(Gerald Pollack, PhD) Much like photosynthesis in plants, can human beings utilize light and water for their energy needs? New evidence suggests that it may be happening right now in each cell of your body.
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Source – Energy Fanatics
by Gerald Pollack, PhD, March 2nd, 2017
In response to the title question, my answer is a definite “maybe.”
On the positive side, a recently published paper by Herrera et al. (1) argues that the answer is yes. The authors pinpoint melanin as the central player in the drama of photosynthesis, arguing that melanin, a black substance prominent in certain tissues, absorbs all visible wavelengths. Those concentrated photons could then drive the photosynthetic process in the same way as photons do in green plants and many single celled organisms.
Does Water Transduce Energy?

Implications of Light Energy

Implications for Body Function

Water and Healing
Negative Charge and Anti-Oxidants
The Future
Do humans photosynthesize?
- Herrera, A.S., Esparza, M., Ashraf, G, Zamyatnin, A., and Aliev, G., Beyond mitochondria, What Would be the Energy Source of the Cell? CNS Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 15:32-41, 2015.
- Barr, F. E., Saloma, J. S. and Buchele, M. J. Melanin: The organizing molecule. Medical Hypotheses 11; 1-140, 1983.
- Pollack G. H. The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor. Seattle: Ebner and Sons, 2013.
- Rohani M and Pollack GH: Flow through horizontal tubes submerged in water in the absence of a pressure gradient: Mechanistic considerations. Langmuir 2013 29(22):6556-61. doi: 10.1021/la4001945
- Pollack G. H. Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life: A New Unifying Approach to Cell Function. Seattle: Ebner and Sons, 2001.
- Batmanghelidj F. Your Body’s Many Cries for Water: You Are Not Sick, You Are Thirsty. Don’t Treat Thirst with Medications. Falls Church: Global Health Solutions, 1997.
- So E, Stahlberg R, and Pollack GH: Exclusion zone as an intermediate between ice and water. in: Water and Society, ed. DW Pepper and CA Brebbia, WIT Press, pp 3-11, 2012.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY1eyLEo8_A&feature=related
- Straubinger, P http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_the_Beginning_There_Was_Light
- Azeemi, S. and Raza, S., A Critical Analysis of Chromotherapy and its Scientific Evolution. eCAM 2005;2(4)481–488 doi:10.1093/ecam/neh137
- University of Washington faculty award lecture http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVBEwn6iWOo
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnGCMQ8TJ_g.
- Recent TEDx talk http://youtu.be/i-T7tCMUDXU .

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