(Heather Callaghan) One of the world’s most common food ingredients is finally being outed as a big, fat fraud. We hope you are sitting down for this one! Related: USA: Highest Vaccination Rate in the World Has the Worst Health Source – Waking Times by Heather Callaghan, December 19th, 2017 This polyunsaturated oil is touted as healthy by […]
“i’m Sick and Tired of the Secrets and the Lies” – Jim Carrey Calls out Illuminati Secrets on National Television
(Jeffrey Roberts) Jim Carrey is a well-known jokester. By now, kooky public antics have come to be expected from the 52-year-old Canadian-born actor. However, in his latest public appearance (seen November 14th on the Jimmy Kimmel Show), Carrey decided to let the viewers in on some big secrets — the inner-Hollywood workings of the Illuminati. Related: Jim […]
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Wonder, Magic & Insight – Embracing Curiosity on the Spiritual Journey
(Fiona Reilly) Recently I have been valuing the simplicity of being curious. By being curious I mean actively engaging with our innate enthusiasm for wonder, discovery and learning. It includes seeing and appreciating the magic and miracles that continually surround us. Just consider how a young child engages with their surroundings and how absorbed they are […]
“Is There A Mini-Ice Age Coming?” Experts Warn Of More Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Plunging Temperatures
(Mac Slavo) NASA’s own data is showing that the star our globe revolves around is dimming. With no sunspots reported in 96 days, the sun is going dark and the evidence could point to an approaching ice age. Related: Severe Weather Created by Climate Modification Technology — Manufacturing Winter With Geoengineering Source – The Daily Sheeple by Mac […]
How Strong Is Your Intuition? It Might Be The Highest Form of Intelligence
(Alanna Ketler) This article was inspired by one published in Forbes with the same title. Who would have ever expected to see Forbes, a finance publication, post something about intuition? This is a surefire sign that times really are changing. Related: Why Your Intuition May Be the Highest Form of Intelligence Source – Collective Evolution by Alanna Ketler, December 10th, […]
Birth Control Pill Officially Linked to Increased Risk of Breast Cancer
(Alex Pietrowski) Some predict that in coming years cancer rates will climb to 1 in 2 adults, and in the throes of such a serious cancer epidemic, all eyes are on causes and cures. Hormonal birth control has long been suspected of contributing to the risk of developing cancer, and this claim is further supported by a European […]
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Accelerations in the 5D Shift – and How You Can Maximize its Personal Effect
(Wake Up World) The shift is gathering pace all the time. New layers of limiting matrix field are being engaged and peeled off. It’s liberating, yes, but far from easy — it’s going to affect every aspect of the life you’ve created, from relationships to jobs and living circumstances. The field is progressively working to help […]
Teen Accuses X-Men Director of Luring Him with Movie Role, Making Him a Sex Slave
(Rachel Blevins) As Hollywood director Bryan Singer is being sued by a man who claims that he was sexually assaulted by Singer when he was a minor, another man is coming forward and accusing Singer of forcing him to be a sex slave while promising him a movie role, when he was a teenager. Related: Reese Witherspoon […]
Enslaving Consciousness in HBO’s Westworld
(David Nova) There are at least three layers to interpret HBO’s science fiction tour de force – as a foundation for transhumanism, as mind control programming, and as the trap of reincarnation. Related: Transhumanism vs. Ascension | The Skingularity is Near – Free eBook by William Henry Source – Deux Nexus by David Nova, December 15th, 2017 I’m […]
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Pentagon Hid German Secret Space Program Link to Alien Contact Cases
(Dr. Michael Salla) It was found in part 2 of this series that George Adamski was very likely ordered by the Pentagon to withhold important elements of his alleged 1952 extraterrestrial contact that suggested the existence of a German Secret Space Program in Antarctica. Understanding why Adamski would have been ordered to do this, requires understanding events that […]
WATCH: Dave Chappelle Called Out This ‘Sick’ Hollywood Culture Over a Decade Ago
(Matt Agorist) In February of 2006, social commentary and comedy genius Dave Chappelle was asked on to the show, Inside the Actors Studio—the one on one sit down interview show with James Lipton. During the show, Dave Chappelle noted that he was going to “drop some dimes” on the secrets of Hollywood and he held no […]
The Harsh Truth About Facebook Will Be Heavily Revealed In 2018
(Joe Martino) What is Facebook? What did it start out as, and what has it become? Related: CIA is Funding Companies that Specialize in Social Media Spying Source – Collective Evolution by Joe Martino, December 14th, 2017 Everything evolves — we know that. Sometimes what we set out to do in our initial intentions changes and becomes something […]
How ‘Elite’ Bloodlines and Secret Societies Are Controlling the World
(Humans Are Free) In the West, we’ve all been spoon fed the idea that we are free citizens of sovereign countries, where our democratically elected governments rule according to the peoples’ wishes. Related: The Astor Bloodline: One of the Satanic (Illuminati) Bloodlines that Rule the World Source – Humans Are Free by Staff Writer, December 16th, 2017 […]
Has the #metoo Movement Gone Too Far? Innocent Men Can Now Have Their Whole Lives Destroyed Without a Shred of Evidence
(JD Heyes) With the sudden growth of the so-called #MeToo movement, which is prompting scores of women to level sometimes decades-old charges of sexual assault against a variety of male public figures, entertainers, and corporate executives, one has to stop and ask this question: Has this all gone too far, too fast? Related: Reese Witherspoon Just Exposed […]
As DoD Admits to UFO Program, Shocking Video Released Showing Alien Encounter
(The Free Thought Project) Washington, D.C. — (RT) The Pentagon spent $22 million to study UFOs in a 2007-12 program whose existence has been confirmed by the Department of Defense. An official formerly in charge of the program told media it remains alive to this day. Related: Operation Highjump and the German UFO Connection | Mid 20th Century Secret […]