Negative interest rates are an indication the financial system is totally broken. As it is used presently, it was never designed to be equitable, honorable or sustainable. The creation of debt is the largest commodity that any ‘nation’ exports, and for a banking institution to steal from its accounts openly, indicates that it is on life support.
Could this be a sign of things to come in other nations? It would seem so, and while this can be looked at as a herald of the coming financial collapse, it is also our greatest chance to awaken others. The truth about the financial system would make any one who values their energy and time, in the form of bank credit or money, to revolt against the debt slavery system. Whether we fall headlong into another form of financial servitude is largely determined by humanities capacity to recognize the truth.
Now is the time to share this with the unconscious minds around us so as to offer them a gateway of empowerment, and lead to an eventual shift in the paradigms of external control on Earth.
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Will you be prepared when everything we take for granted changes overnight?
Just think about this for a couple of minutes. What if the U.S. Dollar wasn’t the world’s reserve currency? Ponder that… what if…
Empires Rise, they peak, they decline, they collapse, this is the cycle of history.
This historical pattern has formed and is already underway in many parts of the world, including the United States.
Don’t be one of the millions of people who gets their savings, retirement, and investments wiped out.
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