Ben’s site was down for two days, but it is back up and running now.
Benjamin Fulford’s report from Monday the 16th of November has been updated with the full article. Click here to read full report.
Below is a brief preview of the remaining portion of the update.
[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
Israel also remains under a Chinese, Russian and Pentagon military blockade that will not be lifted until they withdraw from all illegally occupied territories. Even Israeli lobbying to keep the Golan Heights was rejected.
Both the Pentagon and the Russians believe the Khazarian mob and their ISIS proxies staged the Paris attacks as revenge against these setbacks. Pentagon sources say the attacks were a failed effort to get NATO to fight on behalf of Israel in Syria. Instead, the G20 nations just meeting in Turkey agreed that Israel and their bribed politicians in the United States were the leading world cause of terrorism.
The Russians are, for their part, also saying that France was targeted because the French and the Germans were trying to stop the Kazarian mobs’ distribution of forged “super-k” dollars in the Ukraine.
The refugee crisis is also seen by the Russians as punishment against the Europeans. The Russians say they have forensically traced all the twitter accounts encouraging refugees to go to Europe to the city of San Francisco in the United States.
There may be a deeper agenda at work though. For one thing the refugee crisis has forced most countries in the EU to re-impose border controls. At the same time an emerging socialist government in Portugal is asking for a reduction in debt payments, likely reigniting the debt crisis that is still sputtering away in Greece. If they get a cut in debt payments then Spain, Italy and Greece will ask for the same and thus threaten the Euro.
Remember the European Parliament Building was designed many years ago to resemble to Tower of Babel. The Tower of Babel collapsed making one wonder if the Euro government was also designed, from the beginning to collapse.
Next remember the January cover of the Rothschild owned Economist magazine featuring two arrows with the numbers 115 and 113, a close match to 151113, the date of the Paris attacks. Right beside the arrows in the picture is Alice from Alice in Wonderland staring at a Da Vinci Portrait that is in the Louvre Museum in Paris.
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