Looking back at the events of 2013, it is clear the fascist Zionist forces have been severely battered and purged. If we continue on the offensive, the human species can be finally freed from their murderous slavery in 2014.
The year 2012 ended and the year 2013 started with a purge of Nazi/Zionist elements in the US military. The Bush/Nazi/Zionist faction in the military had been planning to sink 3 US aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf, blame it on Iran and start World War III, according to multiple sources. Instead fascists like David Petraeus, Rear Admiral Charles Gauoette and General Carter Ham were removed as part of a purge of over 200 senior US military officers. The CIA , NSA and other alphabet agencies experienced similar purges of Zionist agents. Fascists like Michael Hayden, Paul Wolfowitz, Michael Chertoff and all the other main architects of the 911, 2001 fascist coup d’etat in the US have now been removed from power.
Also, we can confirm from government sources in Washington that underground bunkers the elite had prepared to hide in during their planned World War III have either been seized or destroyed.
Then in Rome in February and March, Nazi Pope Maledict was told to either resign or be killed, paving the way for the genuine Christian Pope Francis to start cleaning up the Catholic Church. Francis has now removed Vatican secret power broker Cardinal Tarcision Bertone, paving the way for the Vatican bank and the Catholic Church to refocus their energies from creating a fascist world government to helping the poor and the weak.
After these purges, the fascists tried a counter-attack with a big push to start World War III in Syria. The push included an Israeli nuclear attack on Syria, an attempt to frame the Syrian government with a Sarin gas attack and a hysterical Zionist war mongering media campaign. The Pentagon and Russia put a stop to that, with them threatening at one point to declare war on France to prevent an attack on Syria.
Then in Egypt, the Nazi Muslim Brotherhood government, empowerd through fraud, was removed by the military, backed by Egyptian public opinion. A fascist plot to create an oil crisis by closing the Suez Canal was thus prevented.
The Zionist plot to start World War III in the Middle East was dealt another massive blow when the United States Government decided to make friends with Iran. For over 30 years the Zionist media has been hysterically screaming “we must attack Iran because they will have nuclear weapons within a few weeks” Now, this mind numbing charade has been ended.
Instead Iranian and US forces are now working together to fight Zionist/Salafist terrorists in Iraq and elsewhere, according to Mossad linked site DEBKA.
In Asia as well, the fascists and their allies have experienced many defeats. The network of Chinese allies built by George Bush Sr. and his brother Prescott, created with illegal transfers of US military technology and bribes of Iraqi oil, is being quietly dismantled by Xi Jinping and his colleagues.
In North Korea too, the network that helped the fascists with their 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan has been purged following the execution of North Korean number 2 power broker Jang Song Thaek and the removal of his allies.
The cabal is also reeling in their European stronghold.
In the UK, the British Parliament forced cabal poodle David Cameron to stop his planned attack on Syria. This is part of an overall move in the UK to fight back against handing over British sovereignty to the unelected fascist EU regime. That counter-attack with continue in 2014.
In France, the regime of Francois Hollande continues to be a fascist cabal stronghold doing things like stealing gold from Mali to help the banksters and trying to prop up the Saudi absolutist slave regime. However, there are signs of civil war in France aimed at removing the Zionists there (in French):
In Germany, the Merkel regime, while still pushing for greater Germany and EU unity, has also consistently avoided war mongering in the Middle East or elsewhere. Germany is also moving closer to Russia and further from France.
The recent EU attempt to take over the Ukraine failed this year and instead Putin is now on the offensive in Eastern Europe, offering oil and gas in exchange for partnership. With the failure of the attempt to take over Syria by the fascist Saudis and their Zionist allies, and with the installation of a pro-Russian regime in Egypt, Russia in 2013 became undeniably the chief power broker in the Middle East. That means Russia is now in a position to take over the battered but still almighty petrodollar.
However, there is still a lot to be done before the fascist Zionists are permanently removed from power.
Most notably, their agents Mario Draghi, Janet Yellen and Haruhiko Kuroda still sit illegally perched atop the Euro, US Dollar and Yen debt slavery system. Their slave politicians thus remain in power in Washington, Tokyo, London, France and Israel.
Also, in Japan the Zionist Council of Foreign Relations was able to stage a rigged election and install low IQ, Zionist warmongering slave Shinzo Abe into power as dictator in Japan. Abe continues to hand over Japanese wealth to his Zionists masters and follows their instructions to provoke Japan’s Asian neighbours. For example, by refusing to restart Japan’s nuclear reactors he hands over $100 billion a day to the Zionist Nazis and thus allows them to stave off bankruptcy. Abe is also personally buying all sort of property around Tokyo with bribe money from his Zionist puppet masters. He needs to be removed.
Furthermore, the Zionists still sit atop most of the West’s major commercial media companies and are thus able to continue spewing out mind numbing propaganda. They are also still capable of carrying out both fake (Boston bombing) and real (last week’s bus bombings in Russia) terror attacks.
So, in 2014 we need to remove them from these last bastions of power and influence. One likely move to devastate them would be an attack on Saudi Arabia. Last August Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan told Vladimir Putin that “I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us.”.
Now that terrorist attacks have taken place in Russia with the bus bombings in Volvograd (formerly Stalingrad), Putin has the right under international law to attack Saudi Arabia. The Pentagon may join in that attack because it is now clear the Saudi regime worked hand in glove with the Bush Nazis to stage the 911 mass murder and terror attack in New York.
So, we can expect a take-down of that vile regime in 2014. This will remove the main remaining real (as opposed to fraudulent) source of money for the fascists.
The other thing that will be necessary to permanently finish of the fascists will be a move to normalize, tax and regulate the narcotic drug industry for the sake of human health and safety. Doing so will end a $2.5 trillion annual flow of money to criminal enterprises.
President Obama will also have to show he is the real deal by ending the death spiral of the US economy. He can do this easily by treating the current US dollar as a foreign currency and issuing US government money instead of Federal Reserve Board debt instruments.
This issue has been camouflaged by years with occultism, obscurantism, complex mathematics etc. but is actually very simple. As things stand now the family mafia that owns the Federal Reserve Board creates say $100 out of nothing and lends it to the government and the people. So, they give you a $100 and you pay back $110. Even at zero interest as we have in some places now, they give you $100 and you have to pay back $100.
With a government issued currency, they give you $100 and you keep it. End of story. Of course if the government goes haywire and issues too much money, you will get inflation. That is why if you want to spend money on beer or babes or other such things, you will have to work to earn it. However, government money can pay for things like public works, food stamps, education, health care and the military without the need for either taxes or debt.
The international US dollar payments system can continue independently of the United States if the other nations of the world, especially the BRICS nations, support it.
Finally, the wish for so many people of the world is to see the mass murderers who have acted with impunity all these years arrested, put in handcuffs and perp walked in front of the world’s TV cameras to let everybody understand the nightmare is finally over.
Also, in 2014 the introduction of new energy sources, live extension, life enhancement and other new wonders will continue to gain momentum. Future historians, looking back, will remember 2013 as the dawn of a new age for humanity and all the creatures of the planet.
Joe Renaud says
Ben seems more and more reasonable to me as he gets older.
Sentindo Bem says
All of us.