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While this was all going on, the channel tunnel connecting England with France was shut down by smoke. Also at this time a fleet of Chinese warships happened to be docked in England.…/philippines-le-pape-fai…/
Emily Cragg says
The supposedly Satanic hand sign of the Pope and his aligning Bishop comprise signing of the Deaf, as "I love you." Amazing, yes, I've seen the Deaf use this sign.
Rick2012 says
So the power basis really moving East?And with the pentagon and UK(that is Crow city of London)blessing??Looks like a heird movie script. So the Illuminati(or darknati)are those at BIS+Crow city+pentagon??The puppets in the US-Europe-Israel(nazionists)are the bad ones in this evilmovie?But,wait a second…who did finance those puppets after all??Not only the FED I suppose.