There are many signs the ongoing financial war for the future of the planet is heading for a major inflection point as the BRICS heads of state meet July 14-16 to formally set up their alternative to the cabal controlled IMF and World Bank. The cabal has already signaled its displeasure by blowing up a bridge in Brazil, according to CIA sources.
The cabalists are also trying to make their own move to pre-empt the BRICS, by using the Abe slave government in Japan. World Bank lawyer (apparently she never quit) Karen Hudes was in Tokyo recently where she sent messages to over 70 governments falsely claiming Japan would provide the gold needed to back a new financial system, according to CIA sources in Asia who monitored her activities. Hudes did not respond to an e-mail asking for her reply to these allegations. In any case, Japan does not have the requisite gold, according to Bank of Japan sources.
The Abe government works according to a script written in part by Nazi drug smuggler and murderer Richard Armitage and Mossad scum bag liar Michael Green. Green lied to Asian gangsters that this writer was a “speed addict who beat women,” in an attempt to get them to agree to carry out a murder contract on me. Message to Green and Armitage: you are going to jail.
The plot written by these criminals for Abe also mentions the 311 nuclear and tsunami mass murder and terror incident as a great opportunity for the Japanese and US military to work together. The report can be seen here:
In any case, the attempt to use Abe to fool the world about non-existent Japanese gold may be connected to the cryptic occult numerology press conference by IMF head Christine Lagarde,
as reported last week, that seems to indicate some big event is planned for July 20th. Alert readers of this newsletter also forwarded this link where a high level insider gives concrete evidence the cabal
expects a new financial system to be in place by August.
As always, we recommend readers to take predicted dates with a grain of salt because so many have come and gone without the predicted event happening. However, it is clear from many seemingly unrelated events that tensions are reaching a crescendo.
For example, there is also a cabal plot to stage a coup d’etat in
Indonesia after Presidential elections on July 9th, according to a White Dragon Society source in Indonesia. The cabal wants the coup d’etat because opinion polls show the gold rich people of Indonesia are likely to elect Joko Widodo, an honest non-cabal candidate supported by the 177 nation BRICS alliance. The White Dragon Society warns the military to stay in their barracks and let the people choose their leader.
The situation for the cabal is not like it was back at the time of the Kennedy assassination where they had to power to remove President Sukarno and murder 500,000 Indonesians in order to prevent Indonesian gold from being used to finance development projects.
These days, the cabalists are being purged on multiple levels. Last week saw the death of Richard Mellon Scaife, one of the owners of the Federal Reserve Board. He follows Richard Rockefeller, several members of the Warburg family and many others.
The Bush J.P. Morgan nexus is also under serious attack. Last week saw the unannounced deaths of at least 5 more bankers associated with Bush. Now J.P. Morgan Chairman Jamie Dimon has announced that he has cancer. Sources close to Dimon say he is planning to fake his death before it becomes real. The murders are being carried out to silence the bankers and prevent them from fingering Fuhrer Bush Sr. Message to Bush: they are coming to after you there is nowhere to hide.
The arrest of former French Prime Minister Nicolas Sarkozy on corruption charges last week was also part of the ongoing worldwide purge of the cabal’s top ranks.
Perhaps the biggest attack against the cabal is taking place in London. The British press is full of articles about a major pedophile scandal involving dozens of politicians. “These are some of the most horrific child abuse allegations you can imagine,” was how the UK Daily mail put it.
The newspapers are also reporting that 114 files relating to child sex rings have been “lost.”
What the British press are still not reporting is that blackmail of politicians over pedophilia have been used to manipulate British politics, according to MI5 sources. In particular, the fact that popular BBC television personality Jimmy Savile “procured boys for the Westminster [British Parliament] pedophile rings also supports the claims that he supplied [former Prime Minister] Ted Heath with boys, some of whom were killed,” the MI5 source says. Furthermore as soon as “Heath formed a government in June 1970 in his first Cabinet meeting he ordered the drawing-up of papers to join the Common Market to be ready for the next meeting in four days,” the source continues. In other words, the source implied, the Prime Minister of the UK was being blackmailed into ceding sovereignty to the EU because he was being blackmailed over raping and murdering small boys.
This sort of man/boy sex seems to be fairly widespread. In another example, “in 1977 a boy of 16 years gave a speech at the Conservative Party National Conference which was headline news. The boy who was sponsored by Leon Brittan [the man who “lost” the 114 files on child sexual abuse by politicians] was William Hague who became Conservatiove Party Leader and is now Foreign Secretary. Hague is one of the candidates vying to replace current Prime Minister David Cameron.
The murdered journalist Christopher Story also regularly accused former Prime Minister Tony Blair of being a pedophile. Blair, as we all know, is a war criminal who blindly followed George Bush Jr. into the rape and pillage of Iraq. Was he also blackmailed?
In any case, the fact that newspapers in the UK are writing about this and police are investigating is a sign the British are cleaning up their political system.
The situation with child abuse and child murder is said to be far worse in Washington D.C. but so far nothing is being done about it inside the United States.
However, the rest of the world is continuing to isolate the rogue regime in Washington D.C. Most tellingly, Christian Noyer, head of the Bank for International Settlements and governor of the French central bank last week, in an interview with a specialist magazine, called for the Euro to be split from the US dollar.
This is huge because it has been the European central bank via Euroclear that has recently bought $200 billion worth of US Treasuries and prevented the bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve Board and its Washington D.C. subsidiary.
The Germans are also on the warpath against the Feds. This week, as Chancellor Angela Merkel visits China for the 7th time, German authorities arrested a US spy. What makes this arrest unusual is that the Germans are using it as an excuse to create a split with Washington D.C.
The Germans and French are angry, as are the Russians, with the Washington D.C. subsidiary the Rand Corporation’s ongoing operations in the Ukraine. They do not like having their gas link with Russia being cut off by mercenaries sent by the D.C. corporate government.
The ongoing ISIS activity in the Middle East, straddling another major pipeline route, is for its part is now moving in on Kuwait. There are now, or so it seems, new controllers of the Middle Eastern oil reserves meaning the control of petrodollar, as we knew it, has fallen into a new set of hands.
Almost every government on earth is now insisting that the Pentagon must move in on Washington D.C. and start making arrests. It is either that or sit back and witness an economic implosion and chaos in the US.
Comment by dwilcock on July 8, 2014 @ 12:30 am
Excellent review.
We have a new insider source telling us that the plan for a massive geo-political change is definitely real. An ever-increasing number of people in the USG and other Cabal-run institutions are being clued in on it now that it’s so close.
This sounds weird, but I will tell you what I heard:
The “White Hats” in our military who are doing this are at least to a large degree right-wing Republicans who embrace the Constitution, the Second Amendment and Christianity, seeing that they are literally battling the devil in its form as the Cabal.
It is important to remember here that nothing is perfect, and even if you disagree with this political view, this is the group that has been willing to step up and take decisive action to save the planet from people who quite literally will kill us and kill everyone and everything, and migrate somewhere else, if they had the chance.
Bearing that in mind, what I heard from very credible new sources was quite interesting.
Do you remember the very strange Supreme Court decisions this past week?
There was much more to it than most people realized.
According to this source, each Supreme Court justice was individually approached and clued in on what is about to be happening. Apparently it is a very big change, involving mass arrests. It will probably lead to a huge housecleaning of all three branches of government, and particularly Congress and perhaps the high levels of the executive branch.
They were told that if they sided with the group that is soon going to be arrested, and agreed with this group politically, they themselves would be arrested along with them. The change will be big enough that being a Supreme Court Justice won’t mean anything, apparently.
This was wild, wild information. Who knows if it’s true. It is very interesting that there was a unilateral 9-0 vote on things this past week, and that two of the female justices discussed resigning.
Whatever they were shown must have been decisive and convincing enough that it left no doubt in their minds. I haven’t even read what Ben wrote yet, not a bit, but there were only 11 comments when I hit this so I figured I’d get it in early.
This could be ‘messy’ but I am having dreams suggesting that we are indeed very close. I don’t want to see people get hurt or killed. I also understand that some of that is unavoidable in order to accomplish this goal.
I will read the update now and see if anything else comes to mind. I don’t know if Ben got this piece of intel or not but I doubt it. If it didn’t come from such a good source I would have laughed it off, but there you have it.
Comment by dwilcock on July 8, 2014 @ 12:47 am
OK… just read it. Ben is doing a good job of summarizing the large, multi-faceted campaign that is going on now to create change. It is becoming increasingly obvious.
Many people thought we were crazy, and completely blowing smoke, when describing the idea of a mass-arrest scenario against the Cabal. And yet, IT IS HAPPENING NOW, just not as quickly or suddenly as we may have expected.
Nonetheless there is going to be a decisive tipping-point.
I hope to release a radio show I did on Sirius XM soon where I discuss some of what’s going on right now. I have been highly distracted with major rewrites on our Convergence film, which is almost finished (finally,) preparations to start my new Gaiam TV show Whistleblower (which will be awesome,) and intensive work learning Adobe After Effects CC 2014 to be able to do high-level motion graphics on my own and more effectively work with others who also can do it.
I am continuing to get one dream after another telling me that an epic change is upon us. Given the intensity of these dreams I’m actually quite surprised it hasn’t already happened. I thought it was going to happen last September / October / November, based on very good intel we had, but the timing just wasn’t right. Now it feels like it may be.
I can also say that there appears to be an energetic component to all of this, the science of which I discuss in both Source Field and Synchronicity Key. On the personal level it seems as if everyone is broke and hurting, regardless of what level of our social strata they are at.
These are the wildest, most intense times we’ve ever seen — and yet the strangest thing about it is you can look around you and everything seems EXACTLY THE SAME. You look out the window — all the same. Take a drive — all the same. Smell the breeze — all the same.
There have been no big, epic changes — yet — but on a personal level it seems that everyone I know personally, as well as everyone they know, is going through maximum trial, difficulty, pain, initiation, fear, depression, et cetera.
If you can work through it — and that’s the ‘if’ — you have the potential to be very spring-loaded and make progress. You vanquish one villain, get a boost, and then immediately seem to face the next one. It can happen multiple times per day.
This does seem to be energetic in nature and it is fascinating to watch. Reality is far more interconnected than the typical “Highly Intelligent Skeptic” realizes, and it does appear that we are going through a mass, collective consciousness event right now where everyone is getting all their buttons pushed simultaneously.
There may be a major “pressure release” coming up, much like the idea of sexual tension building to climax. The tension right now in the world seems to be enormous. It would be nice if we don’t have to keep going through this, ratcheting up more and more, for another six months, a year, or more. We could all use some good news!
My radio show only covered certain aspects of the story but it’s still worth a listen, so be on the lookout for it this week. If you’re still not subscribed to my show on Gaiam TV, the episode coming out tonight is all about Tibetan Buddhist teachings on the Rainbow Body and how we can apply them to our own lives — and is well worth a viewing. You can see more and get a free trial at This directly helps us be able to pay the bills, and fight this fight, so your support is appreciated!
Comment by dwilcock on July 8, 2014 @ 12:59 am
The personal angle is so obvious to me, and to others I know who are familiar with the scientific case I’ve made, that it’s almost overwhelming.
The pervasive nature of SAMENESS in the midst of all of this is, by far, the weirdest thing of all.
It’s never been scarier, harder or more difficult, and yet everything keeps on working out.
If you get caught up in the fear currents you can believe it’s all a nightmare and it’s all over — and many people are falling for that — but not most.
Overall, we’re all working through this “collective initiation” in our own ways.
I would just say “remember to have fun!”
– David Wilcock
Anonymous says
Hell yeah !