(Teresa Yanaros) This is the first amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States of America, approved by Virginia’s legislature in 1791. How deeply has our country defaulted on this promise? Ideas and words that free the minds of the people have a history of being stifled, and that wave is about to break. With the uprise in censorship of alternative media outlets across the board, the need for speaking up is more vital than ever before. Why is it that attempts to silence our voices are increasing? What ideas are the people expressing that those in power desperately want to be eradicated from public consideration?
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by Teresa Yanaros, October 22nd, 2018
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
We have a right in this country to speak up. It is time to begin asking ourselves, “How seriously do we take the right of free speech?” Do we understand that only we can choose to heed the call to action? Grievances arise from underneath the surface when humanity collectively realizes there is a need for change. Next, the people must organize to identify a goal, strategize to formulate a plan, and then activate to stimulate a collective transformation. Speaking up marks the beginning of the search for the answer, and if we cannot reach each other, then we fail to even get to that stage necessary for evolution. This pandemic spans across the entire world. The grievances that have been mounting for hundreds, if not thousands, of years have reached a global breaking point. We must rise to meet the challenge of taking back our planet and the reins of humanity.
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Have these ideals of freedom been offered over to a distant memory of something akin to a city in the clouds? Have these ideas become so clandestine that we are destined to fall into a bottomless wasteland of suffering?
It is time to shift into a new era of thought. The price of remaining asleep is much higher than we can even begin to imagine, and the cost is much greater than our collective consciousness can even begin to bear. We have a right in this country to petition the government for a redress of grievances. We must appreciate and realize that the grievances we harbor are so deep and real that we can no longer continue to stand idly by. No longer can we helplessly observe as the spirit of the people is stamped out through societal conditioning and advanced control programming strategies. Those in power continue to silently squander resources, knowledge, and technology as we struggle in the chasm below. Given the reality that technology exists with the potential to end all suffering on this planet, the time is now to stand up and actively take back what has been continually stolen from us; our sovereignty.
Although wealth inequality is a staggering reality, and the powers that be have obfuscated a criminal amount of advanced technology from the general public, we are realizing that we have more power than we originally thought. We have petitioned. We have raised our voices. And we will continue to do so. But not solely in the way that they think.
“We have done everything that could be done, to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored… Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne.”
No longer will we stand below and shout our pleas above to the perceived authority. Watch, as the veil is lifted. The powers that be are losing power and the alliance of freedom warriors on this planet is being supported in bringing abundance into this existence in ways like never seen before. Our collective power is mounting. We are organizing. We are waking up.
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Full Disclosure Project is bringing in a new paradigm of global consciousness.
As the veil is lifting on the planet and we undergo the great awakening, the time is now to bring crucial information to the masses that will vehemently destroy the perpetually induced chains of slavery and will ultimately set each and every one of us free.
Our team is organizing and exploring new paramount arenas of expansion. This grassroots movement is funneling mind-power into an unstoppable whirlwind of disclosure and mounting an operation that will knock on every single door of every single human on this planet. The masses are ready for intrinsic empowerment and the deep realization of their true sovereignty. Souls across the globe are ready to unlock their personal missions and activate their maximum potential. Get ready to embark upon the higher calling to participate in co-creating the change you wish to see, with others who share your vision of a peaceful, better world, free of suffering, and full of abundance and love.
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What is on the horizon is so bright. This reality is so humbling and pure that it resonates from the root of my core. And the journey through the portal into that brightness has dredged up every ounce of determination that I possess, and I will continue to traverse the storm unyieldingly and without hesitation.
The mission of Full Disclosure Project is moving up into a new level of forceful frequency. We are not just talking about disclosing the reality of the extraterrestrial presence, and unlocking the truth about advanced technologies available and here on this planet. Full Disclosure Project is dedicated to publicly disseminating multi-media productions to educate, enlighten, and evolve humanity through disclosure of powerfully activating information currently suppressed by mainstream media outlets. Our vision is to awaken each human to their true sovereign nature, and from there activate a world-wide community with the common goal of establishing a baseline of unalienable global human rights.
We are in the throes of developing an arsenal of multi-media projects that will shift the tide and open the eyes of the masses. It’s going global. Be on the lookout for events, world-wide meditation initiatives, documentaries, films, books, collaborative community initiatives, live streams, red pill parties, downloadable content for sharing with friends and family, and much more.
I care not how weak “they” think we are. Let them underestimate the resolve of our compassion and the power of our love. We are taking this world back. It’s not their freedom to give. It’s ours to take.
-Teresa Yanaros
Director of Operations, Full Disclosure Project
- https://billofrightsinstitute.org/founding-documents/bill-of-rights/
- http://www.history.org/almanack/life/politics/giveme.cfm
About The Author
Teresa Yanaros, an author and millennial advocate for spiritual enlightenment and disclosure, shares news and inspirational perspectives through her professional multi-media project “Divine Frequency.” Her upbeat attitude and intense passion for driving through truth and change act as a catalyst for her philosophical and cosmic teachings. Follow on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Sign up for a Tarot Reading, and Shop Divine Frequency.
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This article appeared first on Divine Frequency.
This article (I’m Standing Up. Will You Stand With Me For Liberty?) originally appeared on TheDivineFrequency.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and thedivinefrequency.com are provided.
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools
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Yeah, I’ll stand with you, Teresa. It’s our duty to stand up and be heard. It’s our duty as citizens to throw off the shackles of a parasitic pestilence of a government. I’ve been out of town and looking forward to coming home to write this all day.
“It’s not their freedom to give” There it is in a nutshell.
I do have to ask you one thing, though : Did you hear about the man? I’ll let you look inside the soundtrack of my mind for the last 10-15 years.
___Did You Hear about The Man?__
You thought you spelled out Doomsday
When you wrecked those planes into the towers
You thought you had us all fooled
Yeah, this would be your finest hour
You snuffed out all opposition
Like JFK and Dr. King
You thought when John Lennon joined them
That we’d never notice a thing
Doing dirty deeds in the shadows
Spraying chemtrails while we sleep
You want to lead people to your FEMA camps
You want to line us up like sheep
You declared the War on Terror
“They” could be anywhere, who knows?
But now we can see our error:
Not noticing your sheep’s clothes
When we don’t believe your stories
We’re conspiracy theorists and quacks
But your alibis can’t hide the truth
‘cuz it’s shining out thru the cracks
There’s one thing you hadn’t counted on
We woke up and saw through your plan
There’s one thing you hadn’t counted on
That’s when the truth hit the fan
Did you hear about The Man?
No, what?
The Man’s going down
Yeah, yeah
Did you hear about The Man?
No, what?
The Man’s going down
Yeah, yeah
Love Revolution
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I can feel it spreadin’ round
Yeah, yeah
People rising up
Yeah, yeah, yeah
And that’s what’s going down
Yeah, yeah