(Educating Humanity) Mysterious ‘extraterrestrial artefacts’ could be lurking in our solar system, Harvard astronomers claim.
Related Harvard Scientists Claim ‘Oumuamua’ Could Be An Alien Probe
by Staff Writer, November 30th, 2018
Evidence which proves the existence of extraterrestrial life could be hidden near Earth waiting to be discovered. Top astronomers have called for an urgent study of ‘interstellar objects’ which arrive here from deep space, suggesting some of them could be mysterious alien ‘artefacts’. Last year, the world was stunned when a bizarre cigar-shaped space rock called ‘Oumuamua sped through our solar system, changing direction as it travelled. Although scientists said it was probably a comet and blamed its trajectory on a natural process, we have been unable to unequivocally prove that it wasn’t an alien spacecraft or some other piece of extraterrestrial technology.
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Now Harvard University’s Abraham Loeb, one of the astronomers who suggested ‘Oumuamua was alien in origin, and his colleague Amir Siraj have published a paper which suggests evidence which proves the existence of other lifeforms could be lurking right under our species’ nose. The paper claims there could be ‘tens’ of interstellar visitors like ‘Oumuamua floating through the solar system. ‘Observing or visiting such objects could allow searching for signs of extraterrestrial life locally, without the need to send interstellar probes,’ the pair wrote. ‘Exploration of trapped interstellar objects could potentially help reveal the prospects of life in other star systems as well as extraterrestrial artefacts,’ they added. It’s important to remember that Loeb and his partner are not saying that interstellar visitors are definitely alien artefacts. The objects could also have formed naturally in other star systems, before being expelled to begin their lonely journey through the void of space.
‘Photographing or visiting these trapped objects would allow for learning about the conditions in other planetary systems, saving the need to send interstellar probes,’ the astronomers added. In a previous paper, Shmuel Bialy and Abraham Loeb suggested the elongated asteroid ‘Oumuamua might have an ‘artificial origin’. ‘‘Oumuamua may be a fully operational probe sent intentionally to Earth vicinity by an alien civilisation,’ they wrote. MORE: Nasa shares a picture of a ‘flying saucer from outer space that crash-landed on Earth’ Their research suggests several explanations for the formation of ‘Oumuamua, which is regarded as a ‘new class’ of space object. It sped past Earth and looped around our sun at 196,000 mph and was about half a mile long.
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The object was so unusual that Nasa said it had ‘never seen a natural object with such extreme proportions in the solar system before’. Initially, the fact ‘Oumuamua appeared to speed up led astronomers to suggest it was a comet. These icy objects accelerate due to a process called outgassing, in which the sun heats up a comet and causes it to release gases. But in their paper, the Harvard stargazers ruled out the possibility it was an active comet. They proposed that it was powered along by ‘solar radiation pressure’ produced by the sun, but went on to make more ‘exotic’ suggestions to explain its acceleration.
The pair suggested it may have been a type of spaceship called a ‘light sail’ featuring a large and very thin sheet that is blown along through space by the light produced by stars. When it travelled through the solar system, it was tumbling end-over-end, which could also mean it was a piece of space wreckage left behind by aliens. ‘Considering an artificial origin, one possibility is that ‘Oumuamua is a lightsail, floating in interstellar space as a debris from an advanced technological equipment,’ the astronomers continued. ‘Lightsails with similar dimensions have been designed and constructed by our own civilization, including the IKAROS project and the Starshot Initiative ‘The lightsail technology might be abundantly used for transportation of cargos between planets or between stars.’ They said alien civilisations may jettison used cargo ships, resulting in space debris that looks a lot like Asteroid ‘Oumuamua.
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