(Will Justice) There are a lot of fake accounts on Telegram. General Flynn recently created a new channel and confirmed as a direct voice message that it was him. And he something else to say you’re going to want to hear.
The Best Conservative and Patriot Channels and Groups on Telegram — Pro Free Speech
(Will Justice) The best place for free speech is not on Twitter or Facebook. Telegram is one of several good options. Here’s a list of the best groups and channels to join.
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COVID Vaccine Magnet Challenge, Real or Fake? The Truth Might Shock You
(Will Justice) Is it true that some people, who’ve gotten the COVID shot, can stick magnets on their arms? Is it true that outlets like Newsweek have debunked the videos? Don’t jump to any conclusions just yet.
Trump’s Epic New Website Goes Live (www.DonaldJTrump.com/desk) Find All the Latest Trump Statements and More
(Will Justice) President Donald Trump was censored and shut down across the internet world months ago. But he didn’t stop. Now you can find all his statements and more.
BREAKING: Trump’s Latest Statement BLASTS New York Times & Says “The best is yet to come!”
(Will Justice) Trump delivers yet another blow to the lying fake news media and deep state swamp. He isn’t holding back as he reminds everyone “The best is yet to come!”
BREAKING: Ghislaine Maxwell SLAMMED With Indictment “sex trafficking of a minor”
(Will Justice) Today, Epstein confidant and “child-sex pimp” Ghislaine Maxwell has been indicted for “sex trafficking of a minor,” adding a fourth victim to the list.
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UPCOMING ONE YEAR Q DELTA: (11.4) April 11th 2021 Could Be a Day of MAJOR Significance
(Will Justice) A year delta is about to occur that one man believes could be a significant date.
VICTORY! TrumpVoterList.org Gets Shutdown: It’s Time to Stop CRIMINAL HARM and Violence Against Conservatives, Trumpers, and Christians
(Will Justice) There’s a big difference between the left’s cancel culture and stopping violence and persecution against conservatives. Leftist reporters have openly stated they want “education” camps for Trump supporters. They want to round up conservatives and persecute them in the same way communists and nazi’s did in the 20th century.
Check Out the Comments on the 60 Minutes Hit Piece on Q: People are Not Buying the MSM Lies Any More
(Will Justice) The latest mainstream media hit piece on Q wants you to believe The Storm didn’t happen and it was all a lie. 60 Minutes claims that QAnon is a violent extremist group full of racists and neo-Nazis, who stormed the Capitol on January 6th. (Paraphrase) But people aren’t buying it, and comments posted on their video last night prove it.
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WATCH: Mike Lindell’s Film ‘ABSOLUTE PROOF’ | “100% Proof of Election Fraud Against Donald Trump” (Video)
(Will Justice) What you’re about to see might be the final death blow to the lie of Joe Biden’s 2020 win—that Donald Trump won. The people of the world deserve to know the truth about election fraud.
SHOCKING: “They didn’t isolate the [COVID-19] virus” Admitted Chinese CDC Dr. Wu Zunyou on NBC Nightly News
(Will Justice) The world has been devastated by COVID-19 lockdowns. But did you know they apparently haven’t isolated the virus, at least that’s what Dr. Wu Zunyou told NBC.
The Banking CABAL and Globalists are TERRIFIED & PISSED About the GameStop Revolution — They Don’t Want YOU to Know and USE Their Secrets
(Will Justice) In case you haven’t figured it out yet, the banking, big money, and hedge fund crowd are scared out of their wits right now. The reason why should have you equally if not more so pissed off.
UPDATED: Overcoats of Soldiers at Biden Inauguration Match Trump Inauguration in 2017
(Will Justice) The internet is buzzing with claims that Biden is a fake POTUS. Translation: the inauguration wasn’t real. These photos are one of the latest clues to emerge.
Trump’s Winter White House of Mar-a-Lago: Is He Secretly Still President?
(Will Justice) Did you know Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate is called the Winter White House or Southern White House?
WHAT IF: They Want to Impeach Trump to Legalize Biden’s Illegitimate Presidency? & The Winter White House
(Will Justice) I don’t know if anyone has thought of this, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say it. What if the only way to legitimize Biden’s fraudulent win was to impeach Trump?