(Cristina Laila) Missouri – The man who sucker-punched a 12-year-old child dancing on a sidewalk last summer was sentenced to 7 years in prison.
by Cristina Laila, May 30th, 2021
Last July two boys were street dancing in Cape Girardeau, MO with their instructor Michael ‘Crank’ Curry.
That’s when a car pulled over, a black man jumped out and he sucker-punched the 12-year-old child, giving him a concussion.
Then he jumped back in his car and sped off.
VIDEO (graphic):
Police were able to ID Cedric Charles Moore Jr., after viewing the video of the assault.
Cedric Moore was charged with two felonies and changed his plea from not guilty to guilty earlier this month, according to KSDK.
Moore was sentenced to 7 years in prison for second degree assault.
KSDK reported:
CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. — The man who randomly sucker-punched a 12-year-old boy who was dancing on a sidewalk was sentenced to seven years is prison.
Moore previously pleaded guilty to first-degree endangering the welfare of a child and driving while under the influence. He was sentenced to probation for domestic assault in April 2019, and the mother of his child was granted an order of protection against him, also in 2019.
“The public has understandably expressed a desire to see Moore charged with a hate crime for this heinous crime,” the department said in a previous statement.
“In accordance with state statutes, this charge would only apply if the assault was categorized to a lesser degree, which would not be in the best interest of seeking true justice for the victim.”
About The Author
Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is currently the Associate Editor.
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What does it matter the color of the man and not the “boy”. And does anyone honestly think the same amount of time would be given if the roles were reversed? Hell, it would never even have gone to court if the state could not benefit from the slave labor of another black man.
You twist everything with your words and your system and your actions to suit yourselves and step on everyone else and you wonder why, after a thousand years of this you are not liked very much.