(Allan J. Feifer) Looking at the issues facing our country, there seems to be something pernicious for which we don’t seem to know what to do to correct the downward trajectory that is shaking us to our core.
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by Allan J. Feifer, May 23rd, 2022
The issue at play now is that the majority of Americans have lost trust in our ability to govern and also, whether our leaders are even telling us the truth or are we simply being manipulated? Here are a few examples that are emblematic of the breadth and depth of the issues we face:
- The Supreme Court Leaker: let’s not deal with the leak itself; just the fact that the sanctity of the court was broken. No one seems to want to do anything about it and the likely effect it will have on future deliberations and decisions. Why has this traitor not been outed? I say “traitor” because the individual wants to effectively substitute his/her opinion over that of the Supreme Court. Think about that for a moment. My understanding is that the list of suspects contains about 40 individuals. Three weeks in and the suspect has not been identified. That person must be found and outed. The Supreme Court cannot stand if we, as a country lose faith in the deliberative process, which is foundational to the functioning of our country. That’s really what’s on the line.
- Baby Formula: The closing of the Abbott facility was a botched job. Everyone knew that 40% of the formula produced in the U.S. came from a single plant. We might forgive the failure of forethought in not diversifying our supply years ago. But the complete breakdown of responsibility by the FDA and the President (through his staff) for not having raised the alarm as week by week the problems grew worse four months before the plant closing is hard to take. There was a heads-up that this might happen back in September of 2021. It would have been reasonable to commence planning for a shortage of baby formula right then. Hungry babies in America are a new low for our country. But it comes on the heels of one crisis after another.
- The War in Ukraine: Intelligence experts claim they warned the administration that Russia was going to attack in April of 2021. We rewarded every minor withdrawal or diminishment of tensions with a pat on Putin’s back. Russian strategy was effective in keeping the U.S. and its allies sleeping for too long. Instead of sending lethal weapons in quantity, we sent mostly non-lethal aid to Ukraine before the war’s commencement. Even after Ukraine was brutally attacked in a massive combined-arms invasion, we sent mixed messages to the Russians who believe we lack the resolve to do what it takes to win. This ambiguity is how world wars start. This is a huge breach of trust in how Americans perceive the effectiveness of our leaders.
- The sky-high cost of energy: Why do we have a shortage of energy and are we being told the truth? The salient question every American should ask is, have they been deceived by the President? Old “circle back” Psaki was asked endlessly why we are producing less energy, even today? Pre-Pandemic, under Trump, the U.S. was producing a record 13 million barrels of oil per day and we were even exporting it. Production fell 3 million BPD due to slackened demand. Production is now back up to 11.6 BPD but is not accelerating. Why? Could the underlying reason be the simple truth that Biden articulated in 2019 “I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you. I guarantee you. We’re going to end fossil fuel.” Is he just keeping his promise and lying to the rest of us? My take is simple; he wants high prices and cares not about the damage to the American family and its position in the world to support his Green New Deal initiatives.
There are so many basic issues that are similar to those above and just as disheartening: immigration, woke policies, education, COVID, and even setting one race against another. We could go on seemingly endlessly. Is it any wonder we don’t trust our government, its leaders, policies, and even its good intentions any longer?
We have arrived at a point that appears intentional. The utter disregard for breaking the sacred bond between ordinary Americans and their leadership, fealty to the principles and practices of a nation that has stood for good, stood for a better tomorrow, and been that beacon of hope to the entire world is now in doubt.
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, which leads to the development of more life goals that lead to life wisdom. The news also serves as a social connection tool, as we tend to relate to those who know about and believe the things we do. With the power of an open truth-seeking mind in hand, the individual can grow wise and the collective can prosper.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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I agree with the basic premise of this article, but how about starting out with the fact that the current administration undoubtedly STOLE the election fraudulently in the first place? I also disagree with what you have said about Ukraine and Russia, but I suspect you do not have all the facts yet. The energy – well, MY take was that the keystone pipeline was closed because that was a competitor to the interests of the Rockefellers and THEIR oil. So, I don’t wholly agree with EVERY point, but overall a great article anyway. Great that you raised this issue of trust. I can only say that I KNOW that this destruction is occurring BY DESIGN, and I even have a copy of the plan that describes this. The part that you really nailed was the fact that it is abundantly clear that the administration you have now doesn’t give a fig about the ordinary American system – these are self-serving people who do not deserve to “serve” the American people. Thank you for raising some great points.
By the way, you will understand EXACTLY what I’m saying above once more of the truths trickle through, which they WILL. There are going to be many shocked people, and especially those who are asleep or WOKE as opposed to awake, and it will be up to the awake to hopefully show kindness, patience and assistance to those just waking up. We need a LOT more love and kindness in our world.
I might add that this is not peculiar to the United States, and extends to all western “democracies” just at the moment, because they’re all part of the same movement. Canada is also in pretty poor shape with their leadership, and New Zealand. Australia has just changed its government recently, however, it isn’t clear whether they don’t just have a version of “the red and the blue” (which you find in every western nation), aka controlled opposition. I guess time will tell. UK is not doing any better either, as Boris has been dutifully playing his role, just the same as the US.