The signs of cabal defeat are now proliferating to an extent that can no longer be hidden from any but the most deeply brainwashed people in the West. The most obvious sign is the APEC meeting winding up today in China. There three of the world’s largest oil producers, Canada, Russia and Qatar signed new deals to trade oil in Yuan. This makes it a mathematical certainty the petrodollar is finished. Russia also announced it was de-pegging the Ruble from the petrodollar.
In England, meanwhile, multiple senior politicians are working towards creating government currency to replace the 300 year old Rothschild fiat currency regime, according to MI5 sources. On November 20th, for the first time in 170 years, the British Parliament will discuss this issue. This is link to a paper on the subject that has been distributed to all British MPs:
The Japanese government is also seriously contemplating doing exactly the same thing. This means that all Japanese government debt will be written off in one fell swoop.
There are also indications the corporate government in the United States has gone into full crisis mode. For example, when this writer tried to access the official Russian Ria Novosti news site from his computer and his tablet device, he was redirected to an obvious disinformation site called “Sputnik News.” This came after the Russian government news site put out reports that American mercenaries were shelling the crash site of Malaysian airlines flight 17. This can only be described as an attempt by the American fascist regime to prevent the Europeans from finding out it was their supposed US allies who shot the passenger plane down.
The other sign that something big is going down with the US regime is the fact the Pentagon has warned its troops to not go out with Russian or Chinese women. This is a sort of measure taken in war time to prevent military secrets from leaking out. Finally, CNN has shut down its Russian operations, again the sort of thing that happens in war time.
The Russians, for their part, have started a major push to seize the remaining ethnically Russian districts in the Ukraine as well as the gas fields in the Sea of Azov.
The US corporate government is in no position to win any war against Russia and China at this point in time because neither its NATO allies nor Japan are going to go along with such a suicidal and world-destroying plan.
The more likely outcome will be the overthrow of the US corporate government and the restoration of the Republic of the United States of America.
Another reason for cabal panic is a criminal trial that started on November 10th in London, England where evidence will be presented that the 311 tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan was a terrorist attack. The trial is being held to determine whether UK lawyer Michael Shrimpton gave false warnings about a nuclear terror threat to the 2012 London Olympics. Here is a link to a Daily Mail article about the trial.
The defendant has lined up multiple witnesses to bolster his claim that the nuclear terror threat was real and that Japan had already experienced a nuclear terror attack. This writer is scheduled to be one of the witnesses at the trial.
The trial is important because it will bring lots of information that has appeared online under the forensic scrutiny of a criminal court. If the evidence is good, it will then lead to criminal charges eventually being filed against the perpetrators of 311. The Japanese and North Koreans involved in the attack have been offered, and have accepted, amnesty in exchange for providing information about 311.
The trial is expected to be a fair one because there are proliferating signs the UK is freeing itself of cabal influence. The ongoing investigation into a high level pedophile ring there is the clearest evidence of this. British newspapers are now reporting, for example, that Sir Peter Hayman, former Deputy Head of MI6 British foreign intelligence was a pedophile rapist. Investigators into the pedophilia network are particularly interested in cases where pedophilia was used to blackmail politicians and influence government policy.
The other indication is that the British and European dominated Financial Stability Board, an international financial regulator, has come up with regulations to make sure tax payers never again have to bail out “too big to fail” financial institutions like happened after the Lehman shock of 2008. This is clearly aimed at the big US banking institutions that own the Federal Reserve Board and looted US taxpayers in 2008.
Japan is also showing signs of being ready to make a decisive break with the cabal. On November 10th, for example, this writer spent much of the day in a Rupert Murdoch owned TV studio with a group of panelists who were allowed to openly discuss previously taboo subjects. This writer talked about how ebola was a US cabal bio-weapon, that Malaysian Air flight 370 and flight 17 shot down in the Ukraine were the same plane and that ISIS was a creation of Mossad and US intelligence. Other panelists made similar claims. One of them, blogger Richard Koshimizu, talked about a homosexual blackmail network involving senior Japanese politicians.
It remains to be seen how much of this will appear when the show is broadcast after editing but the fact that Murdoch is recording such shows is a sign at least one corporate media oligarch is interested in the truth.
Japan is expected to hold another general election in December that could lead to fundamental regime change, multiple government sources here say. There will be a big fight behind the scenes between the old guard behind Abe and the Japan revolutionary faction over the coming days to decide this issue.
Abe has been damaged in Japan after he was forced promise to stop provoking China and to eat humble pie in in order to get a token meeting with Chinese strongman Xi Jinping.
In North Korea, the US agencies recently secretly helped keep Kim Jong Un in power and prevented the take-over of that country by a Chinese led faction, according to pentagon sources. That is why North Korea released its last two American prisoners.
The Pentagon forces in Asia know that it is the Japanese and Chinese who are paying their bills these days. That is why they have an interest in acting as a peace-keeper in the region.

Comment by dwilcock on November 12, 2014 @ 1:55 am
This is exciting news — no doubt.
There are a few things going on in the inside world that Ben didn’t get here.
First of all, the Republican sweep in the Congressional elections. Both parties are compromised at this point. Neither of them are acting in the public interest. In the past the Republicans have done significant harm, including forcing a government shutdown.
They also are the root of the Neocon agenda, which represents the Rockefeller / Israeli faction as opposed to the Rothschild / British Empire faction. Any time one of these factions gets too powerful, the other one rises up against it — and this war is now red-hot. They are using their own resources to destroy each other.
The story is no longer that simple, either, because of the Alliance, which is separate from either group but has elements within both working for a greater good.
The Alliance has a new pope in place who is radically altering the Vatican, and as Ben documented here, the British government is increasingly being transformed by the Alliance, because they don’t want to go down with the obviously-sinking ship.
So, as much as left-leaning people were upset by the midterms and saw it as a defeat, I see it just the opposite. The people who voted Republican did not support Republicans, necessarily — Congress has been down around 11 to 16 percent approval. They did this out of futility — the idea that “anything is better than this.”
However, from that sense of futility also comes the deep conviction that this is the “last chance” for the Republicans to do something different. If they repeat the behaviors they have done before, which they very likely will, then it will anger everyone. Most importantly, it will spur the Alliance to finally take action on a far more direct level than they have so far.
It does appear that things have to “hit bottom” before they have any hopes of getting better. We can fully expect that the Republicans will want to play with their new gun very soon, and government shutdown will be the ammo they test-fire. They will get everyone really, really pissed off in the process.
The other big thing I didn’t see here is what the insider has been leaking. This showed up on November 6th:
“A gentleman of my acquaintance told me today, privately and not on the phone or the Internet, that if the new Republican-controlled Congress threatens Putin, he will respond by dumping, at once, Russia’s holdings of US Treasury notes in the amount of 118 millions.
“What I learned from another contact is that the Russians have discussed this with the Chinese, who hold 1,269 billions in the same notes. The Chinese, I am told, did not wish to dump their holdings but the Russians pointed out that if Russia dumped theirs, the market would drop swiftly and the Chinese would be holding relatively worthless paper. The Chinese have tentatively agreed but very reluctantly.
“And I know from two German contacts that the Deutsche Bank has printed up a large number of new Mark notes for domestic use when the inevitable collapse of both the dollar and euro are manifest.
“I do love to send these little comments out because of the disbelief they cause. And I have the chance to laugh later, believe me.”
This comment shows that things are definitely reaching a critical mass. It’s not likely to just keep on lumbering along at the gradual speed we are seeing now. We are definitely in a transitional phase.
There are also a series of articles coming out, all of a sudden, on the Nazi penetration of the USG. Then at the same time we have the new Nicki Minaj video very blatantly using Nazi imagery. This is going to be in the new article I write this week.
Regarding the situation with Neil Keenan, I do not believe he is a con artist. We were all following the story of his upcoming lawsuit with great interest here on Fulford’s blog in 2011, and then it actually did appear, and was highly intricate.
Associates of mine contacted his attorney William Mulligan and there is no doubt that this was a very real and very expensive lawsuit to produce. Ben also was personally involved in some of what happened.
Neil then contacted me and sent me an enormous amount of hard, provable data. This includes a wealth of documents I did not release, due to their sensitivity, as well as a staggering number of photographs of bonds, bond boxes and bond chests of all different sorts.
The Global Collateral Accounts are absolutely real. The bunkers are absolutely real. The gold stored in them is absolutely real. The bonds are real. All of this was independently verified to me by not one, not two, but multiple other insiders. The Joseph Riad case released more images of them.
I have met and spoken with people who have been in the bunkers and described the staggering, staggering amounts of gold in them. These people had described to me, privately, what the bonds looked like, which I had not published, BEFORE Neil sent the pics. By the time I saw them I already knew what to expect.
Since this whole story is indeed real, there are plenty of cases where people get access to these bonds and then attempt to sell them to others at a profit. As I documented in Financial Tyranny, the USG very quietly tries to buy the bonds back, and real criminal penalties occur.
The Italy case was also very significant, because bonds that looked exactly like what Neil sent photographs of were seized at the border and taken very seriously. It is all too easy to write off this whole case as if it is all fraudulent, but there is such a huge variety of data — including the very well-documented atrocities involved in the initial theft of this gold on such a massive scale — that the burden of proof has been satisfied.
There have been plenty of Internet scams that have come and gone, dating all the way back to the 1990s, where someone says the Fed is going to be wiped out and that if you buy into whatever they’ve got, you will make spectacular amounts of money. One of these rings went to federal court in 2000 and 13 people were convicted.
I have been told, breathlessly, about imminent payouts and sent emails to “Get In Now” ever since 1998. Not one of them has ever worked.
What has happened with Neil does not follow the pattern of a con artist looking to scam people. I have interacted with him dozens of times in private conversation. Never once did he ask me for a single dollar. Nor has he created any type of storyline for his audience, saying that if you send him money you will profit from the defeat of the Cabal later on.
Neil has not responded yet to Jean’s accusations. I feel that he has a right to make his own statements before I say anything else. He has spent most of his time in Indonesia, as is proven by his videos, and has also been bringing needed witnesses in and paying for everything. If he did borrow money from her, I do believe he intends to pay it back.
My policy has always been not to attack anyone who is working towards the same goals we all hope to achieve. If I had given someone money and felt cheated by them, I would not publicize it, regardless of what I felt of their character. Making negative statements of any kind about people on the internet has the almost invariable effect of backfiring and causing damage to the person who did it.
Jean has fought valiantly for truth and justice, as has Neil. She also did this without any type of donation or payment model in place for her services. I therefore encourage you to help her out if you have enjoyed her site, since she obviously is hurting.
It does appear that Neil is working on some very, very big stuff, and this is the main reason why he has gone silent for the time being.
None of this epic battle for freedom has been predictable, but it certainly has been interesting. I had another dream this morning, which I haven’t even finished writing up yet, suggesting the Cabal is nearing an epic defeat. And I have rebuilt my strength, am making great progress on doing my own videos, and have much more to share in the coming days.
– David Wilcock
Comment by dwilcock on November 12, 2014 @ 2:18 am
The deciphering of the Georgia Guidestones Crypto-Cube, which I revealed in my TV show in upcoming episodes and also am going to cover in the next post, reveals two dates:
1. The exact day the USG went into shutdown. [JAM = 10 1 13. The letters correspond to their alphanumeric order.]
2. The exact day the Ferguson riots peaked in their level of violence. [8 16 20 14, the numbers on the four side faces.]
Therefore, since the exposed part of the cube said 20 14, it is clear that the Cabal intended to create government shutdown and mass rioting, followed by martial law (the National Guard was called in after the peak of violence on the 16th.)
Many insiders have told me the Cabal desperately wants to create mass destruction in America. Shutting down essential services is a good way to jump-start that process and they have been working like crazy to try to get this to succeed for many years.
– David
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