This is an interesting article detailing the connection between the Vatican and Jesuits with the BRICS bank.
Pope Francis declared a year of Jubilee, planed to begin in December of this year and some are saying this is a reconciliation of debts the world over. We covered the valid points which underpin this idea in the post Debt Forgiveness? | Pope Francis’ Holy Year of Mercy could be a truly great jubilee.
The below article asserts that this is no coincidence and the Jesuits are actually trying to hijack the BRICS bank, preventing it from toppling the Federal Reserve manged fiat money system supported by the dollar or FRN.
This idea seems to be centrally supported by the notion that asset backed currencies (gold, silver, etc) are more secure and support ‘freedom’ more then fiat systems, but the historical data suggests otherwise. Bill Still, an economic historian demonstrates in his work that what determines if a money system will serve the people as a whole vs the elite is not what backs it, but who control’s it; most importantly if the people are participating in that control. See the post RV/Gold Bait and Switch? – Secular Value vs Absolute Value – Hidden History of Gold.
Currency has long been mystified to service the ends of a hidden hand, but it is simply a tool, as such our knowledge of that tool will ensure it is used to our benefit. Just like anything else in life if we do not understand what we are doing, we can create chaos in our lives and act in ways which do not serve us.
Money is just a symbol of energy, with no inherent value what so ever, but when 2 people agree to use it honestly and fairly, it is imbued with value by their mutual arrangement; an equitable exchange using a contract. A farmer who makes cheese trading with a man who grows apples creates a correlative or relative measure of value (becoming effectively equivalent to each other), determined by the total amount of energy each expended to produce their products. If the farmer spent 200 hours to produce 50 bushels of apples, and the cheese maker spent 50 hours making 30 pounds of cheese, the value of each of their products becomes equal to them once it is exchanged between them,
The idea that we can create a symbol of value that has a fixed measure to it is an illusion. Even now I may get paid $10 an hour to shovel cow manure, while a CEO gets paid thousands an hour to sit behind a desk, both expend energy, but one’s energy is given more value then another, arbitrarily. Value can never truly be fixed, by gold, silver or anything else. Currency is always relative, an agreement between the parties who are engaged in commerce. This has always has been the case and always will be. And acknowledging this Natural Law of agreement via free will and awareness, we can develop systems which acknowledge the truth and work honorably.
This objective or scientific perspective reveals that the symbol itself doesn’t really matter, the farmers trading with each other could use gold, paper, even pig skins if they wanted to. What is important is how honorable their contract is, whether one person is lying to another or if there is full transparency and disclosure of intents and purposes.
Usury, or the charging of interest is a product of pandemic ignorance in a population who has lost sight of what money really is. Interest will always produce scarcity, class division and wealth aggregation into the hands of an elite, because that is what it is designed to do; a deceptive, manipulation tool. Mathematically, all the interest charged during a period of time must be spent back into the economy or a slow devaluation takes place; inflation.
That being said, if BRICS fails to disclose the full truth about their money system, encouraging the general population to gain knowledge of what money really is, then it is not all that much different then the system we have today. The core problem on Earth is lack of knowledge in humanity as a whole, more money may make the quality of life change, but the program of piracy and dishonor which plagues our world can only be addressed at its cause.
Debt forgiveness sounds like a great idea, but since most of the worlds debts are incurred due to usury, its like getting a day off from our would-be slave masters. The real solution is to stop letting ourselves be enslaved, in this is case we must educate ourselves on the objective aspects of what money is designed to do (facilitate the flow of creative energy between two or more beings), leaving the mystical aspects of it by the wayside. Knowledge will lead to power, if acted upon.
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BRICS New Development Bank Aims to Open Coffers by Year-End

On July 15, 2014, BRICS leaders — Russian President Vladimir Putin, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, Chinese President Xi Jinping and South African President Jacob Zuma (from left to right) — pose for a group photo in the Congress Center in Fortaleza.
” I am certain that this Jubilee will give the whole Church the joy of rediscovering the mercy of God and making it grow. All of us are called to be merciful and offer consolation to every man and woman of our time.”
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