Free Energy or Over Unity technology has been suppressed from public view for over a century. When Nikola Tesla discovered radiant energy, or what is now known as Scalar energy, and wanted to give it to the world, J.P. Morgan destroyed his lab and cut his funding.
Related Science Conspiracy: Suppressed Free Energy Science
Related Unraveling Nikola Tesla’s Greatest Secret: Radiant Energy | Synchronization or Entrainment of Radiant Electrical Energy
There is a long list of technologies suppressed by various power players on the planet, all designed to maintain energy dependency. If humanity could produce energy cheaply and without environmental cost, then the oil industry would collapse, along with the false paradigm of technological progress that is widely accepted today.
Hope More, and her team at Fix The World (FTW) organization have been developing a panoply of humanitarian projects chiefly designed to provide empowerment to the people. One of these projects is the Quantum Energy Generator or QEG.
Julian and I traveled to Morocco in February 2014, originally to build a sustainable project there. Shortly after arriving, it was announced that Hope would bring the QEG to Morocco and it would be a launching pad for other projects all over the world.
Julian and I saw the value of this project from the moment we discovered it. We spent hours of time researching the science involved and confirmed that not only was a viable device but that fact it was an open source project, meant it was truly intended for the people’s use. We were honored to participate in this venture and it is actually Julian’s photograph that Hope used for the following article.
There were some setbacks with developing the device in Morocco, as there was a concerted effort by various detractors to smear this effort in the public eye. Despite this, FTW continued making forward progress with the QEG and many other projects.
Hope recently shared with me that her story is much more involved than what has been released to the public. In the full disclosure piece below, she reveals that the Free Energy goals of FTW have been suppressed by the powers that be.
For those well versed in the Free Energy topic, it is common for all manner of tampering to occur when world-changing projects are undertaken. Wilhelmina is a humanitarian investor that became aware of FTW and wanted to help fund the effort with a $100,000 donation. Despite following the rules and procedures of her bank, RBC, they refused to allow her to send funding to FTW.
If the QEG was really a total failure, as some claim, why would this bank break the law and prevent Wilhelmina from funding the project? Firstly of all, the legal system and banking industry is not lawful and is constantly breaking their own rules to service a hidden agenda. There is an appearance of law and honor, but in truth, this is one of the corrupt aspects of our world today.
The following historical account of Wilhelmina’s attempt to support projects that have the potential to free humanity is prima facie evidence that there is no justice, no rule of law and no honor in the legal or banking system.
Despite this, FTW carries on doing the work to benefit humanity, and in my view, this is a great lesson to learn. That the best hope for a free and better world is to keep doing the work regardless of what others say or try to do. What is right, what creates harmony and freedom for all, is always a worthy cause, but in a world darkened by ignorance and greed, it is also one of the hardest things to do.
But those who desire freedom and prosperity for all will find the courage to carry on in this great work of loving service.
Part 2 of this fascinating story can be read here. which are all re-blogged below.
September 2015
Dear Wilhelmina. We were amazed and thrilled to see your incredibly generous donation to Fix the World and the QEG. Thank you so very much for your help! I just wanted to write you personally to let you know that this particular donation from you seems to have come in ‘divine’ timing. We have just recently acquired a community center here in a poor neighbourhood in Morocco which will allow us to operate our humanitarian efforts and help lots of people improve their living conditions and graduate out of poverty. The center will be helping homeless mothers and children in tutoring and vocational training, and allow for a place for people to go during the day for some peace in an otherwise stressful living situation. It will also serve as a main distribution center for the donations of food and clothing that come into the area from other countries.
Tivon and Hope
Hello, Hope. I appreciate what your family has been doing and I’d like to help in some way in promoting Free Energy. Do keep Youtubing. This is where I’ve recently found you and where I will keep in touch. And do keep us all informed as to how your translation program is coming along for your free and open-source QEG Build Manual. A thousand dollars per language seems like such a good deal. Your family has been doing all the grunt work up to now. Perhaps I can do my part by contributing a little. I wish you well. – Wilhelmina –
Dear Wilhelmina. My husband, James, and I are so very grateful for your donation 24 hours ago. James has been needing capacitors for the next generation QEG and we were really scrimping to save for some. Your incredibly generous donation came at just the right time for us and we thank you so very much from our hearts. We continue the work! Many blessings. – Valerie and James –
Hello, Valerie. I’m so glad to hear from you personally. Thank you, thank you, for what your family has done. I am just now finding you, through Youtube and HopeGirl.
Wilhelmina. I am honored to write you personally. We (Fix The World / QEG / HopeGirl) are astounded at your generosity and want to catch you up on all we’ve been doing. I know my daughter (HopeGirl – her real name is Naima) has told you about our community center in Morocco, but since you just recently found us you will need some history which I hope to provide here and in future emails, if you like.
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