This type of information seems to just be pouring out as there has been a great deal of talk about bases and ET settlements on the Moon of late.
Corey GoodETxSG has been discussing this in his work which is summarized well in several of our posts, especially in David Wilcock Major Update: History of ‘Old One’s’, Draco’s, SSP, Plan for Disclosure in 2015, Cabal Surrender, Sphere Beings, and Much More.
The likelihood that these structures are naturally created is very low. And many of the shapes used are seen here on Earth. I was reminded of the Nazca lines in Peru. See this with a very detailed analysis of the corresponding relationships in these lines More on the connections of 33°33 – Deep Challenges.
Related Forbidden Archaeology | 10 Insane Ancient Achievements That Science Can’t Explain
For other updates from Corey GoodETxSG click here.
When man first set foot on the Moon, a new age dawned. We were no longer confined on our planet and at the same time, our world never felt smaller. But there are many who insist this iconic event never even happened.
So has man really set foot on our nearest cosmic neighbor or have we been duped by a hoax of lunar proportions? According to this theory, both these claims are correct.
The Moon landing conspiracy is one of the richest and most controversial topic, with numerous zealots on both sides of the fence. The accepted view is that the landings are real and there are hundreds of hours of footage to prove it. On the other side, many conspiracy theorists are pretty adamant about the fact that the landings were staged. There is evidence to support both views. What if both are true?
Could the surface of the Moon be home to more than just craters and rocks?
Finding lunar structures that clearly aren’t man-made would be a solid reason not to disclose their existence to the public. If information about alien constructions on our planetary doorstep ever became an established fact, it would forever change the status quo. Now, we can’t have that, can we?
Proponents of the staged Moon landings assure us that the general public has seen very little genuine color footage from the lunar surface. Most of the videos that are available have been filmed in a studio and the ones that are genuine almost never portray any of the unusual structures on Earth’s satellite.
Many photos are edited, airbrushed or blurred in order to hide sensitive information. Likewise, the famous case of the Apollo 11 missing tapes does little to quell the storm of criticism. An investigation conducted nearly 20 years ago discovered that NASA had erased and reused the tapes containing the raw unprocessed Apollo 11 video signal. Conspiracy theorists believe NASA would never show such signs of negligence and that they deliberately ‘misplaced’ them.
The lunar missions audio feed, though heavily edited, is original. An interesting piece of dialogue occurs towards the end of the first extravehicular activity of the Apollo 17 mission, the last official mission to the moon. On his return trip to the Lunar Module, astronaut Eugen Cernan saw something that most of us never will. His reaction was:
“Hey, what are those things going over? What is that, Jack? Hey! Something just hit here!”
The image above shows one of the most famous photos, taken in the Taurus-Littrow Valley, during Apollo 17. It’s called the Geophone rock and it looks overexposed.
For 30 years, NASA classified the image as a blank frame from the Apollo 17 film magazine136-Hotel. NASA made no mention of this image and did not include it in the online Apollo Image Atlas. After applying noise reduction and increasing contrast, here’s what the image looks like:
What could this pyramid-shaped anomaly be? Is it just an image artifact or something more?
This image is just one of the many strange objects allegedly photographed on the Moon:
Another debate subject is the Apollo 17 mission insignia. It was designed by conceptual artist Robert McCall and shows the Greek god Apollo backdropped by a depiction of an American eagle.
What most people don’t know is that this design wasn’t the first one submitted for NASA approval. In fact, the first two were designed by Apollo 17 Lunar Module pilot Harrison H. Schmitt. Due to their suggestive graphics, NASA rejected them.
Many believe the Apollo 17 crew members knew about the existence of megalithic structures on the Moon. It’s an established fact that quite a number of astronauts firmly believe in the existence of intelligent alien life. Do these astronauts know something we don’t? What made them believe in aliens?
Of course, this conspiracy theory relies heavily on speculation but it ultimately brings up some important issues. There are gaps and inconsistencies within the information provided by the Space Agency. And while filling these gaps with outlandish theories is risky, one thing is for sure: there are things on the Moon that NASA doesn’t want us to see.
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