CIVIL WAR 2.0 Is OVERDUE According To Strauss-Howe Theory
74 Year Old Describes & Paints His Encounters With Extraterrestirals Since Childhood
(Arjun Walia) David Huggins, a man from New Jersey, is one of thousands of documented abductees who have come forward to share their story. The most fascinating aspect of extraterrestrial abductees is the fact that all of them share practically the exact same story, the same description of the beings involved, and similar experiences during the abduction coupled with telepathic messages.
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The 10 Masks We Wear
(Therese J. Borchard) Rarely does a person emerge from childhood completely unscathed.Most of us learn to protect ourselves with defense mechanisms and personality traits that ensure our safety in the world. By adopting certain behavioral patterns, we unconsciously or consciously seek security and stability. We wear different kinds of masks to keep us from getting too hurt. However, in doing so, we close ourselves off from authentic relationships and stay stuck in the scabs of our childhood wounds.
The Washington Post and its History of Questionable Practices
(Ryan DeLarme) The Washington Post, maybe you’ve heard of it? Also known as WaPo, the Post is a news publication composed of more than 700 journalists. This daily “American” newspaper is the most widely circulated newspaper inside the DC beltway, and the area’s oldest politically focused news source. In 2013, it was purchased from the “Graham family” (who had owned and operated the Post for generations) by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos (Nash Holdings LLC) for a quarter of a billion dollars. It is oft alleged that WaPo is a propaganda mouthpiece for the CIA and it’s deep-state criminal interests.
Men Behind the Throne: The Unsettling History of Clandestine Organizations in America
(Ryan DeLarme) As the current political information/disinformation war continues to heat up, it becomes more and more imperative for individuals to become able to exercise their own discernment. This goes for radical leftists as much as die hard Trump supporters. In the same fashion that many view the Federal Government, the mainstream media has become incompetent, conformist, and corrupt to the core. The purpose of the mass media is not to “tell it like it is” but rather to tell it how the CEO’s, board members, and shareholders want it to be told. Perhaps a look into the clandestine maneuverings of the western world’s financial elite over the last 100 years can shine some light on the lack of journalistic integrity by those who weave the mainstream narrative.
The Most Powerful and Effective Home Remedies You Can Use Instead of Ibuprofen
(Mary Miller) Ibuprofen is a type of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is often used to relieve pain, fever, and inflammation related to a wide range of health conditions. Some people treat this over-the-counter (OTC) drug as a “cure all” panacea for many of their ailments. However, ibuprofen can often cause unwanted side effects, such as constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, bloating, and nervousness. Fortunately, you can still relieve pain and inflammation without the unintended side effects by using a range of powerful and effective natural home remedies.