(Kevin Hughes) The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) jab is not just about genetically modifying human beings, it is also about getting nanotechnology inside your body. Australian activist Max Igan made this claim during a recent interview with World Alternative Media CEO and reporter Josh Sigurdson.
Related Transhumanism: Immortality, Anyone?
by Kevin Hughes, March 9th, 2022
“This injection is about getting this nanotech into you and hooking you up to the mainframe. When you think about it, all the swabs they’re doing, they’re collecting DNA [samples], [harvesting] DNA — that’s what this is all about. Your DNA is like an antenna, your consciousness is not local to your body, it is in the field. There’s really only one of us here, just different aspects of the same consciousness experiencing themselves through different biological vessels,” Igan said.
The musical and visual artist added that this nanotech would pull people into the mainframe and control their thoughts.
Remote-controlled humans
“It’s like mind control and I can do all this stuff. If you look at the works of Dr. Charles Morgan, and people like this, who talked about remote controlling humans, and there was another doctor talking about how the brain is the new battlefield. This is what it’s about,” explained Igan.
“So they can pull you into the mainframe and get you genetically hooked up – hooked up on WiFi and everything without even knowing it — and control your whole body. Once they get this nanotech into you, they can control every single aspect of your body, control your organs, whatever that is, target you in the shopping center, give you a heart attack, give you kidney failure, give you whatever makes you crazy and start killing people. It’s total control. It’s like turning human beings into playdough. That’s what they’re doing with this whole transhumanist agenda. And it’s always been the plan.”
Igan recalled that he had been warning people since 2012 about these groups who intend to use vaccines to genetically modify people from the inside out and hook them up into a mainframe. He added that transhumanism is being done from the inside out.
Transhumanism groups are repeating Tower of Babel story
Sigurdson said transhumanism is a move away from actual, ethical, moral and empathetic humanity toward a psychopathic robotic world of technocracy. The World Alternative Media reporter added that these groups are almost like repeating the Tower of Babel story all over again.
“It is much like the Tower of Babel. They are replacing God with this technology. They’ve created new gods, artificial gods, and they want to create artificial humans. They’re telling us that we must take these poisons or else we can’t be healthy,” Sigurdson said.
He also brought up some of the effects of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, particularly on the heart and the immune system.
The veteran journalist added that the makers of the vaccines seem to have every area covered to slow-kill or to work too fast. Sigurdson said that he personally witnessed a guy drop dead right in front of him and saw multiple people collapsing into tables, adding that 100 percent of these people are jabbed.
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