Stillness in the Storm curates news, research, conspiracy, health and consciousness information for the purpose of making the world a better place via the pursuit of truth and the mastery of mind through respect of the divine.
What is the Mission and Purpose of the Stillness in the Storm project?
There are two objectives insofar as content we post on this site.
First, we share news and general information from other websites and sources. We DO NOT share this as a subtle or covert attempt to express our opinion, merely to say “this is happening and we think it’s important to be aware of it.” In this regard, just because we share news or information from another source doesn’t mean we agree with it or that we think you should.
Second, we share our beliefs, thoughts, and opinions explicitly, in commentary on articles we post or in original content articles we write.
Whenever the question arises as to what our opinion or stance is, you should look to our explicit statements.
A little about our philosophy
The Stillness in the Storm project is focused on improving our truth-seeking and discernment skills, which requires an eclectic array of information. In this regard, as people, we don’t find the truth or the best values in life in a vacuum. The truth is often claimed because we’ve outlined of framed it within a body of falsehoods—a martial artist becomes a master by training not by avoiding challenges. As such, we share less than perfect information to a) alert you to the fact it exists, and b) to feed you food for thought to strengthen these truth-seeking and discernment muscles. Additionally, with the proper mindset, disinformation can be decoded to reveal deep truth. As a matter of fact, most of the richest truths we uncover on this site were discovered by researching and understanding the current state of affairs in this world.
Why do we do this?
Our mission is to make you a better truth seeker so you have true knowledge to guide your life. We do this because we contend, and argue, that justice, fairness, abundance, and prosperity come from truth-centered people who’ve learned how to work together in ways that safeguard the rights and values of others.
And since we here at Stillness are also attempting to improve we take the time to reveal our thought process so you can engage with us and we can engage with you.
WHEREAS we’re living in the same universe, bound by the same laws, with the same overarching goal: to survive and thrive in life.
Survival requires knowledge of the world and wisdom to execute your values and desires effectively.
Thriving requires a willingness to explore and improve your outlook and value system, working with others in trust to ensure you have your needs met but without hurting the life path of another.
Clearly, there is much room for improvement in this regard in our world.
Many of us were never taught how to live properly. We weren’t taught the value of truth and intellectual honesty. We weren’t informed about the true purpose of life and what the rules are that make it good for all. But this knowledge exists.
If we look past personal bias, and distill the pure information within each article, video, or paper, our natural ability to see the truth reveals itself, especially to those willing to do the self-mastery work required.
We do not know what the ultimate truth is yet. We are discovering it together as a whole by sharing and discussing our unique perspectives. We each hold a piece to the puzzle. Through honest seeking and compassionate sharing, we can assemble our threads of wisdom together to form a whole tapestry.
If we look at history, small groups of dedicated people, working to realize a single vision, changed the world. As a result, when we who care, work together to form trusting relationships, based on honesty, integrity, and compassion, almost anything is within our unified grasp—all balanced and honed by a respect for the truth and universal wisdom.
Through the process of sharing our thoughts and aligning with the truth, we come to a greater understanding as one people, united for change.
Our Vision
Stillness in the Storm is highly motivated and actively engaged in:
- co-creating a world driven by the advocation for truth.
- inspiring the individual to connect to the seeker within them.
- catalyzing the masses and evoking a mass awakening of consciousness.