Before you file your taxes this year, I would like to remind you that when the 16th amendment was passed (all the way back in 1911), it only applied to PUBLIC SERVANTS that have SWORN AN OATH! You should REALLY find out if you are supposed to “Render unto Caesar, what is Caesars” before you support everything “Caesar” is doing. If you don’t work for government, if you have not sworn an oath to perform the capacities of government; YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY INCOME TAX! But if you file… it is a contract, and they have your butt in a sling now. Never has there been a tax evasion or willful failure to file without the taxman having a SIGNED TAX FORM as evidence.
Enjoy the following excerpts from “Freedom from Government; How to Reclaim Your Power” – Chapter 6 – The Story of the Income Tax.
Look at the fine print at the bottom of the tax forms you are supposed to sign. You declared that it was “true” that you were “under penalties of perjury”. Are you? Were you? Perjury is a felony. To commit a perjury you have to FIRST be under oath (or affirmation). You know that. It is common knowledge. So, to be punished for a perjury you would need to be under oath, right? Right. There is no other way, unless you pretend to be under oath. To pretend to be under oath is a perjury automatically. There would be no oath. Hence it is a FALSE oath. Perjury rests on making a false oath. So, to claim to be “under penalties of perjury” is to claim that you are under oath. That claim could be true, could be false. But if false, and you knowingly and willingly made that false claim, then you committed a perjury just by making that claim.
The 16th Amendment allows for Congress to tax incomes from whatever source derived, without regard to apportionment. Whose incomes? Hey, it doesn’t say (nor do the statues enacted under it). The Supreme Court has stated that this Amendment granted Congress “no new powers”. That is absolutely true. Congress always had the power to tax incomes, but only the incomes of officers and only their incomes derived out of a benefit of office. All the 16th did was extend that EXISTING POWER to tax officers’ incomes (as benefits of office) to their incomes from other sources (from whatever source derived). The 16th Amendment and the statutes enacted thereunder do not have to say whose incomes are subject to this tax. The Supreme Court had already said that: officers. That’s logical. If it could be a crime for a freeman to “willfully fail” to file or pay this tax, that crime could only exist as a treason by monarchical definition. In this nation a crime of failure may only exist under the broad category of a perjury. Period, no exception. No court can just make up rulings.
The function of a court is to answer the questions posed to it. And in order to pose a question, a person needs ‘standing.’ The petitioner has to show that an action has occurred which affects him, hence, giving him that standing. For the Supreme Court to address the question of the income of officers demonstrates that the petitioner was such. Otherwise, the question could not have come up.
Congress was taxing his benefits of office. But Congress was ALSO taxing his outside income, that from sources within a State. Could have been interest, dividends, rent, royalties, and even alimony. If he had a side job, it might have even been commissions or salary. Those forms of income could not be taxed. However, Congress could tax his income from the benefits he derived by being an officer. That Court decision was the end of all income taxation. The reason is pretty obvious. Rather than tax the benefits derived out of office, it is far easier to just reduce the benefits up front! Saves time. Saves paper. The money stays in Treasury rather than going out, then coming back as much as 15 or 16 months later. So, even though the benefits of office could have been taxed, under that Court ruling, that tax was dropped by Congress. There are two ways to overcome a Supreme Court ruling. The first is to have the court reverse itself. That is a very strange concept at law. Actually, it is an impossibility at law. The only way a court can change a prior ruling is if the statutes or the Constitution change, that changing the premises on which its prior conclusion at law was derived.
Because it was a Supreme Court ruling nearly abolishing the income tax, the second method, an Amendment to the Constitution, was used to overcome the prior decision. That was the 16th Amendment. Thus, the trick employed by the government is to get you to claim that you are an officer of that government. Yeah, you’re saying, “Man, I’d never be so foolish as to claim that.” I will bet you $100 that I can prove that you did it, and that you will be forced to agree. Did you ever sign a tax form, a W-4, a 1040? Then you have done it.
Hope you enjoyed this excerpt from “Freedom from Government; How to Reclaim Your Power” – Chapter 6 – The Story of the Income Tax.
Want to learn more? (So much more you will be BLOWN AWAY!) Get your hands on a copy of the book!
I am starting a new job today, and I would like to know how I keep it without filling out the W-4? Is there a way to do this without getting hooked into the contract? I signed the last one I did for my present job using the "without prejudice UCC 1-308" signature, but they're still taking taxes out and I couldn't get them to stop.
I do know its possible to not provide a social, In the Freedom From Government Book, by trent goodbaudy, he details this.
When i was employed, i put exempt on the w-4. That prevents they from taking income tax out, but you still get social security and Medicare. Now this WILL NOT prevent the IRS from accounting you 'income' and attempting to come after you, later on.
you have to rebut the presumptions, and essentially return your ward of state status to an agent of the trust.
I would strongly suggest reading his book. You can purchase a copy from his website, via pdf, for only about $6. well worth the cost for such profound data and information. is his website.