Another detailed accounting of Trust creation and how express trusts have been created in our name for various purposes. The Trust concept has been obfuscated from the comprehension of the public for decades, working to the advantage of our would-be masters. It is paramount that we gain knowledge of these things so as to assert our true status as free beings.
What is a Trust?
A trust is an honorable agreement between 2 or more parties to ensure something is maintained or kept in good order. When you want to ensure something is taken care of, you entrust it to someone. A great example of this is babysitting, leaving your child with someone who is going to be honest within the guidelines you set for them. If the babysitter does something you specifically told them not to, they have breached the trust established between you. Keeping this simple example in mind, let’s discuss some of the relationships and terminology.
What the governments have done is created a trust for you, with all sorts of guidelines and processes, yet FAILED to notify you that it exists. As a result this trust is inherently dishonorable, a non-binding agreement within Equity or Contract law. It’s like the babysitter kidnapping your child, and selling it into slavery claiming you agreed to it because you never said otherwise.
The key concept behind a trust is honesty and requires explicit communication; hence the term trust. If there is dishonesty at any level, there is no trust agreement, and therefore any obligation or promise made under this false agreement is void. This is why full disclosure is essential and why implied or tacit consent is inherently a breach of trust. Any contractual agreement in which one party knowingly and intentionally withholds information is a breach of trust and voids the contract. Your failure to tell your babysitter not to sell your child into slavery is considered tacit consent, but within Trust Law is breach of trust due to nondisclosure.
A fiduciary is someone who accepts a duty to the truth, and honors the trust for a beneficiary. The baby sitter is the fiduciary trustee. You are the beneficiary and grantor as the parent and benefit by having your child taken care of while you are away. Again any failure to disclose the facts to you, the grantor and beneficiary, is a breach of trust, a failure of the fiduciary to honor the truth and disclosure it explicitly. Simply stated: dishonesty is the definition of breach of trust.
Clearly if you became aware of the actions of your baby sitter you would dispel any presumed consent via your inaction. And an explicit statement of the fraud proves your competence and asserts your superior position of executor of that trust. Why? Because it acknowledges THE TRUTH. A trust is based on the truth, as such anyone who honors the truth has a superior position within Trust Law, and an action of dishonesty proves their incompetence as a trusted party. They are no longer trustworthy due to their dishonorably actions.
Logical Consequences of Free Will: Law, Trusts, Contracts and Legal Codes
Law as we know it on Earth is a series of logical consequences to accepted premises. Natural Law is premised on the fact we have free will and unalienable rights endowed by the creator, bound within 7 dynamic principles: Mentalism (awareness), Correspondence (honesty), Vibration (communication), Polarity (honor or dishonor), Rhythm (observation and communication), Causality (observed facts, requiring full disclosure) and Gender (duty to the truth). This creates a logical consequence of TRUST, that free will beings agree to do things together once knowledge of another’s desire is recognized. The mechanism requires: awareness and a pathway for consent to be given; a negotiation via communication. A Contract is a consequence of the trust established between two beings, which facilitates generation or cooperation of an intended goal. Legal Codes and Statutes are a consequence of a contractual agreement, to follow rules of conduct set forth during negotiation. Legal Codes are the means for execution, after a trust relationship has been established and a contractual goal is agreed to.
Natural Law (Free Will) > Trust Law (Free Will expressed as a knowing, willing and intentional expression of agreement between 2 or more parties) > Contract or Equity Law (Establishes a goal for generation or an ‘end’ which both parties agree to via the trust established between them) > Legal Codes and Statutes (the means for achieving the end, established during negotiation phase of the contract).
As a result of this ‘tree of law,’ full disclosure is the linchpin to all governmental power. And it is presumed we have knowledge of the facts. As a result, notifying anyone of their breach of trust, their failure as fiduciary to notify us of the facts explicitly, nullifies any Contractual or Statutory obligations held over us. Because these obligations are under an agreement, when the agreement is dishonest from the start, it voids any presumed obligation. The theme of gaining knowledge of the fraud and acting on it by issuing an explicit statement is essential for correcting the situation.
Note about State Citizens and UCC from my understanding: Judge Anna’s letter uses the term State Citizen which is in reference to the trust agreement of the original colonies, and refers to their de jure agreement of incorporation as a state or nation unto itself. The reality that each person is their own sovereign entity is recognized within this terminology, and she is not implying that a fictional entity known as “JOHN DOE” is also a citizen as so described by Judge Anna.
The UCC system has a hidden adhesion contract side to it, meaning that if one uses it, the presumption of agreement is implied. However, due to the superior nature of Trust Law, which is the framework for the UCC system, a reservation of one’s rights places the burden of proof on another party to claim otherwise. One could claim a reservation of rights in any manner they see fit which dispels any implied agreement of abdication, inclusive of the adhesion contracts within the system.
I know that these concepts can be difficult to sort through, but if we follow the logical consequences of Natural Law, it provides a very real and even scientific basis to understanding these realities.
For our thoughts on the Pope and whether or not he doing his duty to the people see the post Debt Forgiveness? | Pope Francis’ Holy Year of Mercy could be a truly great jubilee.
For other essential data from Judge Anna click here.
Source – Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth
. . ~J
Open Letter to U.S. Treasury Secretary Lew — from Anna von Reitz
August 4, 2014
Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20220
Thus another layer was added to the basic fraud.
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