(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Celebrities are symbols. They represent exemplified aspects of social values instantiated within a cultural milieu. In simple terms, the reason a celebrity rises to high social status is that people believe in them. Why? Because they represent something people believe is valuable. And the powers that be know how important icons, celebrities, and people of prominence are in influencing the masses to maintain control and manifest their agenda.
We’re psychologically hardwired to seek out social acceptance. There are ancient and very powerful systems within your neurology, the serotonergic system, that constantly assess your actions and life events in terms of what it will do for your reputation and status. But how does this system know what is high status?
The system is preprogrammed to a certain extent, with instincts informed by our previous ancestors. That’s why, when, as a woman, you see a strong, confident, assertive man with high social status (James Bond?), you’ll probably find them attractive in some way. And as a man, when you see a fit, youthful female form, you’ll probably find them attractive. These pre-programmed qualifiers can be further refined by life experience. Particularly, our perception of what is considered high social status rests on what we think will help us rise to the top of a social hierarchy.
What better proof of high social value is there but a celebrity, who is, unquestionably, popular in some way?
We know that cultural plasticity with respect to values, called morays, takes place because as one looks back through history, certain values were more important and held sacred than others.
For instance, prior to the industrial age, philosophers and deep thinkers were all the rage. And some of the famous people of that day were philosophers like Immanuel Kant, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Today, through the influence of mass media, philosophy isn’t socially valuable. As a matter of fact, devoting your life to philosophy is often considered a waste of your life.
How do cultural values change? This is a complex question.
What we know for certain is that celebrities play an important role in shifting cultural trends. Why? Because we’re hardwired to seek out social acceptance, at all levels.
Ideally, we want to be accepted by ourselves, our romantic partner, our close and extended family, our tribe, our local community, our nation, our global society, and even a perceived cosmic community or Creator. We know that we’re hardwired to seek these attachments because when we lose them, they create measurable and consistent disturbances in a person’s emotional state. Restoring the attachment restores psychological order.
Thus, because we’re hardwired to seek out the social attachment, we’re also primed to seek out a way to achieve the greatest level of social attachment, the highest possible state of self-acceptance, through others accepting us.
In simple terms, if you think someone is well-loved, accepted, and is seen as valuable by a population, what we call “popular” in modern parlance, we also assume that who they are and what they value, must have been the thing that got them to that social high state. This is the reason why TV shows like Keeping Up With the Kardashians has the same social influencing power today that the church had in the dark ages.
In conclusion, celebrities wield incredible power over the human population. This influencing power is further magnified by the fact, for the most part, people today don’t know how to judge values for their merit. They don’t know how to judge right from wrong or more simply stated, identify behaviors that will be good for them and others. Meaning, just because a celebrity does something, like consume massive amounts of alcohol, doesn’t mean it’s good for us to do, clearly. But if you have no way to judge (discern) the utility or worthwhileness of something, you’ll be drawn to doing it like a moth to the flame because… everyone else is doing it, and you don’t want to be left out.
This unconscious emotional-based way of living life is what a herd animal does. I would argue, humans, although they are animals in some respects, are not meant to be unconscious emotionally driven creatures only. We’re meant to be both rational and emotional, we’re meant to use the power of the conscious mind to reveal the mysteries held within the unconscious. When we fail to embrace this human potential, we become pawns for the powers that be.
Make no mistake, the social engineers know exactly what they are doing. They’ve been perfecting their mass mind control methods for a very long time. And today, instead of saints, or prophets, they use music, movies, TV shows, comic books, social media, and other forms of mass media, to subtly reprogram your values without you even knowing it. It’s so effective, even the most “awake” people can have their values eroded through the overwhelming need to gain and maintain social acceptance.
Thankfully, we can use all of this to turn the tide. Through training our minds to discern values and access merit, combined with unity and community building, we can raise up new “celebrities” that embody values of true spiritual worth. History has a few examples you can probably think of, like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Joan of Arc, and so on. These influencers left their mark on history because they created a counter-culture that was so magnetic, likely because people saw at a deep value the merit it offered, and through sweeping social acceptance, it quickly gained prominence.
– Justin
by Jon Rappaport, October 25th, 2019
I recently found a 2013 article I wrote about celebrities and symbols. As we veer into the election season, I’m reposting it as a reminder about how symbols work, how they are made to stand in for real people. You can supply your own examples from 2019…
Let’s start here: A museum. A show of photographs of celebrities. If you didn’t know who they were, if you hadn’t been “prepped,” most of the photos would barely register. You’d yawn and walk past them.
But because you have separate knowledge, the photos mean something. They refer to a whole host of material and background on famous people.
“Oh. That’s Jay Leno eating ice cream.”
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Again, subtract that material and background and the photos are meaningless.
“That’s some guy eating ice cream. So what?”
The photos are symbols, in the sense that they refer, they point to something that isn’t there.
The photos have power because YOU make the jump from symbol to meaning. You’re doing it.
“Oh, look at that photo. That’s Jay. Tonight Show. Tells jokes. He and Letterman compete for ratings. Jay replaced Johnny Carson.”
Then there are your opinions and feelings. More background.
“Jay’s not that funny. They should have stayed with Conan. Television, what a waste of time. A distraction for the masses.”
You make the simple jump from an image to what it means.
And all these photos have something in common. They refer to someone who is famous.
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You could say, “Wait a minute. Let’s make a distinction here. The photos don’t refer. The photos don’t refer to anything. They’re just sitting there, inside frames, hanging on the wall.”
And that’s true. You do the referring. You connect the photo to meaning, to background.
But this is equally true of all symbols. A photo of an American flag doesn’t really refer, either. It just sits there. You make the connection to 50 states, the Constitution, the country, etc. The photo doesn’t step down from the wall and tap you on the shoulder and talk to you about itself.
People INVEST power in a photo of John Lennon sitting on a porch smoking a cigarette. However, people believe the photo itself HAS power.
Now, we’re talking about the trick involving symbols. They’re basically empty. You fill in the emptiness.
All this becomes more interesting when you realize there are PR people and propagandists working around the clock to make you impart particular meaning to symbols. They’re not satisfied to have you supply your own meaning. No.
For example, the last thing they want is you supplying your own references to photos of Hillary Clinton. They want you to think: distinguished leader, much experience, first woman president, above party politics, brilliant mind, great sympathy for the plight of the less fortunate, etc.
They want to make the symbol of Hillary as specific as possible.
This is really why the speeches of politicians are so empty. Their handlers don’t want actual information to get in the way of how the symbol is being crafted. PR people, if they could, would have a presidential candidate come up to a microphone, stand there, smile, and say nothing.
They, the PR handlers, are already shaping the symbolic meaning of the image of the candidate. That’s all they care about. That’s the difference between winning and losing.
Just as television shows are really the breaks between commercials, an election campaign is just a break between symbol-manipulations for the masses.
A scholar could write a compelling and important history of the human race based entirely on how symbols are given meanings by propagandists.
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Rulers and other leaders are celebrities. Their symbolic value is established and shaped. The whole idea is to get followers to invest meaning A,B,C in the image of the celeb, rather than meaning E,F,G.
In this case, what does meaning mean? Thoughts and feelings. Strong feelings.
“Bush will restore the republic.” Feel, feel, feel.
“Obama will bring unity to all peoples.” Feel, feel, feel.
But THEY (the propagandists) aren’t doing it to YOU in a vacuum. You’re consenting to the ploy. You’re injecting desired meaning. You’re not a helpless victim.
Here’s the kicker. If you know you’re injecting meaning, you know you’re creating something. So why not open that door wide?
Why not create with power? Why not create what you most profoundly want to?
Bottom line: everybody is an artist. So why not do something with that fact, instead of playing the symbol game?
This isn’t about withdrawing to a theoretically safe distance where you can refrain from injecting symbols with meaning. It’s about expressing your own energy and power in the world.
A final word about the amusing, wild, and wooly world of “channeling.” This is a perfect example of symbolism. The lecturer is purportedly obtaining all his information and wisdom from some entity in another dimension. The entity is the celebrity.
The audience is prepped to understand this relationship between the lecturer and the entity. So now, when the lecturer (medium) speaks, everything he says automatically has greater and higher meaning.
The symbolic reference to the entity is supplied by whom? The audience. They inject the “super-meaning.”
What would happen if the lecturer dispensed the same information, minus the prior assertion that he was getting it from a higher source? His audience would shrink to minimal size. People would walk out of the hall.
They would have no reason to stay. They aren’t being asked to inject that added dimension to the lecturer’s words. It’s a dud.
No gloss. No glitz. No celebrity. No deal.
And now, a final, final word. Who is the greatest celebrity in the universe?
I don’t care whether you believe in God or don’t believe in God. I don’t care whether you believe in Him on Sundays or every day of the week.
But the symbols of God, all the symbols that exist—these are the work of organized religions. They put out and promote and flash those symbols, for one reason: they want you to connect to God through their network and mesh of symbols.
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Otherwise, they’d be out of business.
They don’t want you to connect to God through your own private faith. That would be a disaster for them. They have to have all those symbols. They have to get you to inject those symbols with their meaning. Because, then, you’re part of their club. You belong. You’re in their group.
So…do symbols have power? Is this serious business?
Is the Pope Catholic?
Use this link to order Jon’s Matrix Collections.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
You can find this article and more at NoMoreFakeNews.
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Mass mind control, also known as propaganda, social programming, and reality management, is employed by the powers that be in their soft-slavery system. The way it works is that the beliefs and values of the individual are influenced through their need to gain and maintain social attachments, turning them into a pawn for the elite or a cog in the engines of control and domination. Through mass media, the perception of what is socially viable is manipulated, often through celebrity influence or mass spectacles, like TV, movies, video games, reality TV shows, and social media. Without comprehending the fact your brain is designed to manipulate your thinking through the desire to maintain social attachments, you will quickly find your values and beliefs changing, often deleteriously, in the pursuit of acceptance. But with the knowledge of how mass mind influence works, combined with the desire to know thyself, one can begin to recognize these influences, and guard against them by developing the ability to assess and refine one’s value system, based on merit and well thought out truth and value arguments.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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