the ~3.4 degree rotation required to bring the (lunar) SPS center to the Venus ascending node
Ascending nodes will play a critical role later on as well so we can be certain this is no coincidence.
The curious position of the SPS has now been perfectly explained.
Line of Nodes & Transit of Venus
The ascending node of Venus is aligned with the Galactic Meridian or “longitude 0” of the Milky Way (which passes through the Galactic Center and is perpendicular to the Milky Way/Galactic Equator).
The line is also heliocentrically aligned with Earth around June 8 andDecember 9 every year right when Earth’s orbital position coincides with the LHC’s ATLAS and CMS detectors.
From Earth’s perspective, the Sun is at the Galactic Meridian on ~June 8 and ~December 9.
It’s right there at the Sun’s ~June 8 position that what astronomers call the Transit of Venus takes place, which is a very rare celestial event when Venus passes right in front of the Sun due to a very precise Earth-Venus-Sun alignment (accurate in 3D):
The most recent transit pair (they come in pairs) was in 2004 and 2012 (June 8 & June 6 respectively). The LHC went live in 2008 which was right at the halfway point, i.e. 4 years after the 1st Venus Transit and 4 years before the 2nd Venus Transit. (The previous Venus Transit pair was December 1874 and December 1882; the next pair will be December 10–11, 2117, and December 8, 2125.)
Jun 8, 2004 Planet Venus completes transit
Jun 5/6, 2012 Venus makes rare trek across Sun
Jun 06 Venus Crosses Sun for Last Time Until 2117
Jun 06 Transit of Venus 2012 in Pictures
That’s enough evidence for us to safely conclude that the LHC was fully cognizant of what was happening in the sky.
Secret Design #3 – Mars-Mercury-Earth Orbital Interaction
Let us go deeper into the rabbit hole through… Mars. It is through Mars that we will finally flesh out the “Orion Stargate.
What we’ll do now is, instead of Earth’s orbit, we’ll use Mars’ orbit as the celestial analogue of the LHC like this:
While nothing seems to stand out initially, we do get our first confirmation after rotating the LHC so that the SPS would “kiss” Mars’ perihelion i.e. Mars’ closest point to the Sun (and to Earth’s orbit), like this:
- Earth’s orbit (green) passes right through the center of the SPS
- Earth’s equinoctial axis (horizontal) is tangential to the SPS
Now we are ready for the main revelation which commences with the following observation…
The SPS and Mercury’s orbit appear identical in size:
They are exactly the same size!
Down the rabbit hole we go…
Secret Design #4 – Mercury/SPS-Based Overlay Interaction
Mercury’s orbit, identical in size to the SPS, also happens to be off center relative to the Sun, seemingly by the same amount as the SPS’s offset from the vertical centerline.
The little circles are offset in different directions, Mercury’s orbit upward and the SPS to the left.
To “correct” the directional discrepancy, let us rotate the LHC/SPS (along with its solar system overlay) 90 degrees so that they are off-centered in the same direction, like this…
We can then bring the two circles together, Mercury’s orbit merging with the rotated SPS (in yellow now):
Immediately we see a remarkable confirmation…
[Note: We will henceforth call the original (purple) configuration “#1” and the rotated (yellow) configuration “#2”.]
- A) Mercury orbit #1 and SPS #2 (rotated 90 degrees) are brought together (becoming one circle)
- B) Suns of Solar System #1 and #2 are horizontally aligned (i.e. former’s equinoctial axis is aligned with latter’s solstitial axis)
- C) Mercury orbit #2 is tangent to Mars orbit #1 (= LHC #1)
A and B set the stage, and C emerges as a big confirmation.
For C, it needs to be understood that, because of the off-centered nature of Mercury’s orbit and the SPS, it is highly unusual for Mercury orbit #2 and the LHC/Mars orbit #1 to be tangent (touching or “kissing”) like this. This is not the case when rotated by any amount between the original angle and 90 degrees. Somehow, it just happens to be so here as if by magic.
The next step is to flip Overlay #2 (= LHC #2 with solar system) by rotating it 180 degrees (it’s in blue and we’ll refer to it as “#3”), like this:
Less obvious this time, but this configuration produces an amazing,quadruple “ascending node crossing” coincidences plus an alignment involving perihelion!
- Mars orbit #1 (purple) crosses Earth orbit #3 (grey circle inside blue circle) at latter’s ascending node (= autumnal equinox point)
- Equinoctial (horizontal) axis of Solar System #1 crosses Venus orbit #3 at latter’s ascending node
- Same axis (not surprisingly this one) crosses Earth orbit #1’sascending node (& descending node)
- Mars orbit #3 (blue) crosses SPS #1 (purple) at former’s ascending node (very close to Earth orbit #1’s solstitial/vertical axis)
- Mercury orbit #3 crosses Mars orbit #1 at latter’s perihelion
I know all these lines can be confusing. If you focus enough, however, you should be able to follow what’s going on and see that something magical is happening.
Now let’s bring back the SPS from Secret Design #3 i.e. the one anchored at Mars’ perihelion and tangential to the equinoctial axis. We’ll call this additional SPS “#4″…
- SPS #4 (blue) is tangent to Venus orbit #3 precisely at latter’s perihelion
- Mercury orbit #3 crosses SPS #4 (blue) precisely at perihelion of Mars orbit #1 where SPS #4 is tangential
All these “coincidences” together don’t happen by “coincidence”. What we are seeing here has to be by design. Hard to believe but that’s what’s happening.
Orion Stargate
Here comes Orion…
We’ll start with our triple LHC/solar system overlay configuration (#1, 2 & 3) produced in the previous section:
Note the three Suns from the three solar systems. They are approximately equidistant but not quite in a straight line.
I knew I had seen it before somewhere. Is it… Orion’s Belt?
- Orion is a prominent constellation located on the celestial equator and visible throughout the world. It is one of the most conspicuous and recognizable constellations in the night sky. It was named after Orion, a hunter in Greek mythology. [Wiki link]
- Orion’s Belt or the Belt of Orion, also known as the Three Kings or Three Sisters, is an asterism in the constellation Orion. It consists of the three bright stars Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka. Looking for Orion’s Belt in the night sky is the easiest way to locate Orion in the sky. The stars are more or less evenly spaced in a straight line, and so can be visualized as the belt of the hunter’s clothing. […] Richard Hinckley Allen lists many folk names for the Belt of Orion. The English ones include: Jacob’s Rod or Staff; Peter’s Staff; the Golden Yard-arm; the L, or Ell; the Ell and Yard; the Yard-stick, and the Yard-wand; the Ellwand; Our Lady’s Wand; the Magi; the Three Kings; the Three Marys; or simply the Three Stars. [Wiki link]
Orion was identified in ancient Egypt with Osiris, the god of the underworld and the husband of Isis who is represented by the star Sirius.
Their son was Horus, a solar deity, who on earth was embodied by the pharaohs (“living Horus”). Horus was also identified with Mars and theGreat Sphinx.
- The Egyptian capital Cairo, situated adjacent to Giza, derives its name from Al Qahira denoting Mars (more literally it means “the victorious”)
- The ancient Egyptians called Mars “Horus of the Horizon” (Horakhti), the same name given to the Great Sphinx
- Mars was also called “Horus the Red” (Hor Dshr), and for a long time the Sphinx was painted red
- Just as the Great Sphinx is the hybrid of man and a lion, in ancient Hindu myths Mars is Nr-Simha, the “Man-Lion”
- The term “pyramid” derives from the Greek term pyr meaning “fire”, as in Mars the “fire planet” (Mars is often referred to aspyroeis in Greek)
The Great Sphinx – the “Horus in the Horizon” – is the gatekeeper of Giza sitting in front of the three great pyramids. Author and independent researcher Robert Bauval revealed back in the 1990s with his popular Orion Correlation Theory that the Giza pyramids were likely designed to mimic the arrangement of the Orion Belt Stars.
The Great Sphinx is also an equinox marker as its gaze is eternally fixed due east where the Sun rises on the equinox days.
Tellingly the LHC suns are aligned with the (original/#1) Earth’sequinoctial axis.
So the context is right and the stage is set…
Are our 3 Suns a perfect replica of Orion’s Belt, and through which theGiza pyramids? One way to find out:
They, are, in fact, identical!
The LHC is… an “Orion Stargate“.
Mankind set foot on the Moon for the first time on July 20th, 1969 as NASA’s Apollo 11 mission successfully landed in the Sea of Tranquility, allowing the first astronaut Neil Armstrong to take his “one small step for (a) man, giant leap for mankind”.
The Moon has been shown to be a major component of the LHC secret design and here it is confirmed further by the fact that the Apollo program also intelligently interacts with the LHC…
- The Apollo Earth-Moon connection echoes the LHC-SPS relationship (= Earth-Moon ratio)
- CERN/LHC is partially situated in the French town Saint-Genus-Pouilly; the name “Pouilly” apparently comes from the Latin “Appolliacum”; in Roman times there was a temple dedicated toApollo in the area (link 1, link 2)
- “Apollo” is also said to mean “to destroy” or “the destroyer” (= Apollyon) and right at CERN/LHC infamously stands a statue ofShiva, a Hindu deity known as “the Destroyer“
Now let’s take a look at the Apollo program insignia…
- The Orion constellation is centrally depicted in the middle of the insignia, resonating with the LHC “Orion stargate” code
- Orion represents Osiris the god of the underworld; the name “Apollo” is associated with a “bottomless pit” (underworld) via Apollyon/Abaddon in the Book of Revelation 9:11
Revelation 9:11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
After finding this many correlations, our next logical step is to check for any visual overlay interaction between the Apollo program insignia, which is circular, and the LHC/solar system/Orion Belt Stars diagram we’ve been working with.
For starters, here is a straightforward overlay arrangement:
Not much happening… except the Moon and the SPS actually appearidentical in size. We can check this by putting the two together…
As you can see, they are the exact same size. The SPS representing the Moon matching the size of the Moon… making perfect sense.
But why did we have to move the Apollo insignia for this? It’s curious and seems a bit clumsy because the rearrangement didn’t result in any other additional alignments. We need to investigate this a little further…
Keeping the Moon snugly inside the SPS, let us now rotate the insignia 180 degrees, i.e. we turn it upside down, like this:
There it is, an unmistakable alignment! The flat feet of the big letter “A” now rest precisely on the solar system’s equinoctial axis (red)!
At this point we have little reason to doubt we are dealing with a real hidden design here and not some happy coincidence. The following further confirms the reality of what we are uncovering…
Apollo 11 had its own insignia…
Let’s bring together the two insignias (they are sized so that the inneredges of the circles match perfectly):
It’s unmistakable: The same letter “A” stands tall like a pyramid right on the surface of the Moon!
The “pyramid” allusion here is no accident either.
There is this…
And there is also the Orion Correlation Theory: The Apollo insignia displays Orion and the Correlation Theory identifies Orion with the pyramids.
The Orion Correlation Theory emerged in the 1990s. The Apollo program was active back in the 1960s…
Somebody knew back then.
Both the Apollo program and CERN’s LHC were enormous undertakings carried out by mankind to boldly go where no man has gone before. And we now see that they mysteriously interact with each other, whispering “Orion Stargate”.
In Closing
So there you have it. I am confident I have provided enough compelling evidence to establish that CERN’s Large Hadron Collider has a secret side that appears to be fully celestial in nature, ultimately pointing its ethereal finger to the Moon and Orion, as well as Mars.
Is the LHC a “Gate of the God”, a “Tower of Babel”, symbolically or literally connecting “heaven and earth”? Is it an “Orion Stargate” blueprint that can, if sufficiently decode, help us become a more inter-dimensional civilization?
And just who is behind the LHC secret design?
I don’t have all the answers. It’s all still very mysterious. The new revelations in this article, however, should serve as a major breakthrough paving the way for further investigation that will leads us to more stunning discoveries and more concrete answers to the big questions.
As always, if you are intrigued and would like to keep up with the latest, cutting-edge multicontextual discoveries (remember, a lot of the findings in this article are from my investigation all the way back in 2008-2010), consider joining STRUG (Super Torch Ritual Underground, our subscriber section), where information moves faster than the speed of light. Please also help us out by spreading the word. (If this article is met with silence, I might stop posting major public/free/Etemenanki articles.)
Ari R Asulin says
Maritime. Martial Law. Marching. Mergers. All of the bad things we know of are named after the planet Mars. Therefore, it’s possible that ‘all these bad things’ are actually systems of controls imposed upon us by humans who live on this planet.
Q: How can humans survive on Mars?
On the inside. All planets are hollow. Not Flat. Hollow.
It’s nicer on the inside, however resources are limited. This is why they have to leach off of Earth’s resources.
Hollow Mars Map 4Electric Universe – Hollow Earth Model 4Electric Universe – Hollow Earth Model
Q: Why haven’t I heard about this theory before?
Well, maybe you have!
No one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century… that the twentieth century would label over 300 years of Mars Literature as ‘Science Fiction’.
Early Mars Literature
Athanasius Kircher (1602–1680), Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772), and others wrote in detail about Earth contact with Mars, including the first voyages to the planet, sometimes as an invasion force, more often for the purposes of exploration.
In 1784, Sir William Herschel, British Astronomer Royal, studied Mars with telescopes he built himself. Herschel believed that ALL the planets were inhabited and that there were even intelligent beings living in a cool area under the surface of the Hollow Sun!
Giovanni Exposes Mars to the Public
In 1877, Giovanni Schiaparelli observed a dense network of linear structures on the surface of Mars which he called “canali” (Channels in Italian).
Percival Lowell Maps Mars in Detail
From 1880 to 1895, Percival Lowell studied Mars extensively at his observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, and made intricate drawings of canals, oases, cities, and other “non-natural features”. He described in detail the vast skein of mechanically constructed canal systems that traversed the red planet unmistakably grown around the Antarctic regions. Lowell then published his views in three books: Mars (1895), Mars and Its Canals (1906), and Mars As the Abode of Life (1908).
“It is a direct sequitur from this that the planet is at present the abode of intelligent constructive life, I may say in this connection that the theory of such life upon Mars was in no way an a priori hypothesis on my part, but deduced from the outcome of observation, and that my observations since have fully confirmed it. No other supposition is consonant with all the facts here.”
– Percival Lowell (New York Times 1907)
Life on Mars 3Mars Canals 4Life on Mars
Lowell announces Life on Mars 1907, and then dies. LoL!!~
After making this announcement in the New York Times, as often happens, his health mysteriously and rapidly deteriorated. He died from a stroke in the middle of World War One on November 12, 1916, aged 61 and is buried on Mars Hill near his Flagstaff observatory. Lowell’s announcement had the power to change the world in positive ways that nobody could have foreseen, but instead, his announcement was perceived as a threat by the controlling faction of inhabitants of Mars.
If Martians influenced War on Earth, it is logical that World War 1 may have been triggered by Lowell’s announcement of Life on Mars. Shortly after this, World War One changed the world in negative ways that nobody could have foreseen.
Q: Okay, why can’t we see any signs of civilization on the surface of Mars today?
Poisoning Lowell wouldn’t be enough. World War 1 and 2 wouldn’t be enough. Lowell’s discovery of Life on Mars must never be repeated. If the cities and other “non-natural features” were observable on Mars, the jig would be up. All cities and canals would all have to be removed. All the Humans who lived in these cities would have to return to the inner realms. Those who refused would have to be convinced.
The solution was simple: turn off the water.
Mars Canals 3Life on Mars 2Life Saving Canals
While WWI and WWII reorganized Earth, there was a Reorganization on Mars
As soon as the water stopped flowing into the cities, they were abandoned. The abandoned cities were then destroyed by the same automated machines that built them. This is one reason why city ruins tend to be found on Mars. In 1962, the Mariner missions observed Mars at close range, seeing no water, no cities, and no signs of life.
Therefore, it is possible that all Martian surface cities were dismantled between 1918 and 1960.
The same Humans who contrived The Great Wars of the 20th Century to dominate Earth at the same time dominated Mars.
Q: Okay, How would humans travel to and from Mars?
CERN. The most mysterious human project ever constructed. Also the place where the Internet was invented in 1989. Coincidence? Nope. The mysterious CERN Project was built undemocratically in Switzerland using taxes from 21 EU member states.