(Arjun Walia) Anonymous has released another video, with this one titled, “This Is Unlike Anything We’ve Ever Seen.” It paints a very ‘dark’ and ‘negative’ picture of the current human experience, which is one we may understandably feel when we look at current news. But there is something deeper going on here, and this is important to note. We have to focus on not getting so caught up in ‘the negative.’
Sometimes are afraid to acknowledge or even know about some of what’s happening in our world. Looked at without anything other than the ‘bad stuff’, this type of exposure can make you feel down and out. But with the right mix of news and information and by looking at it from a neutral place, things can seem very different.
As a result of so much global turmoil, lots of people prefer to take the ‘ignorance is bliss,’ route, and remain mentally comfortable here during their time on planet Earth.
Why do they love this portraying the world this way? Because the same group of people who shape our reality and perception of the human experience are in control of mainstream media. Mainly governments, intelligence agencies and those who order these groups to what to do.
They use our consciousness against us by our lack of inquiry. We simply accept what we are told, and fail to look into things for ourselves.
A great quote comes to mind here that is somewhat relatable to the point I’m trying to get across:
“The statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception.”
– Mark Twain (source)
What’s Happening on Earth is Not Dark or Negative At All
What’s happening here on Earth is actually not dark nor negative. That’s simply our perception. Although it might seem that way, it’s a result of a massive shift in consciousness that is currently taking place on this planet. One that is forcing us to wake up and see CLEARLY what we’re doing. More people are starting to see through the lies that have been blinding the masses for years.
Keep in mind, the human mind is responsible for labelling experiences as ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ If we could see our lives as an experience, from a neutral perspective, and not have a similar emotional response to the experiences we are ‘fighting,’ our world would change a lot faster.
Anytime new information is presented in a credible way with extreme evidence and solid sources, but does not come from a mainstream news station who have ties to corporations and governments, it’s deemed as ‘fake news.’
Reflection of Global Consciousness
But people are not that naive, and the internet has given rise to information that people would not have been presented with otherwise. Our inner world is changing, on a global and collective level. Our perception of our world and the current human experience is changing, and what we see play out in our world is simply a reflection of our current global consciousness, our collective and individual inner states.
“You probably feel it in your everyday wakefulness, that something isn’t quite ‘right’ with our world and also that something very big is changing. When you look at our political arena and the divides and conflict that seem ever increasing, when you look at the sex scandals and revelations coming forth about some of our world’s most influential people, or when you simply pay attention to what’s really going on from a big picture perspective, it’s likely you will see we are experiencing a very pivotal time.
Some might see this as a scary or negative time, as if the news and information we are seeing is down or depressing. But is it actually? Or is this our perception of it? It’s true that in our hearts we don’t want to see suffering, but it is through that suffering that we can learn a great deal. And if we want to end the suffering, we have to have the courage to look at it straight in the face and find out what it’s showing us.” – Joe Martino
Check out our extended interview with international speaker Franco DeNicola talking about this shift in great detail here.
Anonymous’ New Message – Things Are Changing
Anonymous has put out another message on its YouTube channel summing up some of the biggest events that have happened this year. War, AI, poverty, a strip away of our rights and a totalitarian type of state is depicted.
But again, it’s important to remember that it can be darkest before the dawn. I’ve been working in this field for nearly 10 years now, and the amount of progress we’ve made that I’ve seen is truly unbelievable. Activism and awareness are literally changing the world, and that’s because more people are having a change within.
More people are changing their lives, which forces the entire human experience to change. It’s all interconnected via consciousness.
For someone who has not been paying attention, the past 10 years alone might seem extremely dark. But it’s something that was expected from those who are paying attention to what process we are going through, almost as if some of us were prepared for all the revelations that have come, and all the distress the world is experiencing.
The world is changing, and we are creeping closer to the tipping point, and that’s because more and more souls on this planet want to see the human experience change for the better. The greater this inner desire, the closer we get to change through action, and the more the global elite respond with actions that reflect the opposite.
It’s definitely an interesting time to say the least, and it is far from ‘dark.’ I do believe we are living in the apocalypse, which really means the revealing of truth. We have many layers to peel back.
For more in depth details on mainstream media corruption, Illuminati and why they do what they do, check out our extended interview with researcher David Wilcock.
Related David Wilcock Explains The Rules Of The Illuminati & How They Operate
About The Author
Arjun Walia
I joined the CE team in 2010 shortly after finishing university and have been grateful for the fact that I have been able to do this ever since :) There are many things happening on the planet that don’t resonate with me, and I wanted to do what I could to play a role in creating change. It’s been great making changes in my own life and creating awareness and I look forward to more projects that move beyond awareness and into action and implementation. So stay tuned :) arjun@collective-evolution.com
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