The following is solely the opinions of Benjamin Fulford. There’s some interesting data regarding the Hyksos people, but I have no idea if its true or the reliability of Benjamin’s source of that information. Others (including Ben) have said the cabal were Sabbateans (builders of Petra in Jordan) and Khazars (also known as Ashkenazi Jews) from Eastern Europe, Georgia and the Black Sea area. There does seem to be a link with spice and silk trade routes with these banking and ruling families.
Some in Ireland claim the Hebrew and Iranian people have Irish roots. It could be the case with the Jewish people that those that have led them are genetically different than the masses they rule (that is also true in America) and Ben implies that.
As always use your higher discernment in all posts, even mine. Nobody has the complete picture. Consider the data if it resonates as truth to you. Ben’s site is apparently down. Comments in red italics are mine… -AK
by Benjamin Fulford
November 17, 2014
The G20 meeting that just ended in Australia was a total defeat for the cabal and its agenda, multiple sources say. The cabal tried to use the Ukraine as an excuse to start war against Russia as a way to rebuild Western economies and keep itself in power. However, instead, the French, British and Germans abandoned the cabal controlled Americans and joined with the vast majority of the planet to support a BRICS led initiative for a new Marshall plan for the planet, the sources say. The attempts to inflame the sentiment for war using the Ukraine and ISIS went nowhere with most world leaders.
The BRICS and APEC summits week ended up focusing on stopping tax evasion by multinational corporations and increasing resources for fighting poverty and ending environmental destruction.
Furthermore, the US military has been in a state of shock and demoralization after a top of the line Aegis class US warship was turned into a crippled sitting duck in the Black Sea earlier this year, according to French and other reports.
As a Russian general explained “the more complicated an electronic system is, the easier it is to interfere with it.” The obvious implication here is that much of the US military’s highly computerized military equipment can all be electronically scrambled, making it no more dangerous than refrigerators. It is as if that Arthur C. Clarke 1951 science fiction story “Superiority,” about an army that lost because of its reliance on untested high tech equipment, has come true. That story used to be mandatory reading for US military officers.
In any case, the Russians and others are saying that when the Russian navy stationed a fleet near the G20 meeting in Australia the Americans were too scared to send their own fleet to respond.
Not only that but detailed evidence was presented to world leaders showing the Malaysian Airlines flight 370/17 incidents were nuclear blackmail carried out by the Bush and Cohen crime families of Florida, P2 Freemason lodge and pentagon sources say. The Pentagon has reacted to these revelations by carrying yet another restructuring of its nuclear forces in order to stop any more Bush/Cohen nuclear terror.
According to the P2 Lodge, the United States is now run by seven crime families. Of these families, it is the Bush and Cohen families that are now standing between the people of the world and freedom, the P2 lodge sources say.
[…just a quick note.. the P2 is not exactly an unbiased observer and their connection to the dark side of the Vatican and the Vatican Bank (IOR) is well known. There are 13 banking families, there are some that are trying to make things better, especially the younger generation within some of those families.
Our data indicates the “Texas Camp” has largely been defanged and some of its leaders are rumored be dead… perhaps even as long as 12 months ago. The puppet leaders in Canada, Japan, US, and Australia are quite active right now and still carrying out the agenda of the cabal which may or may not be originating with the Texas Camp. Time will tell where they are taking their orders from. It will all become transparent. Its interesting to note Ben is now affiliating the Bush camp with Cohen – so perhaps that gives us a clue.
Often in the cabal there is front man and the power behind the front man, same holds true of entire countries, there’s the muscle – THE USA, and the financial power behind it CHINA. Two seeming opposite and contradictory peoples intimately linked through finance via the Dragon Families – the front man and the power behind the front man template is quite common on this planet. -AK]
The Bush/Cohen hardline faction in the cabal has now been reduced to a few slaves like Prime Minister Abe of Japan,Abbott of Australian and, to this writers’ deep regret, Harper of Canada.
Abe returned to Japan only to find a mutiny against him inside the ruling Liberal Democratic and Komeito parties, according to Japanese right wing sources. The anti-Abe faction has been leaking news of a planned general election in December while Abe himself has been fighting tooth and nail to prevent that from happening, they say. The ruling coalition is split between two large factions and the pro-Abe faction is losing support fast.
The latest economic numbers showing that Japan’s economy shrank at an annualized 1.6% in the July to September quarter. This means Japan is officially in recession and Abenomics has been a failure. In fact, Abenomics has been nothing more than wholescale looting of Japan’s pensions and other financial assets aimed at supporting the cabal in the US. If Abe is removed, then it is game over for the Bush/Cohen Nazionist faction.
That is why there is expected to be heavy duty infighting in Japan over the coming weeks.
It is also interesting to note that a senior Mossad official was sent to Tokyo last week to meet with a White Dragon Society representative. This official has been completely out of contact since the March 11th, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attack against Japan. It was immediately after this terror attack that Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu phoned Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan to demand that Japan hand over all of its holding in US Treasuries. If he did not, Netanyahu threatened to destroy all of Japan’s nuclear reactors. Kan duly handed the Treasury certificates over and I guess the cabal thought they had emerged victorious.
They were wrong. The Mossad agent was told that Netanyahu and the other individuals responsible for that attack would face criminal prosecution. He was also told that there was going to be no pogrom, but that the highly brainwashed section of the Jewish population would have to be re-educated based on actual historical fact.
The fact is that Hebrew and Yiddish are Germanic languages from central Europe, not Middle-Eastern languages. The only people in the ancient Middle East who spoke an Indo-European language were the Hyksos who worshiped a goat faced being with a forked tail. That is the image we now associate with Satan. The people of Judea whose story the Torah tells spoke Aramaic.
The Hyksos invaded and ruled Egypt for a while and when they were kicked out they took a bunch of Egyptian slaves with them. [Was Moses a Hyksos? That seems to be the implication. This has implications for Judaism and Islam and by extension Christianity through the Torah. -AK] The implication here of course is that for millennia, Jews have been unwitting slaves of a Satan worshipping ancient Hyksos cult. The Mossad agent was told that once the Jews learned this, they would finally be freed from millennia of slavery.
The Mossad agent also asked why US President Barack Obama was so anti-Israel. He was told Obama was just a spokesperson for the US military. It was explained to him that the US military was angry about such things as 911 and the USS Liberty incident.
The Hyksos/Satanist factions are now being purged both in England and from the Vatican according to multiple sources. Pope Francis has removed thousands of pedophile priests from the Vatican, cleaned up the Vatican bank and otherwise ended their influence on that organization. [Are you sure about that? The Jesuit links to the P2 are legendary… -AK]
In England, stories that used to be on the far fringe of so-called “conspiracy theory” are now appearing in newspapers and even in the BBC. The stories talk about a pedophile ring filled with high ranking political, military and other figures killing and raping young boys.
Scotland Yard is investigating and mass arrests are expected, MI5 officials say.
When the same sorts of incidents are prosecuted inside the United States and the rest of the EU, then the horror perpetrated by these cultists will finally come to an end.
On a final note, this writer was offered first class tickets to go to the UK and testify in the Michael Shrimpton trial about nuclear terror threats to the 2012 London Olympics. However, I was warned in a phone call from London that the trial might be trap set by Tony Blair and other Bush minions in the UK. [Or they just didn’t want him to testify and used fear to scare him off… Not uncommon. Fear is a cheap weapon and doesn’t cost them much. -AK]

Comment by dwilcock on November 19, 2014 @ 12:47 am
Jeez. I am seeing this online for the first time this morning. Ben sent me the copy last night and I was going to post it on my site, but now it’s here… so that gives me more time to do the next thing.
Great links, everyone.
I can confirm that the AEGIS has all the latest, greatest stuff on it, and the fact that this was powered down — on this occasion and others not disclosed, including one very recently — is of towering significance.
It appears that the ETs have now given their technology to people here. This also strongly validates everything I said in the 2010 “China’s October Surprise” series, where a whole series of mysterious (and very public) power failures against Western assets occurred between late September and early December 2010.
Lots of very interesting stuff going on. This is definitely real and it is definitely happening!
– David
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