(Ulonda Faye) Have you ever truly and deeply experienced the true connection your heart offers? The heart organ is our greatest vehicle for Unity Consciousness, which is thinking, acting and living in ways that unite us with our Higher Self and our collective Over-Soul.
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by Ulonda Faye, December 22nd, 2018
Originally coined by the Mayan culture as one planet within the collective mind, Unity Consciousness takes form through a balanced planet with people living and thriving in a Heart Conscious way.
In every rise and fall of an empire, and in every political season in countries around the world, it becomes ever so clear that we must find a way to support a higher form of living in truth and universal love. The healing, awakening and transformation the world needs is in each one of us as a seed.
Personal Healing Awakens Heart Consciousness
Have you ever experienced being overly emotional or have met someone overwhelmed with emotions? This is an important place to begin to heal as through healing our emotions, we can be led deeper into our heart. When highly emotional, cognitive function is impaired, which limits our ability to think clearly, remember, learn, reason, and make effective decisions.
There are many areas in need of healing in our lives. Can you think of one for you? Additionally, letting go of the need to control or manipulate situations is an important act of love for the self and the other. Too much stress is placed on the person controlling as well as those who are the targets, which blocks our heart connection. By letting go of how we feel things need to be, we open up so much extra energy for our own unique path.
Acceptance of what comes and goes is very healing and a key to both inner and outer peace. We can accept and drop resistance as we know this is in service to our soul. We are always peaceful when we release the need to dominate a person, situation or circumstance. Letting go of resistance is beneficial for our health and opens us up to our heart.
“Any kind of expectation creates a problem. We should accept, but not expect. Whatever comes, accept it. Whatever goes, accept it. The immediate benefit is that your mind is always peaceful.” Swami Satchidananda

Lose Yourself within Your Heart Space
When we enter silence through meditation, we can lose ourselves to our heart, and thus open ourselves to what is true. There is no longer anything to run from as our silence is who we are at our very core. It waits for us and calls us, leading us to the depths of our soul. It connects us to our heart. Have you ever considered, what silence can do for you?
Meditation is one of the most effective tools to connect and balance our feminine and masculine energies, while physical exercise, dance and yoga can prepare us for meditation. Other tools can be chakra balancing and energy work, yet it is important to note that meditation is vital. It takes our mind beyond the mind, where we drop all our emotions, stories and old patterns. All limiting thoughts and beliefs drop into the vast silence.
Healing emotions reveal very deep wounds from the past. The heart’s input to the brain during stressful or negative emotions can have a profound effect on the brain’s emotional processes—actually serving to reinforce the emotional state. Thus, it can be important to create a safe space for yourself as you heal. Having boundaries and a safe space allows for an inner space to be nurtured, cared for and protected, and focus can be fully placed on the heart for healing meditations.
An Exercise to Heal Emotions & Move into Heart Consciousness
Call forth positive emotions through visualization, and engage your heart every day. When strong emotions arise, lovingly place your right hand over your heart and your left hand over your abdominal area. About two-thirds of the heart’s physical mass is located on the left side of the chest. Thus, placement of the right hand over the heart is for synergy (male/female, right/left).
First, just breathe and focus on a slow and steady in and out breath. Do this for 3 to 5 minutes or as long as is comfortable and until a feeling of peace arises. Feel this breath fill your lungs, and then go deeper by allowing it to fill your abdominal and stomach area. Practice breathing in and out of your heart now, and observe how your heart rhythms smooth and even out. Can you feel the coherence arise?
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Loving affirmations can now be incorporated such as:
I am safe; I love myself; I am loved; I am free; and I am leading my life through my beautiful heart now.
Once a feeling of ease, comfort and peace begins to coat your whole being, begin to ask your heart questions. The heart is very intuitive and houses many neurons, which can help reveal our deepest wounds, while filling us up with much wisdom for a happy, loving life. It will lead us to what is next. Your heart knows your truth.
Heart Resonance
The Heart Math Institute has found, through dedicated research, that intentional heart focus creates greater coherence in the heart, often in less than one minute. They have discovered that our heart rhythm patterns are the greatest mirror of our inner state. We as individuals, and thus as a collective, can reduce and eliminate anxiety and irritability through intentional heart focus. It is here that we can increase feelings of appreciation, care of self and others, compassion, love and peace.
“Dare to connect with your heart. You will be lifting not only yourself and those you love and care about, but also the world in which you live.”
-Doc Childre, HeartMath Founder

Our physical heart pumps our blood, circulating it through blood vessels, which provides us with oxygen, nutrients and the ability to also remove metabolic wastes. This is also the process with our sensory heart. What a vital organ our heart is as this great muscular organ truly manages so much for us. Our emotions and thoughts also get circulated through the heart and can nourish us when we choose healthy ones. With enough inner work with the heart, it can also release non-beneficial patterns such as is the case with metabolic waste that can be excessive or toxic. The heart is such a wonder with its multifaceted role in the human system carrying much wisdom, intuition, energy and spiritual insight. Please always trust it and know, your heart holds truth for you.
Transformation through Heart Consciousness
We know when we live through our hearts that our lives begin to transform. Imagine then what that can look like through a worldly view. This is what happens when each individual is living intentionally from the heart. This is much more than positive thinking. The heart connection shifts our lives and how we view situations, individuals and ourselves. Unhealthy emotions can blind us, our intuitive feelings guide us and our heart transports us into a higher way of living in Heart Consciousness.
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Heart Consciousness connects the heart with the brain, infusing our mind with loving thoughts while creating an energy field around us and around world, of healing. Emotions serve a purpose revealing to us individually what needs healing. There is a difference between emotions and feelings. The emotion is where your deepest pain can be exposed, and emotional wounds are projected from an individual onto another. True feelings are when we can intuitively see clearly because we are not suffering from our emotions. Feelings can guide us only when we truly do our inner work and connect with our heart.
Inner Work in a Heart Conscious Energy Field
Emotions can be smoothed out, evened out so-to-say, and healed in a Heart Conscious world, where compassion for oneself and the perceived other lead the way. We can transform the way we live together by focusing on the heart and unity. We can allow room for our healing and growth. WE can awaken.
Through the past 40 years, science has revealed to us that the heart is sending more signals to the brain than the brain to the heart. Will we awaken and take head to these new scientific and spiritual insights? Neurocardiology has taken us deep within this sacred organ. We now know that the heart contains over 40,000 neurons.
According to the HeartMath Institute, which has spent the last 25 years conducting scientific research on the heart-brain connection, “This ‘little brain’ gives the heart the ability to independently sense, process information, make decisions, and even to demonstrate a type of learning and memory.” They further explain how the heart is also a hormonal gland, that manufactures and secretes numerous hormones and neurotransmiters. The electromagnetic field, produced by the heart, is one of the most magnificent new discoveries of our beautiful organ. It has profound effects on our system and connects us to others in before unimaginable ways. Science is only beginning to understand it, and there will be more research to come. Isn’t it time we connected to our heart?
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Heart Consciousness: A Natural Way to Live
When we are connected to our hearts, this is our truest, most purest way to live. We can watch our outer world shift around us as our heart energy field increases. Our behavior changes, becomes more loving and peaceful, as our heart is asked to lead. This brings us back to our nature. At heart, we are all loving and peaceful beings. Sometimes environments, political landscapes, and lack of a meditative mind, can lead people to behaviors that do not benefit themselves or the collective.
It is very important to emphasis that it is no ones true nature to be out of balance, living from emotions and mind patterns that do not serve. This is why Heart Consciousness is so vital. It brings us back to who we really are so all those non-beneficial behavioral patterns, that never truly belonged to us, can be removed in the name of Unity Consciousness and pure unconditional love. When these behaviors and patterns cease to have control, a whole new world within and without opens up.
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Connecting Through Our Heart
This life is to be lived as a sacred benediction. It is important to learn how to listen and connect with the heart with our own energy field. This is very natural for us, we need only remember.
Through Heart Consciousness we connect through a unified, coherent heart field. This is a protective, empowering, strong and loving field of consciousness that emanates, all around us, and from us to others. The bottom line is that heart coherence leads to unity, and a world where Unity Consciousness through Heart Consciousness can lead and WILL direct the way for All.
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We can connect our heart with our mind, and we can maintain a balance of our masculine and feminine systems of our body. Nurturing every aspect of our being truly does connect us to our deepest, most inner truth, while manifesting the same in our outer world.

“Love has to spring spontaneously from within; it is in no way amenable to any form of inner or outer force. Love and coercion can never go together; but while love cannot be forced upon anyone, it can be awakened through love itself. Love is essentially self-communicative; those who do not have it catch it from those who have it. Those who receive love from others cannot be its recipients without giving a response that, in itself, is the nature of love.
True love is unconquerable and irresistible. It goes on gathering power and spreading itself until eventually it transforms everyone it touches. Humanity will attain a new mode of being and life through the free and unhampered interplay of pure love from heart to heart.”
-Meher Baba
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Heart Consciousness Transform the Individual and Humanity
Individually and collectively, through Heart Consciousness, we can move from frustration to appreciation. Our heart is more sacred than we ever imagined, and when we enhance and illumine it’s uplifting and loving space, we enhance and build a Heart Conscious field around ourselves and in the world. This, along with meditation, is how we begin to raise consciousness, which opens us up to things we could not have even dreamed of previously.
Before we were born in this physical form we were one. Can we remember? By awakening our minds, through our hearts, to the real us, we are one again. This planet does not need to be lonely, sleepy, and far removed from our hearts call for unity. Things can be different, when we wake up.
The time for a heart conscious earth is now. May we awaken our heart through meditative stillness, where healing leads us deeper into a true unified force of pure, unhampered love.
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About The Author
Ulonda Faye is a mystic writer of the poetic heart and soul, who has a vision of a heart conscious society where all unite in universal truth, love and freedom. Visit Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and fayenaturales.com to connect.
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by Ulonda Faye
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