(Anna Von Reitz) Long ago, wealth began accumulating. It’s a strange thing — wealth.
Related Where Does Wealth Really Come From? The Keys to Abundance
by Anna Von Reitz, May 17th, 2018
At a certain point it acquires the “critical accumulation mass” and it grows all by itself, like a cancer. It goes metastatic. It diversifies. It builds potential energy like water being backed up by a dam, if it isn’t invested. And if it is invested, it seeks opportunity much like flowing water, too, pushing into every new nook and cranny it can find.
It should come as no surprise then, that at a certain point, wealth becomes practically “un-spendable” by heirs.
What does one person do with a hundred trillion dollars worth of gold?
There are Seven Covenants in the Bible and so, there are Seven Covenant Trusts. These are all unimaginably huge. There are also a couple banks in the world that are literally thousands of years old that have holdings on a scale that can be measured against the Covenant Trusts.
There are at least a dozen Spanish Trusts that legitimately belong to living heirs of those who began the trust accumulation during the days of the Spanish Treasure Ships. These are not as huge as the Covenant Trusts, but they are still unimaginably huge. There are other family trusts, like those belonging to the Saudi Royal Family, and the British Royal Family, that are monstrous, too.
Then there are Business Trusts, often set up as “Commonwealth Trusts” among groups of private investors for their heirs or their pet project or cause. Like the Spanish Trusts, they can be several hundred years old and depending on their own peculiar “mission” may or may not share elements similar to family or charitable trusts.
Then there are a few really BIG Charitable Trusts, most of them accumulated by politicians via deceits worked against generations of innocent people. These trusts pretend to be “charitable” but upon closer examination they are usually used for nefarious purposes — manipulating money and commodity markets, paying for large scale mercenary armies — staffed by people who don’t even know they are acting as mercenaries, buying up public land and resources then used to benefit the players behind this larceny in the name of charity and so on.
Finally, there are Treaty Trusts— these are also called “Restitution Trusts” — and a few of them are really sizable, too. These are endowments built up from various resources to settle negotiated peace treaties in wars and trade squabbles and things of that nature.
In all, there are about 4,800 Historic Trusts. Most of the actual Trustees I have spoken to are good people who want to do good things and release back the flow of wealth that has been withheld for so long—- however, the situation is like a person starved almost to death going to an all-you-can-eat Smorgasbord.
The shock of suddenly going from nothing to everything could kill the intended beneficiary. And, the release of so much hoarded actual wealth could render such wealth relatively worthless.
Money, we have to realize— even actual, factual money— is a commodity. If you flood the market with a commodity, ANY commodity— what happens? The perceived value of that commodity tanks, and suddenly, gold really could be used for paving bricks and shingles.
Most of the Historic Trust Assets have been used to underwrite banks, especially the ‘central banks” set up by various national governments. Those banks have foolishly extended vast amounts of credit — up to a thousand times net — of their assets, and now they are hunting and scratching and trying to find new sources of hard assets to keep the “fractional reserve banking” pyramid scheme going.
This has led them to very dishonest schemes employed to seize “Special Deposits” — Historic Trust assets left with the banks in good faith — and use any excuse possible to maintain control of these assets without paying interest.
To quote one of my correspondents, “This situation is crazy…. we are drowning in wealth, and nobody dares to cut any of it loose.”
Well, they’re afraid to, because nobody knows what will happen. We have lived according to the niggardly “Doctrine of Scarcity” for thousands of years. The floodwaters of wealth are backed up clear to Poughkeepsie. Will the dams hold? Are the reservoirs sufficient? What happens when it starts to go?
In order for there to be any good result, the wealth has to be released in a gradual, orderly fashion — a modest trickle compared to the amount of wealth amassed needs to be aimed at new technologies, pollution clean up, infrastructure improvements, and economies that have large growth potential — like most of the Third World. And then, as the world economy “stabilizes” and grows, more wealth is released to fund the new growth.
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It has to be like this, because— to use another metaphor — otherwise, you over-fertilize the field and kill everything. We can literally kill the world economy with too much wealth released too fast.
Now, people in the developed countries will understandably question the big emphasis on public works and infrastructure developments aimed at the Third World when their own infrastructure is crumbling, so some really good projects have to be parceled out for them, too, though it may seem initially that they are undeservedly getting the short end of the stick. They will catch up and the investments made in their poorer neighbors will bear much fruit for everyone.
In addition, we have proposed a Basic Living Stipend to be made available to everyone on Earth, equivalent to a constantly cost-adjusted amount of $2000 in local currency value per month, per person. This would immediately place a safety net under all people at risk and largely end chronic desperate poverty on Earth.
The Naysayers say that this would simply increase inflation and to some extent it would, however, Beta Tests have shown that in actual practice, most people have used the extra income in profoundly good ways — taking care of their health, their homes, their families, and improving their educations and their communities. The Niggardly Among Us also say it will encourage “more useless Eaters”. We say it would help those who need help and provide peace of mind enough so that people can think of better lives and things to do.
We are still battling over that concept, how it could be delivered, etc., but speaking for myself, Individual Living Being Accounts with independent triple layer security delivered by a new blockchain-like technology that can be delivered to each person worldwide via simple hand-held devices makes sense. Decentralizing delivery cuts all the dishonest governments and agencies right out of the loop and aside from local bunko operations, assures that the funds actually get delivered to all the people we intend to help.
The banks that are heavily invested in securities don’t want this new world economy to open up. They want to chisel their way forward and keep the Old Game going, keep operating according to the Doctrine of Scarcity, and playing all their old gambits. It’s essential that they understand that that isn’t going to happen. This is a new era in human history. We have outgrown the old system. We can either all work together to make this Transition something good and glorious, or we can senselessly starve together.
One final note. The existence of all this wealth built up in the Historic Trusts has caused no end of Flim-Flam artists and Wannabe Trustees showing up out of nowhere claiming to be the rightful owners or at least, rightful managers, of all these Historic Trusts. They’ve come running from all directions like flies on carrion. Some of them are funded by sleazy bankers and sleazy national governments. Others are free-lancers or “runners” put up by crime syndicates. Almost all of them sing a good song and dance of peace, love, and joy. Indeed, Satan appears as an angel of light, but you will see what he does and not put faith in what he says.
Because this release has to be a controlled release, the people handling it have to be intelligent, compassionate and wise. This is not a moment in history to try any airy-fairy academic theories, nor is it a time when we can afford to get bogged down in religious or political differences. If this is to work for the good of Mankind, the theorists have to step aside and let those with a more practical and good-hearted character take the stage.
Toward that end, the governments — which with very few exceptions are just corporations at this point — need to stop competing with each other. Just call a truce. I know that is antithetical to their culture, but that’s what needs to be done for the sake of the whole planet. For a brief time at least, everyone needs to stop thinking in terms of me, me, me and think about us, us, us.
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Let the actual Trustees — all of them — come forward and have their say and together make decisions about whose assets are going to underpin what, and not in the sense of competing for investments, but in the sense of saving the world economy and finding our way forward.
Any one of the major trusts could, if unleashed, destroy the world economy and thereby destroy billions of lives more efficiently than any atom bomb.
It is therefore of the most urgent and utmost importance for all concerned for the governments to stop interfering and trying to cherry pick assets and Trustees and using dishonest tactics to suppress some and advance others. Nothing good can be built on a criminal basis. Our recent past history and personal experience in life should be sufficient to convince any mature leader that what I am saying is true.
The actual Trustees of the Historic Trusts need to be brought together to hash things out and the political leaders of government service corporations need to stand ready to help implement a sensible plan to restructure the world economy and deploy assets without further argument or delay. I will pledge our resources toward such a meeting of hearts and minds.
See this article and over 1000 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com
found on Operation Disclosure
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Featured Image Source: https://www.tripsavvy.com/new-zealand-historic-places-trust-1606086
Paul says
This is universal basic income at its core. Socialism. Bad for everyone. Dont succumb to the Bern. Cant believe this is posted here.
Joe says
Until a lot of arrests of criminal bankers and their minions can be made, noting will change. Trump needs to get off his fat foot dragging ass and start arresting the criminals within the DOJ, FBI, CIA and the political arena just to get things started.