(Vox Day) Neon Revolt, who has been a strong Patriot from the start, is growing in confidence due to the social media purge:
What to Expect? Pro-Trump Republican Party County Chairman in Nevada Shares His Thoughts
(Will Justice) A letter from a pro-Trump Republican Party County Chairman in Nevada offers some thoughts to consider.
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“They have taken control.” Gen Thomas McInerney’s Update About Jan 6 Event in Washington DC
(Will Justice) Lt. General Thomas McInerney is a patriot that knows the seriousness of what’s going on. He made a spontaneous set of remarks recently that address what happened on the 6th in the Capitol and the runoff elections in Georgia.
THEORY: Trump’s Latest Twitter Video About A Transition to a New Administration Could Be a DEEPFAKE
(Will Justice) Trump’s latest video posted on Twitter is regarded by the mainstream media as proof he has conceded. But one anonymous professional cinematographer analyzed the footage and thinks it’s a deepfake.
Isaac Kappy Blackmail Files, Lin Wood has the Access Code But he Needs Your Help
(Will Justice) The murder of Isaac Kappy, pushed by mainstream media as a suicide, was allegedly due to the fact he was given access to blackmail files collected by some of the most prestigious intelligence agencies in the world. Those files have enough evidence to expose the twisted deep state—and Lin Wood has the access code but he needs your help.
Updated: EVIDENCE SUGGESTS: Agents Stormed US Congress (Agent Provocateurs)
(Will Justice) During the much-anticipated joint session of Congress today where objections were made regarding the fraud of the 2020 election, protestors stormed the Capitol Building and entered the chambers of Congress. But are these really Trump supporters? Or are they agent provocateurs—Antifa-types tasked with causing chaos?
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Georgia Runoff Election Was Stolen Last Night, Claims Professor John C. Eastman
(Will Justice) The Georgia Runoff election was stolen last night, claims Professor John C. Eastman, who spoke at a rally in Washington DC, introduced by Rudy Guiliani.
HSE Official Letter Admits ‘Isolation Records of COVID-19 Virus “Does not exist” — IF THIS IS TRUE IT CHANGES EVERYTHING
(Will Justice) In an explosive report, Gemma O’Doherty and her legal action team show that their Freedom of Information request for proof the COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) has been isolated in a lab—thereby proving its existence—does not exist. This is a huge admission.
The Shocking Truth About the COVID-19 Vaccine and Virus “Genome Sequence”
(Will Justice) An alleged email exchange posted on Hive by user francesleader exposes the shocking truth about the vaccine and genetic sequence of SARSCov2—the COVID-19 coronavirus.
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RUMOR: Biden Planning to Concede and “CIA Hint” that Black Start / Dark Winter / Great Reset Triggers TOMORROW
(Will Justice) Several rumors have surfaced that Biden is planning to concede to Trump before the 6th in exchange for a pardon. And that a national power grid emergency could take place as early as tomorrow.
Trump Signs “The STORM Act” — Is this the Beginning?
(Will Justice) On Friday, January 1, 2021, the President signed into law: Safeguarding Tomorrow through Ongoing Risk Mitigation Act—the Storm Act. Is this a preamble to the “storm” we’ve been hearing about for years?
CLAIM: Sidney Powell Denied Access to Trump to Fight Voter Fraud, Did Staffers Force her out of Special Counsel Spot?
(Will Justice) Rumor has it that Trump is surrounded by deep state assets that refuse to do their duty. Despite this Trump fights on, and is supported by people like Sidney Powell and Lin Wood.
LARP: “What I’m about to disclose is the most important post you’ll read before the inauguration.” (MESSAGE FOR PATRIOTS)
(Will Justice) We haven’t heard from the infamous military insider since December 8th. But on the 20th, an Anon posted to /qresearch/ – Q Research on 8Kun claiming to be a “helper” that has had “daily briefings with POTUS.” It’s unconfirmed if this post is what it claims to be, but the points offered are valid nonetheless—and as the poster says—”the most important post you’ll read before the inauguration.”
COVERED UP BY MSM: “I Was in an FBI Sting Operation to Get Hillary Clinton, Durham and Barr Knew”
(Will Justice) Patrick Byrne breathed new life into a claim several years ago that he was a key player in a huge sting operation to bust the former secretary of state under Obama, Hillary Clinton.
Deep State Going Down on the 24th? 82nd Airborne Division Combat Ready, Christmas Eve and Richard Donoghue
(Will Justice) AG Barr is being replaced, and the new AG could be hitting the big button as soon as the 24th of December.