(Zoey Sky) Nobody likes feeling bloated. If your stomach is feeling uncomfortably swollen today, here are some soothing beverages you can make to naturally relieve the bloated feeling.
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by Zoey Sky, August 11th, 2019
What is bloating?
Bloating occurs in your abdomen or stomach when your gastrointestinal (GI) tract is filled with air or gas. If you’re bloated, your stomach will feel full and tight, which may cause pain or discomfort.
Bloating can be caused by something you ate. The condition can be caused by lactose intolerance, which occurs when you have problems with consuming dairy.
Other reasons for bloating can include:
- Acid reflux
- A buildup of gas in the gut
- Constipation
- Imbalanced intestinal bacteria
- Menstruation (in some women)
- Overeating
- Parasitic infections
- Swallowing air
- Ulcers
- Weight gain
The eight herbal teas listed below can help reduce bloating.
Angelica root tea
This tea is made from the root of angelica (Angelica archangelica), a member of the celery family. Angelica root has a bitter flavor, but it tastes better when steeped with lemon balm tea.
Angelica root extract is used in herbal digestive products. The herb’s bitter components can stimulate digestive juices to promote healthy digestion. More human studies are needed to confirm if the tea does offer anti-bloating benefits, but animal and test-tube research notes that angelica root may relieve constipation. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your physician to determine if you can take angelica root tea without experiencing any side effects.
To make the tea, add one teaspoon (2.5 g) of dried angelica root per cup (240 mL) of boiled water. Steep for five minutes before drinking.
Buy Organic Biokoma Angelica Dried Root — Good for Digestion, Bloating, and Reducing Inflamation
Chamomile tea
In traditional medicine, chamomile (Chamomillae romanae) is used to treat diarrhea, gas, indigestion, nausea, ulcers, and vomiting. Preliminary studies suggest that chamomile can fight ulcers and abdominal pain.
Chamomile flowers contain the most beneficial components, such as flavonoids. Check if the dried tea is made from flower heads instead of leaves and stems.
To make chamomile tea, which is pleasant and slightly sweet, pour a cup of boiled water over 1 tablespoon (2 to 3 g) of dried chamomile (or one tea bag). Let the tea steep for 10 minutes before drinking.
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Fennel tea
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) has been traditionally used to treat digestive disorders like abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and gas. Fennel tea tastes similar to licorice.
Animal studies on rat models suggest that fennel extract can protect against ulcers, which can reduce the risk of bloating. Constipation is also associated with bloating. Since fennel can relieve sluggish bowels, drinking fennel tea may help ease bloating.
To make tea using fennel seeds, crush 1 to 2 teaspoons (2 to 5 g) of seeds per cup of boiled water. Steep the tea for 10 to 15 minutes. Alternatively, you can buy fennel tea bags.
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Gentian root tea
Gentian (Gentiana lutea) root tea tastes sweet, but it has a bitter aftertaste. To improve the taste of this tea, mix gentian root with chamomile tea and honey.
Gentian root is traditionally used in medicinal products and herbal teas formulated to aid bloating, gas, and other digestive problems. The bitter plant compounds in gentian root may support good digestion and address bloating and gas.
To make gentian root tea, add 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon (1 to 2 g) of dried gentian root per cup of boiled water. Steep for 10 minutes.
Ginger tea
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) tea is used to treat stomach-related ailments. Several studies suggest that ginger supplements can ease bloating, gas, and nausea. Human studies are needed to determine if ginger tea offers similar benefits.
To make ginger tea, use 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon (0.5 to 1 g) of coarsely powdered, dried ginger root (or one tea bag) per cup of boiled water. Steep for five minutes before drinking.
You can also use one tablespoon (6 g) of fresh, sliced ginger per cup of water. Boil for 10 minutes, then strain before drinking. To soften ginger tea’s spicy flavor, add some honey and lemon.
Lemon balm tea
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) tea has a lemony scent and flavor with hints of mint. Lemon balm tea is traditionally used to ease mild digestive issues like bloating and gas. Human studies of lemon balm tea’s effects may help determine its gut benefits, such as relieving constipation, abdominal pain, and other digestive symptoms.
To make lemon balm tea, steep one tablespoon (3 g) of dried lemon balm leaves or one tea bag in a cup of boiled water for 10 minutes.
Peppermint tea
In traditional medicine, peppermint (Mentha piperita) is used to address digestive issues. Peppermint tea has a cool, refreshing flavor.
Findings from test-tube, animal, and human studies have revealed that the flavonoids and oil in peppermint can help relieve bloating. It is believed that drinking peppermint tea may offer the same benefits. Purchase single-ingredient peppermint tea or buy tea blends formulated to relieve stomach issues.
To make peppermint tea, add one tablespoon (1.5 g) of dried peppermint leaves, one tea bag, or three tablespoons (17 g) of fresh peppermint leaves to one cup of boiled water. Let the tea steep for 10 minutes before straining, then serve. (Related: The 12 health benefits of osmanthus tea, a caffeine-free beverage.)
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Wormwood tea
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) tea tastes a bit bitter. To make the tea more palatable, add some lemon juice and honey. Wormwood tea promotes the release of digestive juices, which can help ease bloating and digestive issues. However, human studies are required to confirm these benefits.
Avoid wormwood tea if you’re pregnant. The herb contains thujone, a compound that causes uterine contractions.
To make wormwood tea, add one teaspoon (1.5 g) of the dried herb per cup of boiled water. Steep for five minutes before drinking
Make these soothing, healthy herbal teas if you’re looking for a natural cure for bloating and other digestive issues.
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Health is an important human value. Almost everyone, regardless of political affiliation, national origin, or religious association, values being healthy, free of disease and able to pursue their dreams and values. The preceding information discuses health in some capacity, either by alerting the public to poor health choices or suggesting better ways of living for optimum health. With health freedom in hand, which is a primary survival need of all living creatures, the individual can be liberated from fear of personal suffering. This leads to the capacity for holistic thinking, playfulness, and inspired living—activating our capacity to thrive.
– Justin
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