(Jim Hoft) In early October Mark Levin broadcast a letter with insider information on the teachers union, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and the FBI who met and organized how to combat America’s parents who were speaking out at local school board meetings across the country.
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by Jim Hoft, October 30th, 2021
The parents were outraged at the COVID masking and vaccination rules, critical race theory indoctrination and open porn disguised as literature promoted in American schools today.
The Biden administration and the teachers unions knew this would be a problem for the midterm elections. They knew they must act. The liberal group drafted and released a letter urging the government to use the Patriot Act to spy on American parents of school children for speaking out. Then just days later Attorney General Merrick Garland released his new plan to target and silence American parents of school children by using the FBI and intelligence agencies to crack down on American parents.
Merrick Garland even sent federal agents and a helicopter circling overhead to threaten parents attending the Fairfax County School Board meeting last week in Virginia.
This was after Garland testified and said he was not sending the feds to threaten American parents who speak out at their local school board meetings.
Many of the parents around the country became aware of the illegal porn the schools are pushing on kids in the student libraries.
The book is a graphic novel with drawings that explains in lurid detail the sexual interactions between two young men, has been inserted into high school libraries across America, despite it violating guidelines against pornography or sexually explicit materials being provided to minors and paid for with our tax dollars.
Gender Queer includes countless images of male-on-male sexual encounters, accompanied by words that one would expect to find inside literary works at adult porn shops or gay sex clubs and bathhouses. Even so, this book was purchased and pushed by school officials around the country, despite it clearly violating county guidelines.
Kevin from Texas sent us this email after he discovered this book was available at his daughter’s school.
After reading a story on TGP yesterday by Jacob Engels about the book Gender Queer, I was outraged. My wife said to me, “I’m glad you weren’t the parent at that meeting, you would have been arrested.”. She’s right.
… I live in a suburb north of Dallas and although it’s growing quickly, it is still a conservative area. We have 3 girls in the school system in which we are active and engaged. (I can assure you that my engagement has just increased to a whole new level.) If this book can make its way into schools here, it can be in schools anywhere. I got a copy of the book in order to verify for myself the accuracy detailed in your article. It was accurate alright. I include images from the book and please publish them because parents need to comprehend what is happening in our schools:
Here are a couple pages from the book. Most Americans did not realize this is a PICTURE book with explicit drawings.
These are two pages from the picture book.
How do they get away with this in public schools? Why is this book necessary? Why do the kids need pictures of sex? And how is this even legal?
To be clear it really doesn’t matter if it is photos of gay sex or straight sex in the books. Both are objectionable for school libraries.
About The Author
Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.
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