(Stillness in the Storm Editor) During times of great chaos and uncertainty, fear of the unknown can cause us to slip into a paranoid, irrational, and socially toxic version of ourselves. During the pandemic, some have hoarded medical supplies, coughed on people in an attempt to spread the disease, and even taken advantage of others through theft and fraud. But not everyone is walking the path of the villain. Some are doing the reverse. Some have risen to become the hero and raise the bar for what it means to be human for the global culture. And I contend, this is the very thing that will propel us to the prophesied golden age.
Let me be perfectly blunt about my opinions on this subject. It’s rant time!
My opinion is that the universe was created and is maintained by a benevolent personal Creator that is infinitely intellect and wise. This Creator made the universe for a purpose, of which, we are an integral part of that purpose. And we know that purpose by studying the laws of existence, which are immutable and unchanging.
Some of these laws deal with non-personal material realities, like natural laws and material laws. Other laws are exclusively personal, such as moral law. The fact that honoring moral laws—true morality wherein free will is respected and rights are honored—actually makes life better for the individual, the group, and the whole, proves through pragmatism that this Creator exists and that the purpose of life for humans is to gain mastery in the ways of goodness.
Frankly, I haven’t heard a valid, logical, or coherent argument to the contrary. As such, I’m placing the gauntlet down to anyone who thinks otherwise and who is brave enough to engage in a fair and honest debate on the matter.
For us, choosing truth, honoring the rights of others, respecting free will spreads freedom and enables prosperity.
Some might argue that a Creator doesn’t exist, but no one can escape the reality that free will choice has real positive implications and clearly needs to be respected. Our entire legal and lawful system is founded on this fact and there has never been a society that has asserted or acted otherwise, successfully. Even atheists that claim free will is a myth don’t act as if it isn’t real. If they did, their lives would be chaotic and isolated, because we put people like this in jail. If you don’t act like free will is real, then you by definition disrespect others, violate their rights, and take what you want when you want. We’ve got a word for that, it’s called being a psychopath, sociopath, or criminal. Such a person would be a villain.
A hero by virtue of the fact they hold life sacred and respect the laws of creation actually acts as if free will is real, and takes on the burden of trying to defend and protect the rights of others. You see, moral laws are immutable in that when we fail to honor them we suffer. The consequences of immorality comes at a price. It costs freedom, goodness, and prosperity.
Thus, when people chose to do good in the world, of which, defending the rights of others and protecting their freedoms is an integral part, such people literally make the world more free and a better place. And I contend this is part of the purpose of life is because when people act in this way, we make our lives and the lives of others better.
Purpose implies an ideal, that we are meant to do something. And like many who dare to think about the biggest ideas in existence, it becomes quickly apparent that the destiny of a human spirit is to gain mastery and use their wisdom to further the plans and purposes of the divine.
Book Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design
This cosmic destiny is not fate. It is chosen. And for this choice to be truly real, the opposite choice to go against the plans and purposes of existence has to be equally real.
This is why suffering, chaos, and evil exist in our world. Because the Creator values free will choice above all else. And this same Creator waits patiently for us to realize our destiny through choice. The Creator does not abandon his children to a world of chaos. Instead, the creator encourages each of us to find our way to the light and in doing so manifest our true potential. In short, the creator intervenes to stop evil through us.
In times of hardship, a door of opportunity opens before each of us. As the Native American fable goes, there are two wolves within, one is evil, one is good, and they are always fighting. Which wolf wins? The one you feed.
What wolf are you feeding? What wolf is the world feeding?
The doomsayers among us would have us believe that all the chaos surrounding the coronavirus pandemic means only one thing: a further loss of freedom, sovereignty, and human dignity. And to be sure, if we do nothing, those who disrespect life, the law, and our freedoms will continue their encroachments. But what if good people do something? What if good people are already doing something?
I think we’re living in unprecedented times where uncertainty is the norm.
I believe that an alliance to stop the forces of darkness exists. I believe that this alliance is filled with people just like you, who care about goodness and resist evil.
And I also believe that within the halls of corruption and the military, good men and women are doing something to take back our world from the brink.
But this alliance is also hidden, just like the forces of darkness. And I think this is no accident.
I think the universe designed the great awakening this way because it forces us, on the outside, to have faith in goodness and choose it in our own lives, without the reassurance of knowing for certain we aren’t alone. We don’t have the support of the crowd and this makes our choice all more powerful for us.
It would be far easier if proof of this alliance was plastered all over TV, social media, and the news. But the lamestream media hide the truth. And this forces us to choose goodness on our own.
This means, from a spiritual point of view, such a choice is far more powerful as an indicator of our actual growth. It’s a lot easier to go along with the crowd when everyone agrees. It’s a lot harder to do what’s right when you feel you’re alone.
Thus, I think the global uncertainty as to what this pandemic is truly all about is no accident. And in this place of chaos, we have a tremendous opportunity to do good despite our uncertainty.
Now what’s so inspiring is that huge numbers of people are doing just that. People all over the world are gathering together to be a force for goodness. And in my view, this is precisely how a grand awakening of humanity could take place.
I’ll end this rant by saying I believe in the goodness of my fellow men and women. I know, through research and contemplation, that at our core we are truly good. I know that psychologically, the environment in which a person is raised and lives plays a huge role in determining their worldview and choices.
Now more than ever we have the chance to raise the bar and share our light and goodness with the world. In doing so, we change the environment for others, making it easier for them to be good and be a force for positive change.
– Justin
by Arjun Walia, April 2nd, 2020
Obviously, and understandably, many people are really worried about the new coronavirus. Personally, I’m not too worried, but that’s just me. Given the fact that coronaviruses have existed for quite a while and infect many millions of people every single year around the globe, and may be just as dangerous as the new coronavirus, I take comfort in that knowing that viruses are something we deal with every single year. It appears that the new virus will be no different in this regard, but time will tell.
This ultimately has me questioning the current measures that multiple governments are putting into place that are supposedly helping to stop the spread, and I’m not alone in my questioning. In my research, I have been relying on the expert opinion of those within the field of science and medicine. For example, a paper recently published in The International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents titled “SARS-CoV-2: fear versus data claims “that the problem of SARS-CoV-2 is probably being overestimated.” (source) Many health experts and scientists around the world have done the same (questioning), and I’ve summarized their thoughts in multiple articles I’ve recently published. If you’re interested in going down that rabbit hole, and hearing from the scientists who are questioning what’s happening, you can read them here, here, here and here. I think critical questioning is important, especially in an age where information and even expert opinion is being flagged and censored as ‘false’ news.
Book The Urantia Book: Revealing the Mysteries of God, the Universe, World History, Jesus, and Ourselves
People Are Coming Together
Regardless of whether or not you believe these measures are unnecessary, and that the danger of the virus is being overhyped by those who wish to gain and profit financially, economically or politically, or whether you believe this is a serious danger and threat to the human race, or if you believe something else, this event really highlights the ability human beings have to come together for a common cause. Sure, many people have different theories about what’s going on, and many are separated in their beliefs, but at the end of the day, we’ve all been encouraged to and prevented from doing certain things, in this case, work, and be in close contact with each other.
Albeit we’ve been forced into certain measures. They do resemble what George Orwell wrote about in his book 1985, showcasing how manipulated and controlled we are by government to an extent. But at the same time, it highlights one of the most beautiful aspects of the human race, which is the fact that we can come together for each other in difficult times, and do what is necessary, or what is perceived to be necessary, when we have to do it. But why does it take the government to enforce certain requirements to do so? Why doesn’t the government put certain measures into place for other issues as well?
When it comes to the coronavirus we see a shut down to solve a potential problem, but why don’t we shut down the entire planet and make sure everybody is fed for a day as well? Why don’t we shut down the world and spend a week, collectively, cleaning up our oceans and cleaning up our waterways? If we can shut down the world for a few months for the coronavirus, surely we can do it for other matters that are just as, if not more pressing, can’t we? If we can take such an economic hit for the coronavirus, why can’t we do the same for deforestation? Why can’t we do the same for other diseases that are lethal killers? Why can’t we have two months where everyone is required to plant a certain amount of trees? There are so many issues on the list that would, could and do warrant a complete economic shutdown. But it doesn’t happen, why? What thinking chooses this and not other issues?
The current economic model it itself and its contribution to a variety of problems human beings now face, and problems planet Earth now faces is in itself to completely shut it down and re-build.
In our latest documentary called Regenerate, we explore this question deeply as it relates to our environmental challenges. You can watch it for FREE here.
Everything has suddenly stopped because of the coronavirus, and the economic implications are and will be huge. This also begs the question about our current economic model. Do human beings have the potential to create an experience where we are not so dependent on our economy? Is our current economic model even sustainable? Can we create an experience where our livelihoods and existence are not put into jeopardy if everything suddenly stops and shuts down? Can we create an experience where human beings thrive? Can we create an experience where everybody has what they need regardless of their financial status? Do we have the potential to move beyond money and not be so dependent on pieces of paper in order to acquire what we need? Can you see this happening? Can we not explore these thoughts and possibilities without distracting ourselves with words like socialism, capitalism, and all of the other “isms” out there that really put a box around our consciousness and limit the experience we are able to create?
Buckminster Fuller, one of the most creative and interesting minds in modern history once said that “One in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a wage.”
By now, we should have all been driving around in solar/electric cars, we could be living on a completely green planet, everybody could have a house, everybody could have food and access to to clean energy, we have more than enough technological resources to put in place to take over manufacturing and hard labour. Everything everyone could ever need could easily, in my opinion, be provided to everybody. The truth is, this kind of human experience is not hard to achieve, we have the potential to do it, we simply have to begin changing old was of thinking that limit consciousness. The concept I am speaking of would take the concept of power away from the small group of people and the corporations who run this planet, and bring it into the hands of the people.
This kind of model has no place for power, greed, competition or control, which seem to be the current backbone of our current economic model.
Book The 72 Sigils of Power: Magic, Insight, Wisdom and Change
Creating Again
What would we do if we didn’t have to work to survive? The human race would go back to exploring, we would be more in touch with nature and our minds would yearn to discover more about the true nature of reality. We would be open and able to explore whatever we pleased, and we could develop collectively. Technologically we would not be held back my money any longer, and we could solve problems very quickly with simply resource management. We could follow our hearts instead of being driven into the same robotic system that all of us are driven towards.
Today, our world is about going to work, coming home, paying the bills and repeating the cycle. We live in a ‘slave’ like system that supports the very few – and our current economy and the way it functions represent the chains we are stuck to. How did we ever create something so counter-intuitive and so unnatural? How are we not able to come together collectively and change the entire thing? The truth is, we could do so at any time, we simply have to begin to believe, shifting our thinking, and then popularizing those ideas. This is what the CE Protocol seeks to help do.
We could have roads, services, buildings and more, and nobody needs to earn a wage for these systems to be put in place and predominately installed – we could do it for each other, we could come together and cooperate, and build together. If we did indeed do that, I would have no doubt that we’d be venturing off into the stars in no time.
I believe we are on that path, and we are starting to create that experience. But it takes time, despite the fact that when you really look at it, it doesn’t have to take time. If we really wanted to, we could create this change all at once within a few days. We have so much potential.
Book Lebor Klann Glas: Volume I: 10,830 BCE to 365 CE [Secret History of Earth]
To truly begin exploring how these ideas can be implemented practically, watch the following videos:
Regenerate: beyond The CO2 Narrative
About The Author
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
One of the ways we become aware our personal potential is by observing the actions of others. We’re biologically programed to respect and admire skill, wisdom, and demonstrations of competence. This feeling of inspiration that comes from seeing the deeds of others is part of the spiritual influencing process of spiritual values, that push us to reach for better things, in the world and within ourselves. The following information reveals an example of human skill and wisdom, which you can use to inspire yourself to dream big and claim your full potential. Doing so activates deep urges within, changing the very brain structures you use to live life in ways that make you feel more alive, inspired and fulfilled.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammatical mistake? Send an email to [email protected], with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading.
We could go beyond the word goodness to say “Loving”. And we can go beyond the words The Creator is intelligent and wise to include that the creator is ‘Love and Open Heartedness”. .
Our hearts are ready to explode with love. We are almost there. We will be given the chance. !!! Its all about our hearts, and our hearts ruling over our minds.
Please note it was 1984 not 85.