(Justin Deschamps) The Truth about mind control is disturbing, but it also has within it, a secret key to unlocking one of our greatest powers.
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by Justin Deschamps, December 5th, 2022
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The world is slowly re-discovering the hidden knowledge and forces that use secret information to control humanity. This is generally known as mind control. But it’s not what Hollywood depicts.
Our world is swimming with mind control, so much so, most of us don’t know how to do things in our lives without it. This is a disturbing fact to consider. The truth about mind control, in the fullest sense of the term, is actually quite liberating.
In the first four episodes of Knowledge Base (1, 2, 3, 4,) we talked about hidden knowledge and core fundamentals. What we’re about to unpack in the next set of posts are the core fundamentals of the mind that are useful, not only to protect yourself against mind control and propaganda but also useful to become an asset to the causes of freedom by gaining what Jordan and I have referred to as self-mastery.
The forces of darkness, at least the more ancient sects of the Cabal, use self-mastery techniques to make sure the people within their ranks bring the best to the table. We need to respect our enemy. They have pulled off some of the most elaborate, well-planned, and brilliant schemes on earth. They are ancient psychologists, sociologists, and philosophers, which amassed potent intelligence about human nature, and how to use that to their advantage.
Granted, their form of self-mastery uses the so-called left-hand path. But the point is that mastery is what gives them a key advantage over the distracted masses, whose bellies are fat from abundant yet toxic bread and circus.
Jordan and I have studied the tools of the enemy for years. We’ve gained a lot of insights that have helped us make sense of the insanity of this world as well as helping us gain freedom from the incessant influence of mind control in our world. We definitely dont’ know it all, so we’d love to know your insights about the topics we’ll discuss in this substack.
Let’s prime the mind with some thought-provoking questions.
What is mind control in the grandest sense of the term?
How have the forces of darkness used it to gain control over the masses?
Why are humans so easily influenced by mind-influencing mechanisms and social forces?
What is the ultimate antidote to mind control?
Information and Mind Control
Information is one of the most powerful tools for control that human beings have ever discovered. Threats of violence, weapons of war, holding a subject’s family hostage, and torture are drops in the bucket compared to weaponized information.
About The Author
Justin Deschamps is a writer, epistemologist, and researcher discussing a wide range of topics for the betterment of well-being in and through the enhanced capacity to think critically, discern wisely, and bravely expose corruption. He also writes for several influential online series and writes, produces, and hosts the show Into The Storm on Rise.tv.
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Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Mass mind control, also known as propaganda, social programming, and reality management, is employed by the powers that be in their soft-slavery system. The way it works is that the beliefs and values of the individual are influenced through their need to gain and maintain social attachments, turning them into a pawn for the elite or a cog in the engines of control and domination. Through mass media, the perception of what is socially viable is manipulated, often through celebrity influence or mass spectacles, like TV, movies, video games, reality TV shows, and social media. Without comprehending the fact your brain is designed to manipulate your thinking through the desire to maintain social attachments, you will quickly find your values and beliefs changing, often deleteriously, in the pursuit of acceptance. But with the knowledge of how mass mind influence works, combined with the desire to know thyself, one can begin to recognize these influences, and guard against them by developing the ability to assess and refine one’s value system, based on merit and well thought out truth and value arguments.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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