Clearing of the Chimera group is proceeding according to the plan. The focus is slowly shifting from the removal of strangelet bombs towards dealing with top quark/antiquark condensate anomaly.
Negative scenarios of the strangelet explosion predicted in the following link:
Planetary meditation initiative did not trigger a response the Light forces were anticipating. I hope people like Deepak Chopra, David Wilcock, Ram Dass, Oprah, Eckart Tolle, Children of the Sun, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Gregg Braden…were contacted as I did not receive feedback from any of them. If a critical mass of people would meditate even for 5 minutes at the same moment every Sunday, great coherence could be achieved.
Another planetary situation update will follow as soon as certain operations of the Light forces are completed.
Contrary to the predictions of some people, there will be NO major false flag event of the 9-11 proportions, nor in the next few days nor later in the future.
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