Some kind of paradigm changing event in the US is imminent, according to multiple sources. Three US agency sources, two from the Pentagon and one from the CIA, all say something very big is going to happen in the United States but none of them were sure exactly what it will be. The Pentagon had already taken over the FEMA camps and was going to put all the politicians from Washington D.C. there, one source said. Another, at Pentagon Military intelligence, confirmed “there was a lot of activity and confusion within the military,” a sign of something big going on but, he was not sure exactly what.
He added that for some reason all the FEMA coffins had been moved to Puerto Rico and were being displayed on Puerto Rican TV stations. The CIA source, for his part, said they were going to shut down the US power grid on November 11th.
In another sign something unusual was going on the US armed forces radio station in Japan broadcast a statement last week that the “US military did not have a budget for 2014.”
A top level Chinese government representative also reported that an agreement had been reached to release vast amounts of funds to finance a major campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
After receiving the call from the Chinese source, this writer called to US Embassy in Tokyo, Japan to ask if the government of the United States supported setting up a new development agency to carry out a multi-trillion dollar campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
In what seems to be a direct reply, a Pentagon military intelligence agent in Japan met this writer and asked if President Barack Obama could be included in the campaign. He said that despite Obama’s “weird metrosexual lifestyle” and despite the fact his father was an American communist and not a Kenyan politician as advertised, they supported Obama because he stopped World War 3 from starting in the Middle East.
In response he was told that if the cabal was defeated by the White Dragon Society and its allies, the US military would receive more funding that it does now and would be asked to help in the campaign to fix the planet. As far as Obama was concerned, the representative was told his fate is up to the American people and the US military industrial complex.
In any case, the United States is under enormous external pressure to get its act together.
The NSA scandal is one example. Here we have a US defector in Russia revealing secrets about US spying on its allies. The result is heavy criticism on the US regime by supposed allies such as the German, French and Spanish governments, a clear sign the Europeans are moving closer to Russia and distancing themselves from the US.
The other big move against the US last week came when Russia sent two strategic nuclear bombers to Venezuela after which Venezuela immediately took over US owned oil rigs in the country.
The Chinese did their bit by announcing they had surrounded the US with nuclear submarines that could annihilate the entire continental United States. They have also been aggressively investing in new energy technology and will pioneer a post-oil world.
In the old oil powers fortress of the Middle East as well, the Russians are continuing to jump into the US vacuum. Turkey, supposedly a NATO country, is negotiation a customs union with Russia, buying missiles from China and rounding up and removing Mossad agents spying on Iran from Turkey. Egypt too is buying missiles and other weapons from Russia and offering the Russians a naval base.
Last week when Israeli forces attacked Syria, the US armed forces immediately informed the Russians of this fact, infuriating the Israelis and making it clear that the United States armed forces are no longer going to fight wars for Israel. As a result that country will have to reach a deal with its neighbours and with Russia if it is to remain a viable entity.
The long term plan, according to an Eastern European Illuminati grandmaster, is to create a loose federation of Muslim states anchored by Turkey at one end and Egypt on the other. In this plan, Israel is expected to eventually become a Jewish autonomous region inside this federation.
The totalitarian rulers of Saudi Arabia, for their part, need to remind themselves of the Arab saying: “One day the stick is in your hand, the next day it is in your ass.”
What all this means is that the oil money from both the Middle East and South America will no longer be recycled into the banks that own the Federal Reserve Board thus dooming the Rockefeller/Bush petrodollar.
That is why the US Congress last week suddenly passed a bill allowing the big US banks to once again create infinite amounts of funny money using derivatives.
Of course the US military is upset about all this but, the answer is that the world wants them to go into Washington D.C. and Wall Street and remove the parasitical gangsters who have caused so much misery to the people of the world, including the American people.
After that, the US military industrial complex will get generous funding to do things like protect endangered species, fight bandits as well helping put to an end to various forms of planetary rape such as over-fishing and the destruction of rain forests. That is exactly what is about to happen, the pentagon and agency sources hint. The sources also say the cabal members and their families, who had planned to hide in underground bases while they killed everybody else, will instead find themselves confined in the FEMA camps. If that does not happen, the noose will only get tighter until it does. The people of the world are sick and tired of the criminal behavior of the US rogue regime.
If the US power grid is shut down on November 11th, it will mean no internet, no TV and no ATMs. If this event does happen, and if it is managed by the good guys, it can thus be used to render impotent two of the cabal’s main weapons, the control of the distribution of money and the use of mass propaganda. The system could then be rebooted minus all the hysterical nonsense and fake news that it has been churning out recently.
The coordinated attempts by cabal slave governments in Japan, the US and the UK to drastically curtail press freedom are signs of cabal desperation, not cabal power. They have lost control of the plot and somehow think they can put the genie back into the bottle by cutting off the truth. That is not going to happen.
The cabal appointed leaders in Canada, the UK and Japan are under attack on multiple fronts. In Canada a corruption scandal is closing in on Bush slave appointee Stephen Harper. In the UK, the passage of a draconian press law has triggered a massive anti-government campaign. In Japan, the gangsters who used to work for the cabal are no longer doing so, meaning the Japanese Parliamentary acting troupe will be reading from a new script. That has already been seen with the announcement last week of joint Japanese Russian military maneuvers. Expect more soon.
The end game of all this will be world peace.
Plus, if we are lucky, and it turns out alien races have been blockading us because of our criminal leadership, once we attain world peace we might be allowed off the planet and we will get the chance to explore the universe. If not, we will just have to work on making this planet really nice and fun.
The situation in the UK regarding the press laws are only the tip of the iceberg, and whilst I find much of what Benjamin Fulford has to say highly suspect, given the ever-present flavour of propaganda (which, as a Brit, I am subjected to on a daily basis – aren't we all though), I absolutely agree that it is a sign of desperation.
"The UK government is moving towards passing legislation which could criminalise behaviour deemed capable of causing a “nuisance or annoyance.” The bill has already passed through its second hearing in the House of Lords and looks set to become law.
The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill will grant powers to police, local authorities, and even private security firms to restrict any activity deemed to have a 'detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality.'
Essentially what they’re attempting to do is give police the authority to make any lawful protest immediately illegal, simply because it 'may, has, or is likely to cause nuisance or annoyance,' Kerry-Anne Mendoza, a campaigner against the Anti-Social Behaviour Bill told RT."
The above was taken from on 13th Nov. 2013
Those who like to imagine they sit at the top of the food chain (call them whatever you will) are using every trick they can conceive in an attempt to frighten and cower the masses.
But, and usually I would hesitate to use such a crass quote, as is said in the original Star Wars movie: "… the more you tighten your grip, the more they will slip through your fingers…"
When faced with such an obvious, and cynical, law there is only one solution – stand against it!