Source – 2012: What’s the ‘real’ truth?
You are being flooded by information from all quarters. Be aware and alert, because hidden amongst the revelations, there is much misinformation. It is deliberately placed in order to classify all the information as bogus. The Cabal has followed this practice throughout its existence. They do not change their formula; it has worked in the past, so they believe it will continue to work for them. You are sufficiently awake now to be able to decipher for yourselves what is truth and what has been planted, though it will always have a modicum of truth in it, to draw you in.
You now see clearly that the downfall of the human race was carefully planned, and until recently, you were completely unaware of this, so you can be forgiven for taking a little time to get your heads around it. [:)] This is a critical time in the history of man. It is time to wake up and take responsibility. Stop acting like sheep, for time is of the essence. The Cabal has great plans for 2014. They believe they will implement these plans without hindrance from you. This is why it is important that you take heed and act as one.
“The time has come to continue and complete the work started by the likes of Watkins, Guichard, Lockyer, Thom, Hawkins and Michel et al, as ley lines are fundamental to every soul’s spiritual being. There can be no further hesitation to embark on the quest to re-recognize, re-cover and thus re-chart the sacred pathways and telluric energy centres amid our local landscapes. Furthermore, once identified, there is a need to cleanse and re-purify these routes and sites for the time that is to come. It has to be a global task as no part of the Earth is no less significant than any other in terms of the ultimate outcome – the light of love, peace and prosperity for all mankind.This announcement is an invitation to participate in a project of unprecedented scale yet having conceivable proportions in its effect. The potential to share and coordinate our individual findings is as immense as the results themselves. Through such dissemination comes the union of the nations by virtue of the re-unification of the ley line network of the Earth.The Foundation looks forward to your interest and participation in the near future.”
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