(Stillness in the Storm Editor) According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center, solar storms are expected on May 15th and 16th. This will likely cause disruptions to technology, health effects, and psychological stressors, along with auroral displays reaching down into lower latitudes.
Recently, three coronal mass ejections took place on the earth-facing solar disk, sending charged particles flying toward the earth with the potential to cause solar storms. Adding to an already intense situation, a strong coronal-hole stream also arrived last night, coupled with a shift of the geomagnetic field that resulted in a level 3 geomagnetic storm this morning.
In addition to health effects, solar storms affect consciousness. At the bottom of the following Newsweek article is an excerpt from the daily Global Mind Energy Report issued by this website (Stillness in the Storm), which covers space weather and related effects on human life.
– Justin
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by Hanna Osborne, May 14th, 2019
A geomagnetic storm warning has been issued following three coronal mass ejections (CME) from a giant sunspot. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center said that a minor geomagnetic storm watch is in effect for May 15 and May 16.
As a result of the storm, northern parts of the U.S. may be able to see auroras over the next few nights. A forecast map showing where the auroras may be visible can be seen below.
CMEs come from our sun’s outer atmosphere. This is a region that has extremely strong magnetic fields. When these fields close, they can suddenly eject matter in a huge explosion—a CME. This matter—sometimes a billion tons of it—is ejected into space, impacting any object it comes across.
The three CMEs responsible for the latest geomagnetic storm came from the sunspot group Region 2741. The series started on May 10 and material from the first two is expected to arrive on May 15. The third will likely reach Earth on May 16.
“The source location for the CMEs has been associated with disappearing solar filaments (DSF) along areas of the magnetic neutral line in the vicinity of the unipolar sunspot group, Region 2741,” an NOAA statement said.
A solar filament is a long line of colder material that hovers above the sun’s corona. NASA notes that these filaments can float along like this for days before they disappear. “Sometimes they also erupt out into space, releasing solar material in a shower that either rains back down or escapes out into space, becoming a moving cloud known as a coronal mass ejection, or CME,” the space agency noted.
Sunspots are temporary regions on the surface of the sun that are darker and colder than the surrounding area—around 4,500 degrees Celsius cooler.
According to SpaceWeather, the sunspot that the latest three CMEs came from appears to be disintegrating and is no longer able to produce huge CMEs that pose a greater risk to Earth. When the sun does produce large explosions, a strong geomagnetic storm has the potential to cause disruption to GPS systems, satellites and power grids.
At the moment, the sun is in a period of quiet known as the solar minimum. The sun’s activity increases and decreases on an 11-year cycle. The solar maximum, when activity peaks, sees an increase in the number of sunspots. The next solar maximum is expected to peak around 2024.
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Excerpt from the daily Global Mind Energy Report:
Scientific Basis of Telepathy, Mass Meditation, and Global Field Effects:
The human organism is energetically linked to the earth via electromagnetic interactions in the extremely low-frequency range (ELF). These frequencies interact with the global system via the Schumann Resonances, ranging from 7.83hz up to 39hz. The human body, particularly the heart and brain, resonate at the same frequency range, measured by an EKG and EEG.
The heart is a piezoelectric liquid crystal oscillator that produces strong electromagnetic pulses, which are governed or attenuated by the brain, radiating outwardly up to 30 feet from the body. By way of inducing coherent states of mind (usually through meditation and/or chanting, sounding, yoga, or qi gong), the mind can focus the energies of the heart into a coherent field that is able to interact or “link up” with the global field.
Dr. Michael Persinger conducted research on the global mind, postulating that the geomagnetic field, due to the Schumann frequency ranges, has the potential to link up with the human mind, allowing information to be “stored” in the earth’s field. He was able to historically demonstrate that during times of low geomagnetic activity, individuals experienced greater spontaneous cognition or received telepathic downloads. Conversely, during times of high geomagnetic activity, telepathic downloads decreased.
Dr. Persinger also worked with Ingo Swann, an exemplary remote viewer who was involved in the DIA’s Star Gate Program. Experiments were conducted that involved placing Swann in a coherent magnetic field with a second participant who was asked to look at a photograph. Swann then entered a meditative state and “viewed” the drawing via the coherent field and the other person’s mind. This enabled him to draw statistically significant depictions of what the second participant was viewing. Dr. Persinger was able to prove that a coherent magnetic field provides an energetic medium for the exchange of information between minds.
Related Telepathy will be Enabled by the Earth’s Magnetic Field on a Global Scale
The geomagnetic field is the largest field on earth, immersing all living things and human beings within a coherent magnetic field. Via the principle of entrainment or synchronization, governed by electromagnetic sympathetic resonance, information within a human mind can be “uploaded” to the geomagnetic field, which can then be “downloaded” to other people, having stabilizing effects on any electric body. The greater the coherence of the individual, the more likely they are to inform the geomagnetic field. The greater the coherence of the geomagnetic field, the more likely the information can be shared between individuals.
During times of low geomagnetic activity, the human organism’s electromagnetic field embeds within the geomagnetic field (phase conjugation), allowing information to be exchanged between each system coherently (without degradation).
During times of high geomagnetic activity, the human organism’s electromagnetic field disconnects from the geomagnetic field, which has the effect of isolating each system from other systems.
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When people take the time to make themselves mentally and energetically coherent, by way of meditation techniques, while also visualizing or praying for peace, various types of stabilization effects can occur. The Maharishi effect stabilized social systems, reducing crime and overall suffering of people on earth.
In 1960, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi predicted that one percent of a population practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique would produce measurable improvements in the quality of life for the whole population. This phenomenon was first noticed in 1974 and reported in a paper published in 1976. Here, the finding was that when 1% of a community practiced the Transcendental Meditation® program, then the crime rate was reduced by 16% on average. At this time, the phenomenon was named Maharishi Effect. The meaning of this term was later extended to cover the influence generated by the group practice of the TM-Sidhi® program. Generally, the Maharishi Effect may be defined as the influence of coherence and positivity in the social and natural environment generated by the practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi programs. (source)
Dan Winter postulates that the effects of a coherent mind can be used to “steer a tornado” via a phase conjugate dielectric bioplasma produced by a shaman or person who has developed abilities in meditation and energy practices. In other words, an individual can produce a bioelectric field that allows them to merge with another field, influencing the second to some degree.
This can be simply described by having genuine empathy (care) and compassion for living energy systems, which could be people, places, weather systems, countries, and even the entire planet. Non-living “empathy”—electromagnetic connection between humans and dead buildings made out of steel and aluminum—reduce the coherence of the person, and are to be avoided.
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Meditating in nature or being surrounded by natural materials, like a wooden house or a cave, increases bioelectric coherence, strengthening an individual’s ability to affect other systems. Conversely, attempting to link up with the earth’s field from within an artificial “dead” structure, will reduce energetic embedding effects. You can’t connect to the global field in a steel building as well as you can in a natural setting.
Meditating in close proximity with other people, particularly after hugging each person for a least 20 seconds, will increase the individual’s brain-heart coherence. This effect also transfers to groups, a kind of energetic tuning that increases the energy embedding effects mentioned above. Group meditation, after tuning, have a greater impact than individual meditations.
These effects suggest that depending on an individual’s ability to develop coherence as well as what they visualize, they can have a profound impact on stabilizing weather and seismology.
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Additional Resources:
Effects of Geomagnetic, Solar and Other Factors on Humans
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The preceding information is a news update. In general, staying informed as to events taking place is essential as an individual because it helps you navigate the world, and socially because you can gain and maintain rapport with your fellows. This rapport can be used to share information that can help others and improve the conditions of humanity in general. However, one must learn how to exercise discernment and proper critical thinking so they can make effective use of information gained.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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